Not necessary on the mark, to have heraldry/history of it. Found or bought is sufficient for this. Just needed to know whether the price is truly market or discounted. You've answered that.
I'm musing over adding a day warm up period for the healing mark so that it can't be swapped throughout the party to bypass healing for everyone, sort of similar to the ring of sustenance, certainly at the price point it's at (read as REALLY affordable for a non-divine character not needing healing). Having raped and abused Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind for years with custom item creation, I know the value of 1 continuous point of healing, ... AND its limitations as well. That's ultimately why I accepted it, because it won't save you from disintegration, called death blows, death effects, death by massive damage, or just straight blows past -10.) Yet, healing is one of those must-haves that can really nuke balance in the classes more than not needing food, so long as you can just survive to end of combat (pass it around and no healing spells ever need casting). What do you think about a warm-up period, especially since fast healing is generally reserved to epic levels? Even a day warm-up would take away any real chance to abuse it, all reservations of me permitting in this game, and would make it acceptable at the given price, but not really harm your personal use at all (unless you WERE planning to pass it around
). Lol