Sorry to hear that. This happens to me every few years too. I would suggest not deleting or trading your account. You're going to miss this after a long while, even though you don't believe me right now. It's tough to keep up with every single day, and you eventually get to the point where you're thinking "couldn't I be spending my time better." And then a few months or years later you're like "gee, I really miss Magic, wonder what the newest set is like" and you're back. I don't understand how streamers like CGB do it. Dude's been playing Magic every single day since Magic: Duels was out, and he actually mentioned burnout in one of his recent videos.
If it makes you feel better, I'm doing the same. My kid still plays on my profile but I've taken to only playing about once a week now. If you, CGB and I are all getting burnout at the same time, it might just be the game and not us. I used to advocate for high level power across the board but I'm starting to change my mind. The current power-creep is just out of control IMO and the constant bans are getting frustrating.
Hope to see you again soon bro.
Wow, that's a truly remarkable post.
My problem with Magic right now is that it feels there's little player agency. Opponent plays Fervent Champion into Robber of the Rich into Anax into Embercleave on the play - game is over, I made no relevant decisions. Meanwhile if it's me with that start, I still made no relevant decisions, it's a simple "jam the best threat every turn". Just as miserable is e.g. a game where the board is near parity and then one player plays The Great Henge. Suddenly they're going to win unless opponent draws removal for it, which they might indeed have in their deck, but they don't know where it is in the deck. Meanwhile it's very miserable as opponent's board advantage grows every turn even if it's not decisive yet. "There's an exact sequence of cards I and opponent might draw that might still result in me winning" is great fun if I actually win, but the vast majority of the time it doesn't work out. Equally miserable is to control The Great Henge knowing you are going to win if opponent doesn't topdeck an answer. It's like kicking someone while they're down, knowing you haven't
won yet, but also knowing you are vastly favored.
It's possible problems such as these are fundamental, but on the other hand, I did enjoy Magic in the past. I liked playing Bant Ramp and Nexus and Selenesya tokens. Still, somewhere in the past year I stopped enjoying the game. We'll see if that changes in the future. It might, or it might not - I quit Hearthstone in a similar way, and never reinstalled. Right now I find myself missing pre-homecoming Gwent. Post-homecoming Gwent has some nice improvements, but it does feel like many of the new features cut out the heart of the game. Mythgard is still Mythgard and like an improved Magic, but it's sorely lacking in playerbase. I might wind up quitting card games entirely.
Cucho for the considerate comment, and I guess I will unblock Barney since I'm quitting after all