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Joined: Sep 23, 2013 Posts: 2582
Xel nodded back at the man named Felix and swiped a quick glance left and right, "Perhaps age had affected my hearing and I heard wrong, but you introduced yourself as a Lord? It seems strange that a man bearing such a title would travel alone, without a single guard."
"Hmm?" His eyes shifted to the small form that just appeared with a mop and bucket. He eyed the child with quiet intent, something... ...
"I'm called Ayla, and...", another voice turned his attention back to the conversation. Xel smiled at the lady, "A fine name, Ayla. And Lily, was it?"
He took a moment to admire the avian as he rubbed the beard stubble around his chin, "I have heard tales of a travelling bard, who slept along these paths and claimed he dreamt of three things. A gigantic sea monster rising from the seas near Bascay, a pouch of gold buried under a tree along these paths and a black knight slaying bandits and taking their heads as trophies. It was at this moment that he woke up in cold sweat and continued his journey, the details of the dreams nagged at him for days before fading away. Then, a couple days more, he woke to the sounds of fighting. A knight, cladded in black from head to toe, was killing what he reasoned to be bandits. Hiding behind the bushes, he witnessed the knight slicing off the heads of his foes and bundling them up before riding away. Terrified, he didn't sleep and hastily ran in the opposite direction of the knight. A few days later, he stopped to rest under a tree. The vision from that dream returned. There was where he found the gold. Needless to say, he dug up the gold and subsequently entered Kadas. He told the people who would listen what happened to him but most dismissed his claims as crazy, that Bascay had yet to be ravaged by a sea monster and the black knight was a fragment of his imagination. But none could explain the gold."
"-And that is a rather heavy rumor, Felix, the kind best not said out loud. Yet, I can't deny my curiousity in knowing how true it might be."
Last edited by Confused on Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.