Luna i need you to watch Overlord so I can watch you insult it. Idkw but i just want to read that for some reason.
I might, since I think just about anything would be better than Queen's Blade Rebellion, which I thought to watch but think I'm going to have to drop after just one episode. I thought it would be a nice guilty pleasure, but I want to label it an atrocity of animation
1 with what seems to be a godawful dub
2 and character designs that I wasn't ready for even after seeing the franchise mainly through hentai. I remember long ago I watched the first episode of what was probably the original Queen's Blade and in my head it looked a lot better than this.
Didn't mean to go on a tangent like that, but I thought I'd rant a little. I've been kind of sticking with older titles whenever I can, even when I haven't been feeling like I have lately, but I've also got a list dozens long of titles that I want to watch (or finish) eventually, so I'm always a bit slow to get to the things people talk about (or when I ask for recommendations). I also just don't watch things very fast -- I'll watch ~10 episodes a week if I'm going
quickly through a series, and less than half that speed if I'm not particularly feeling it (like with Yu Yu Hakusho).
Point being, I'll consider it since my impulses always turn out to be ****, but I have so many other things I want to get to (and there's three seasons of Overlord besides
3) that it will likely be a while.
1This is probably grading on a curve, since if there's anything that Kenny Lauderdale has taught me, it's that I AM NOT PREPARED for the truly awful animation that passed for anime in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
2The first episode opens with a "laughing villainess" scene that is done equally awfully in both Japanese and English, but there is a CLEAR moment later on where the English line finishes, but there's a second or two of lip flaps that are just left in... silent...
3This is too confusing and hilarious not to share: on Funimaiton's site, season one is available subbed for free but the dub is behind a subscription (normal for a lot of their shows), season 2 is ENTIRELY behind their subscription, and season 3 is ONLY available in English (also behind their subscription)(and yes, all three seasons are available on Crunchyroll).
I am also curious what would happen if Luna read the synopsis of the HOTD ova episode. I’m guessing you haven’t yet for ... reasons.
Oh, no, I've watched the OVA in both languages, too. HIDIVE is the one subscription service I actually pay for, and they're the only ones with the OVA available to stream, too. I actually kind of respect the OVA for just plainly putting out what it is and what it's trying to be, instead of the main series which tries to dress up its immaturity in a gown of implied depth.