Alright, I'm rested up a bit better.
So yesterday Zinger had scum on me (assuming he didn't get scum on Tevish since he used the exact same statement first on him than on me and seemingly was insistent on me). I believe CL also got scum on me as well. I got town on myself.
Goose got a nil result on Dusky (Dusky being a jester and all). Then he got town on CL. I, too, got CL as town on this round of investigations.
Arrgh targeted me for a town result on the second round of investigations. On the first round he got uhhhhhh *checks notes*
Aaarrrgh wrote:
My interpretation of his post is that he investigated KoD and got a scum result.
@Zinger: if I'm wrong about your investigation, please call me trash.
Zinger wrote:
Thank you Mary-Jane Watson.
Interesting. Way to be obfuscate.
Tevish got guilty on Zinger (and Zinger wasn't the one). Arrgh got town on himself.
That should be all the results thus far.
That being said, it doesn't help us much as we already know the killer is hiding among us four though as what is the question. What we can assume is that Tevish was either the paranoid or insane player given his guilty result on Zinger and Zinger turning up as not The One (I'm assuming The One to be the Krampus even though we're not in the Xmas Rumble so obv this is going to be horrible).
Zinger, too, claimed a "scum"/guilty result either on me or Tevish. Maybe because his responses were not all that clear. In any event, both Zinger and Tevish take up the insane/paranoid roles given their results (or potential results). Depending on how you look at it, if Tevish was the paranoid one and Zinger the insane one, then I'm clear given his result and assuming you believe Zinger targeted me and got the scum result. That's about the only noteworthy piece of information that can be pulled from that mess, unless you don't believe Zinger targeted me in which case it's open ended anyway which isn't too far from square one.
At this point that means concretely that one of the three of us (thus far) is lying about their result/s. Strictly speaking, none of us can be paranoid or insane since those two roles are taken by Zinger and Tevish. If this looks weird, it's because I've been excluding CL up to this point and focusing exclusively on us with the strictly town resutls. Arrgh with town on himself and me, me with town on myself and CL, and Goose with a nil on Dusky and town on CL strictly means that one of us is lying as we can't all be nice/naive.
I'm going to keep CL to the side for the moment.
Both Arrgh's and my first result on similar in that we targeted ourselves and got town on ourselves. Both Goose's and my second results are similar in that we both targeted CL and got town. Note that Arrgh's second result was on me as town which flies in the face of both scum results (Zinger and CL assuming you take Zinger's investigation to be on me based on his responses). Of the three of us, Goose is the only one to receive a result that isn't exactly compatible with the known standard sanities. After all, everything we know is still wrong so what is to say that we're not dealing with a random sanity? Despite the existence of a jester, you'd think naive would still produce a nice/innocent result regardless of the role, right? At least that is what I would assume; however, it's possible, though I wouldn't say equally possible to the existence of a random sanity, that the jester naturally has a chance to return a nil result to whoever investigates it. If that were the case, then we would still be at the beginning of trying to untangle this.
So far we've got two assumptions that can advance our state: assuming Zinger targeted me and was insane (no proof of his sanity) and assuming Goose is a random sanity due to the nil result on Jester Dusky (no conclusive proof that the Jester simply has a chance to return a nil result).
If I take just the random sanity assumption as truth, that would mean CL is The One. Why? Because of the nil result, which doesn't fit the standard sanities, Goose is a random sanity which leaves naive/nice with Arrgh and I (in any combination) while CL is the ***ONLY*** player left that has a guilty/scum result on me despite Tevish and Zinger both having scum results and both being dead (which means they take up the two sanities paranoid and insane).
So, based on that, I would conclude CL to be The One; however, everything we know is still wrong, right? Well, I have no **** clue what it is I'm doing, and I'm still at square one if CL is being honest about his result. I mean, Zinger was Peter Parker or something with two different results potentially if the whole, "You're trash, Brock," is supposed to be an indication of his result/s. Nothing, as previously stated by me, exactly clears that up for sure, unless the thank you he gave to Arrgh was meant as a , "Yes, you're right," despite Arrgh specifically asking to be called trash if he was wrong about his interpretations of Zinger's words.
So hey, I got nothing except my fingers which are still capable of wallsmithing.