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 Post subject: Dominaria United Draft
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 5:11 pm 
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In my first draft of Dominaria United. This is my build + sideboard options.


Looking for feedback before I start the matches.

I 1st picked the WB multicolor 2 drop out of a mediocre pack, 2nd picked the white first strike knight, 3rd picked the WWB multicolor guy and ran from there. Little worried I have too many tap lands for a deck that wants to start fast, but I want the 4 G sources to play the multicolor cat and kick the Angel, then the RB for the couple domain cards. I waffled about even running the 2 WB lands but I want my colors when I need them and figure I have enough 2 drops to be playing out spells while my T3+ lands come in tapped.

What u think?

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:34 pm 
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Started the matches. 2-0 so far. Aggressive start with the 1st strike knight, WWB menace dood that can sac to pump the team, and a captains call got oppo to concede T5 G1. G2 was a long one, but an 8/8 sengir vampire and a kicked Angel won the game in the end. So far all the tapped lands hasn’t really slowed me down; the 9 2-drops and 2 1-drops has negated the cost of them

Initial thoughts: the white knight is hella good, sengir vampires is a house if unanswered, the two multicolor creatures I have seem very solid in their archetype.

The Benalish Faithbonders don’t feel very good in this build (better if their ability could be used on summoning sick creatures), but I *really* want to get an attack with one while the WG cat is in play to be tapped by them. Honestly might end up swapping with the 2cmc 3/2 zombie but lord that card seems bad to me with the life cost

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:44 pm 
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4-0 current results


Has been able to grind better than I anticipated. So far the number of removal spells plus the dash of recursion effects have been getting it across the line.

Big fan of both knights, white more than black but menace + pump still very useful. Sengir vampires won 2 games; really like that card. Got the cat to go off in a game after casting Captains Call. That was cool, but I still want to get the Faithbonders combo at least once

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:38 pm 
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Finished the run 7-2 :party:


In the end I think the deck overperformed. Clearly because I’m The Best Magic Player Ever.

Seriously tho, deck lacked bombs. Had a few B tier cards but no A tier and def no S tier. But the removal package and ability to recur my solid B listers was enough in the end. That and I was playing in bronze, I’m sure. Think at the higher ranks I’d be thrilled to get 4 wins out of it.


I really like the set in limited so far. I’m a sucker for sets where 3+ color decks are viable. Love that you can do minor splashes for better domain and kicker options. I’d like to do a G centered domain deck with my free draft, but imma try to be disciplined and not force anything

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:28 pm 
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Draft #2

Would appreciate any feedback.


Got a couple bombs this time. P1P1 the green wurm, followed by the 5/4 vigi creature out of a bad pack to try and cut off green, then the X/3 domain 2 drop, then took the pyrexian 2/2 draw card as my first non-green card. Got the mythic black creature P2P1 and felt good that I was geared to GB at that point.

Think the green wurm is good for 4 wins it’s own if I can draw it, but I wasn’t as disciplined as I hoped and took some domain cards and duel lands over probably better options on account of trying to maximize my 3rd pick creature, and might have been better just focusing on GB. Might be making a mistake running the two ramp spells to fetch duals for my domain creatures but I’m not sure. With the black mythic’s ability the 2/4 wall that can sac creatures to draw cards might be better but idk.

Prob be leaning on my mythics and rares to win. Passed a tatiova late in the draft - think that card is boss level, and I already had my 2/2 green creature that draws a card if kicked with U, but I didn’t have any U lands so I sadly passed it. Wish my removal package was skewed to bites instead of fights but it is what it is.

Any changes you would make?

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 1:47 pm 
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game 1

Game 2

game 3

game 4

games 5 thru 8

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Last edited by The Secret of TIMH on Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:38 pm 
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3rd draft


Open to critiques and suggestions. Otherwise will just post results when I finish the run.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:29 am 
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Final results: 7-1


3 drafts, 3 trophies :party:


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:32 am 
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Draft 4:


Draft 5:


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:27 pm 
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Decided to get one more draft in before the new set drops. I was not happy with my draft (midway picked up Raff and tried to pivot to U/RW or straight Jeskai but gave up after not seeing any relevant dual lands) and didn’t have high expectations. Ended up going 7-2 lol.


In the 6 drafts I did for the set, 5 were max wins and 1 was max loses. Apparently I deal in extremes in this set’s format.



In the end, having 3 haste creatures in my 3 drop slot helped make up for some of the deficiencies in overall card quality (aka no bombs). Was able to cheese out aggro wins with strong T3s in several games

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2023 8:22 am 

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Played two drafts, hit seven wins in the first one and barely got to 3 in the second. This format hasn't made sense to me so far. Domain has some potentially powerful synergies, but there's barely any way to enable it. The dual lands do some work, but the spells that search for a land out of your library only search for basic lands. Several of the RG legends @ 4 mana look understatted to me for that reason. There are several creatures that have some effect when tapped, but the only real way to do that out of combat is via Enlist, and Enlist does not look like a strong mechanic (it doesn't add toughness). Maybe I'm overrating synergies by ambitiously stretching my manabase for three colors - but if I don't, then Domain looks really weak.

Here's an example of a deck which I could not figure out during draft. Started with Vodalian Mindslinger, which looks really strong, then didn't see much blue cards for too long so it looked like I was going to be R/G, and then a really late Djinn came along in pack 1 and I couldn't make up my mind.


Kind of inclined to just resign and go next tbh :D

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2023 2:51 pm 
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I had my best results when I went with aggressive builds relying on cheap creatures to get on the board quickly and removal to keep my attacks going. I didn’t have good results when I tried to get crazy with domain. I know you can build strong domain decks, but I didn’t myself and I went underneath a lot of oppo versions with more aggressive builds

I don’t like enlist. There are a couple good enlist creatures but as a mechanic broadly it’s not good imo. It needs to be able to boost toughness too or be able to enlist summoning sick creatures.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2023 8:14 am 

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Wow that deck reached 7 wins. I am surprised, I did not think it was good. Part of it was undoubtedly due to my draft ranking, currently silver, but still. During deckbuilding it felt like I had no way to make a coherent 2-color deck, so I built a RG deck with a light blue splash ("light", since it felt like Mindslinger was too strong not to play, so I needed 3 blue sources) and got there. I actually reached 6 wins before losing a couple of games, one to bad play and one to drawing all my high-mana cards with no low-mana cards save the Snarespinner.

Tatyova is quite strong. 3-mana 3/3 is acceptable, and if you make it to 7 lands she's an endless stream of 3/3 flyers and so demands an answer. I learned to my cost one game though that if she dies, the lands remain creatures but don't fly anymore. Rulik Mons was, eh. Most of my games he actually got to attack, in which case he's excellent. Having so much removal might have been a factor. But on opponent's turn it was always "don't play a big creature, don't play a big creature".

What do you think of the 1-mana 1/1 blue flyer that enables Domain?

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2023 9:56 pm 
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I love Tatyova. She wins games that go long and is perfectly reasonable play on curve too.

The flyer with kicker I assume you mean? I don’t think it’s ever a high pick but think it’s serviceable if you’re playing domain cards. The kicker makes it playable imo; 3/3 flyers for 5 are generally playable in limited. I never ran in it any U two color decks tho, I don’t think it’s more than filler unless your deck cares about domain or kicker synergies

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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2023 5:52 am 

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3/3 flyers for 5 are generally playable in limited

I'm surprised, would've thought that's unplayable level. 5-mana 3/4 flyer with upside (Cloudreader Sphinx) is a good card, but 5-mana 3/3 flyer sounds like unplayable level to me.

After P1P1 Rona's Vortex do you take Citizen's Arrest or Talas Lookout? My inclination is always to take the more powerful card, which is surely Citizen's Unrest, but maybe that's why I end up with monstrosities like the deck above. Like, after:

P1P1 Rona's Vortex
P1P2 Talas Lookout
P1P3 Tatyova
P1P4 Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful or Soaring Drake or Tolarian Terror?

The two blue cards are not bad, but Rona should be very strong in UG. I'm very tempted to take Rona, but it's virtually impossible to play Rona and Tatyova in the same deck. How do you differentiate between "staying open" and "picking cards that are out of your colors"?

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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2023 10:51 am 
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I don’t mean playable as good. Filler is playable and in most limited sets a 5 mana 3/3 flyer is at least filler level imo. In my estimation if I’m talking about an unplayable card it’s one that makes my deck worse and while a fairly expensive evasive 3/3 might not make my deck better it usually doesn’t make it worse.

That early I’d prob take the white removal. I think it’s a better card than your first pick. However I do like the 3/2 flyer that draws a card so I might take that to try and cut off blue.

I’d take Rona in that spot, staying open to some combination to Ubg. I don’t think the two legends are virtually unplayable in same deck - Tatyova is at her best in the late game anyways and there’s dual lands to help splashes. It might not come together as a 3 color deck but perfectly reasonable to speculate there I think. If Rona wasn’t in pack I’d take Terror over drake no question. Terror is pretty good, drake is filler

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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2023 6:58 pm 

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Tatyova is GG though and Rona is BB, both of which should be very ambitious in a deck that's primarily blue. Sounds like you stretch your manabase even more than I do :D

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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2023 10:57 pm 
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Haha! I generally don’t (exception being the draft I posted where I tried to get too cute with a Naya domain build that was just too slow and clunky and went 0-3). But there’s a world where you end up primarily UB and pick up some UG/BG duals that aid spells that care about domain and/or a kicker cost or two and can run Tatyova as a late game bomb with no real intention of casting on curve. Lotta sets I wouldn’t consider splashing a 2-pip off color spell but Dominaria United has good amount of fixing so not out of the question.

It’s a little Christmas-y to think you’ll be able to play both, but at worst you stay open to being UB *or* UG depending on how the rest of draft goes and your opportunity cost is passing a Terror, which isn’t nothing but is worth it P1P4 imo. Different story if you’re looking solidly UG and open Rona P3P4.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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