one mafia aligned cult seems more likely to me than both a cult and a mafia (both because it would be hard to balance double threats in a 10 player game and because we have had no confirmed NKs).
its possible storm didn't start the game as mafia, for instance.
That's absolutely possible, but it's also likely in my mind that the "Cult" may have other controls rather than just being a cultafia. You know, aside from my role existing. A group of finite expansion, or that has to utilize the inheritance mechanic somehow, could function as a second threat alongside, probably, a 2-man maf.
So, a few suppositions. I think anyone who has played with Zinger before and was dealt a cult leader would probably cult Zinger on priority based on knowing he loves cults. Limits the chance of being backstabbed by your first recruit playing to their starting rather than current alignment. I'm not sure who leader Zinger would go for, other than probably not KoD, so I can't tell so much from Zinger's behavior if he's been culting people. He does have his NLP, which means he was telling the truth about his Thief power, but I think it's possible for him to omit information? Especially if culting were to be alignment-derived?
I'm going down a rabbit hole of madness I did not want to enter, trying to outguess the mod on what non-busted cult mechanics might be for a game of this scale.
Let me help you out with that terribad analysis of yours.
Were I a cult leader, I would always target Freddeh first. If Freddeh is not a playing in the game, I would probably target you, Tevish, second. Why you? Because of your play in A Spider-Man Mafia 3, mostly. I know you have a GIFT for leading Town astray, and I'd want that on my team. So if I were cult leader, in the absence of a Freddeh, odds are high you'd be cult with me right now.
I would almost never target KoD unless I was already doomed, and even then it would only be out of spite. Which, I guess, to your credit you did get correct.
My alignment has not changed this game. I think yours has, though.