gnomebitten wrote:
Just leave bad posts as they are. ... deleting posts should be reserved for posts that full of blatant things like shock images
So, just to jump in and play a bit of Devil's Advocate. These two sentences are mutually exclusive. Either you leave the bad posts (first thought), or you delete some things but not others (second thought).
If you subscribe to the idea of the second thought - that some things can be deleted - then the question really is, "Where is the line that determines the Yes/No condition?" For you, that line is goatse. That's fine - it's an opinion question, and that's a completely reasonable opinion. For us, the line is further than that. We don't want hate speech; we don't want profanity that should be caught by the censers; we don't want long chains of off-topic posts that actually derail the thread form it's intended topic or even within reasonable "topic drift."
Both your line and our line are reasoable answers. Other message boards move that line even further, for example removing anything having to do with politics or religion. Again, that's fine too; it's their forum and so they get to define the line.
Our goal - and we're still working to get better at it - is to excise as little information as possible. If somebody writes a paragraph and bypasses the filter once in that paragraph, we're not going to delete the whole post; we're going to edit the filter-dodge so that the filters can catch it and leave everything else as-is. Just as an easy example to make. On the other end of that, if John Doe makes a post that is nothing but hate speech, well.. we're going to remove the whole post, because editing it out the hate speech leaves no practical content. And it's not something we want to leave up as a lesson for others - that's something we don't want to be associated with at all. Those are the two obvious extremes of editing/deleting. Everything else is somewhere between those two.
Now, that said... I do agree that a spammy topic drift can be left in the thread if it's caught early and things can get steered back quickly. Ideally, a regular community member does that my making on-topic posts. Less ideally one of us has to come and nudge the thread. (And note that this is purely about spammy, no-content replies. If a full side conversation breaks out, we're more likely to take those posts and make a new thread out of them.) Deletion of spammy posts happens when neither of those two occur quickly, and the spam has threatened to take over the thread, even if a mod nudge does come along. What's the threshold for that? Good question. It's somewhere more than one and less than fifty. We're still finding the comfort zone and working to get the staff to the point where mods respond in roughly the same basic way.
And... this became a much bigger wall of text than I expected. So I'll stop there, except to say two more things: 1) We're trying to improve. Hopefully that's obvious. 2) Constructive feedback is welcome.