While I don't have a problem with the existence of this
Secret Lair in particular (I do hate the concept and the aesthetics of
Secret Lairs in general, though) or the intended message behind it (I mean other than "mOnEy!"), there is one major thing that pisses me off. Sydney Adams, as we can gather from her article, is clearly aware of black characters from older lore (at least from the Mirage War, and she sure projects some wishful thinking onto Jolrael) as well as Teferi's wife and daughter, and she outright admits that Shalai isn't black in her original art... but somehow she still chose to pick her for this
Secret Lair. And nobody stopped her, neither Nic Kelman nor the art department.
With the last card of the set revealed and the final story told, I hope my efforts will be seen for what they are. I hope my intentions are taken the way I intend. I hope you can feel my heart, and how much this product meant to me.
No, they are not, and no, I cannot. Taking a non-black character and appropriating her for a virtue signalling cash grab - at least to me - comes across as arrogant, disrespectful, lazy and disingenuous. Apparently Ms Adams is unaware of - or simply indifferent to - the fact that the integrity of Magic's fictional universe matters to people, and that returning to Dominaria after eleven years of waiting meant at least as much to them as this
Secret Lair means to her. I wrote a long rant about the art screw-ups in
Commander Legends and I won't shut up about this either.
This is exactly the kind of stuff that divides fandoms and makes people call each other names on the internet (pick your poison between "Raaaaciiist!" and "SJWs are ruuuining Magic!"). Besides, WotC simply isn't in any position to virtue signal. At all. We are still talking about the company that cut the return of Zhalfir in favour of a terrible Core Set that didn't sell and that refuses to return to Kamigawa because it was "too Japanese" or whatever. The same company also thought it was okay to just make Teferi a planeswalker again with next to no explanation. Off screen. With zero story time dedicated to it. That's not even mentioning the fact that they just plucked Kaya out of any context she existed in after
War of the Spark and shoved her into
Kaldheim to hunt down Vorinclex, for no other reason than that they thought a black woman as the face of the set would get them likes on Twitter. Kaya's character and story don't matter, only optics do. Which is doubly sad in the case of
Kaldheim because I would have loved to see Koth hunting down Vorinclex instead. You know, another black character who actually 1.) has a reason to be after Vorinclex, 2.) hasn't shown up since forever, and 3.) would have actually been thematically appropriate for the set, because you can't get much more Metal than Koth. I could go own about the fact that Tarkir and Kaladesh are built entirely on paradoxes and retcons, which is another thing that creates a divide between people looking for representation and people looking for creative integrity. So no, I'm not buying it. Actions, not words.
Imagine a little Zhalfirin boy reading about Jolrael in his history book and being inspired to explore more of the natural world.
Oh, and since the article mentions Zhalfir that much, what's going on with the artwork on
Path of Ancestry? That boy's hair and clothes don't look remotely Zhalfirin to me, no matter how many times the article tries to assure me of that. I guess getting the look of Magic's most prominent black setting right wasn't important enough to the "creative lead" of this product. Besides, Zhalfir was phased out about a decade after this stuff happened (which the article conveniently ommits), so no, this isn't a very likely scenario anyway. Really,
Core 21 did a better job at everything this
Secret Lair is supposedly trying to accomplish. At least it featured many prominent black characters that are
actually black, and it made a real effort to capture the look of the setting. Maybe I'll live to see the day when Zhalfir returns for real and Teferi being a 'walker again actually matters and makes sense, but until that happens, I can do without any more of Wizard's hypocrisy.
Oh, and one last thing:
I thought about why she chose to protect the Llannowar elves in the Phyrexian invasion, her most notable achievement. Then I realized, of course she would. In human-dominated Dominaria, Llanowar elves are in some ways, a marginalized group.
I guess someone is projecting their own victim mentality on a fictional group of elves. I mean, come the hell on. Imagine someone walking into Llanowar and asking the elves whether they feel marginalised by humans. They'd probably have a good laugh at that, before piercing the intruder with arrows. Llanowar is a lush, gigantic forest that the elves live in by choice, not a ghetto or a social housing block.