Would it have been that hard to present the Kaladesh conflict between rebels and consulate as one in which both sides have been fighting each other for so long that they are virtually indistinguishable from one another?
It could be done but why? Are you hoping for a story where the gatewatch tries to interfere less and lets a meaningless war continue, or one where they still help end a war but it isn't as heroic? In general I don't think making groups "indistinguishable" is great for storytelling.
If Magic was going to spend a lot of time on this plane then maybe they could do a deeper exploration a the consequences of a meaningless civil war, but from the aesthetic I don't think they should spend a lot of time on a world with so many robots. There is a limit to how much story they can make for each set and this needed to tie into the lead up to War of the Spark. The next set was going to have a "bad" ending so this one shouldn't be a downer. They wanted a quick story with a happy ending and a heroic revolution gives them that.
I'm guessing some people will say that the story shouldn't have been focused on the Gatewatch and should have been more than a stepping stone for Bolas leading to War of the Spark. It should have been focused on random individuals trying to live their lives in violent times. That's a bigger discussion not focused on Kaladesh.