What we know so far (Playername: Claimed N0 Target, Result; Claimed N1 Target, Result):Shadow Amber (confirmed Town): N0 Shadow Amber,
N1 Unknown,
Killed by KillerMe (Zinger): N0 Mongoose,
N1 KoD,
KillerTevish: N0 KoD,
N1 Tevish,
KillerJayDreven: N0 KoD,
N1 Mongoose,
InnocentMongoose: N0 Shadow Amber,
N1 Zinger,
InnocentKoD: N0 Tevish,
N1 Unknown*
*KoD was the last to reveal his results on both Days so far...
What can we determine from all this information? Let's see...
For starters, it's probably a safe assumption that somebody's results N0 were flipped. Also, somebody's results are straight up a lie, so that's 2 out of 6 N0 results that we can't trust. That's 66% reliable results. N1, on the other hand, only has 1 out of 5 results we can't trust (or 80% reliable results), given we know the Killer was busy in Amber's room. N1, therefore, is much more important than N0 in terms of useful information to be analyzed.
Tevish and I both got double naughty on two separate targets. This is interesting and perhaps useful information.
Mongoose is the only player to get
different results (one Killer, one Innocent).
JayDreven is the only player to get double Innocent results. Of course, we don't know (and will never know) if Shadow would have also turned up a second Innocent result, but for now, the most likely Naive cop is JD. It's still possible that Shadow or even Mongoose are Naive instead of JD.
There's probably even more that can be gleaned from all this, but without knowing who was flipped N0 there's still too many gaps in the information to make any solid conclusions.