I'd say the main problem with activity this game is that nobody was given motivation to actually hunt anybody, except for KoD. A faint looming threat of maybe you die isn't going to motivate a survivor to be proactive when they have no information flowing to them. Case in point, town sheeping me on OG instead of following basic logic that me directing storm to Tevish and storm being killed the same night is sus because they couldn't be bothered to make enemies themselves. Tevish didn't live because he was never sus, he lived because nobody cared enough to lynch him.
What do you mean town sheeping?
I would say it was literally me and Storm who were the only ones who were trying to solve anything in the game thread and took everything seriously.
I will say that I kinda figured out that Tevish was the one by thinking it through.
Exlight was under a Wall of Text
Queenie was royalty
Amber was royalty
Abi seemed to be a survivor
That leaves Mint and Tevish.
Mint said something about them not going to be active too much, and the Mod would want the bad guys to be more of an active and not absent when stuff goes down. So, Zinger prolly wouldn't pick Mint for a bad guy role.
So that leaves me with Tevish, who was always active but rarely, but waited in the shadows.
But, I had no way to prove it and I would have been scrutinized if I did bring this as my proof.