Well, sorry to hear about the professional stumbles, but if I can be candid, I tend to weight personal life over otherwise, so I'm glad to hear that's going better for you. I know there have been some setbacks over the course of the most recent past, so I hope it all continues on the positive trajectory.
Yeah, I tend to agree. It's just been a particularly tumultuous time for me in general, so it's a bit hard to gauge where I stand with any one thing.
In my corner of things, most exciting report I have to make is I just got done watching Dune part 2. There were some marked changes, but over all I find myself agreeing with the majority of them. There's one bit that I felt weakened it, but it's understandable the decision made. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
I was just talking to another friend of mine about that movie. He's extremely excited about it. I never watched the part one, so I'm not in any hurry to see it, although I'm sure I'll watch them both eventually. It's been a long time since I've read the book, so I might want to do that before watching this new interpretation.
Beyond all that, it's lately been on my mind the idea of parasocial relationships. It has... Unsettled me, in some regards as to how l value your friendship, but feel too vulnerable at the tenuous nature of our connection.
Well, from my understanding, parasocial relationships are less about online friendships like we have, and more the feeling people have towards celebrities and Internet personalities that have no knowledge or interest in those who are their fans. I do get what you're saying, though. The loss of so many of our friends on this site has definitely affected me and I am very thankful for those of you who are still around.
I'm just not great at reaching out...