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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:44 pm 
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Looking forward to new set in limited. M21 didn’t hold my interest, but ZR looks fun

Set mechanics = party, landfall, kicker, land/spell dual face cards

:b: = primary rogues / secondary clerics, mill, + counters

:u: = primary wizards / secondary rogues, mill, kicker

:g: = + counters, landfall, kicker (doesn’t have particular focus on 1 party member, but has the only non-artifact creatures that count as all types)

:r: = primary warriors / secondary wizards, landfall, equipment

:w: = primary clerics / secondary warriors, landfall, equipment

Color pairs. Non-mythic gold cards plus some signpost uncommons:

:w::b: = clerics, lifegain

:w::r: = warriors, equipment

:u::b: = rogues, mill (caring about # cards in opps graveyard)

:u::r: = wizards, spells

:w::u: = party

:r::b: = party

:w::g: = landfall

:r::g: = landfall

:b::g: = + counters

:g::u: = ramp/kicker

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:47 pm 
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Looking at 3 color pairs, it seems like there are themes you might splash for in your 2 color focus. I’ll update as I look more, but what I think I’ve identified so far:

Abzan = + counters, Naya = landfall, Mardu = equipment, Bant = party, Temur = ramp/kicker

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:56 pm 

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I think 3 colors might be a bit ambitious. I dont think I've looked at the entire list but I dont remember seeing any dual lands so unless you're gonna fight everyone at the table for green ramp I just dont see it happening that often.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:21 pm 
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I’m not thinking heavy 3 color decks, more you’re in a 2 color deck but splash for a card or two. Like you’re in Boros but splash black for the RB equipment, or in Gruul but splash for a white landfall spell.

As far as fixing outside green, there’s the 2/1 artifact who party fixes AND color fixes at a cost of :2:, a 3 mana artifact that can produce any color (and creates 2 duplicates of itself if kicked), a black land aura that can produce any color at cost of 1 life, a rare land that can produce 2 of any color for kicked spells, an uncommon land that produces any color for party member spells, and the cycle of pathways that can come down as one of two colors without any draw backs. Even the other multiface cards that can be a land or a spell could be desirable when considering whether to splash a 3rd color - functioning as a source for a card you want to splash for, or an extra spell if you found another source first.

I don’t think it will be like the Godzilla set easy to run 3 colors, but I think it can support light splashes

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:26 pm 
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Set is available on draftism for mock drafting

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:22 am 

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I think using the dual sided land/spell cards (not the land/land) for your splash is a mistake but maybe I'm wrong and that's the way it's intended. Maybe we have 20-22 lands in a draft deck because 5 of them are spells but you still want to keep your main colors in a high percentage of those lands. Can't keep a 3-4 land hand if all of them are your splash color. This will be an interesting set to draft. Stonework Packbeast seems really slow for color fixing outside of a "party" deck.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 4:11 am 

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Going back and looking at the Land/Spell cards.

The spells attached to the 5 MR lands all require 3 mana of a specific color (ex GGG) except the R one, it requires RR.
The spells attached to the 5 Rare lands all require 2 mana of a specific color except the U and R one which only require 1.
There are 4 Uncommon Land/Spell cards for each color. They all require only 1 color specific mana with the exception of 1 B, 1 R, and 1 W each which require 2 specific mana.

You're only drafting the R/MR lands for your main colors. You're not drafting something that requires 3 specific mana when 1 of your fixers is attached to that spell. We're not majorly concerned about that as R/MR lands just aren't going to be seen that often. The uncommons seem easier to float as splash cards, none of them look to terribly exciting but several are playables.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:08 am 
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Thought about it more, and did a number of mock drafts on draftism (which, ironically feels more out of line now that arena does live drafts - far as I can tell, draftism bots always take the highest rated cards by their system in the packs, but real humans have preferences in play styles and good **** can wheel).

My guestimates on running more than two colors (outside of the random splash-a-bomb) is we’ll see it in Naya landfall and Party decks. I think like shrines in M21, there’s a 4/5 color Party deck we will see occasionally.

If you cut off green early and slide into landfall, there’s fixing you will already be looking to pick up for landfall triggers. If you get the Party land (uncommon, so maybe be able to snag multiples occasionally), the 2/1 artifact creature is another fixing source that synergizes with getting a full party. I was able to draftism a 4C party deck that seemed playable.

(Common and uncommon fixing for Party deck)

I also think there might be a temur kicker deck. Same as landfall if you corner green early (and both RU and GR pathways exist), but unlike landfall, my kicker draftisms always stuck to GU.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 12:32 pm 
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Some combos to look out for:

surprise deathtouch plus shrink to keep deathtoucher alive post combat

drop land 6, kick taunter, wurm kills your choice of opps untapped creatures and survives combat

infinite value engine

drain combo

Any of the land pick up creatures + spell lands (except the 2 mana force spike, that one sucks and you shouldn’t play it). Format is on the slower side; drop them as lands early to hit your land drops, and pick them up later to cast spell side

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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Last edited by The Secret of TIMH on Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:18 pm 

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Draftsim keeps giving me the same **** cards. I cant tell you how many times I saw Kaza, Roil Chaser. Multiple times in same draft and in multiple drafts.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:35 pm 
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Ok so I got the 3 draft tokens from the preorder bundle and I will try to make the most of them so I´m all about limited for the next few weeks.

I like to do my homework so I listened to the Crash course of the limited and there are a few things that are interesting to point out.

First the removal vs the toughness.


Best Commons and Uncommons:







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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:54 pm 

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Damn Cucho, doing my homework for me. Thanks bro

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:53 pm 

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I hate it when they push mill in limited. Mill is immensely more powerful in limited when you only need to mill 26 or so cards to win. It can be kept in check during an in person draft but when you're playing against people who drafted in another pod it can be completely out of hand.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:14 pm 
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Watching drafts on the early release streams. Seen a couple 3+ color decks already. One build around Party. Wasn’t good - I dunno if they just didn’t draw their good payoffs, but it wasn’t impressive. Another built around Omnath. Wasn’t great - whole deck was built around casting and triggering Omnath, gained a **** ton of life but ended up decking cause it couldn’t break board stall vs BW clerics. Another was Jund landfall (black splashed just for removal it seemed). That was pretty solid - got tall, removed obstacles, stomped.

Early observations:
-The 0/5 blue creature that goes 5/5 when cast kicker spell is a beast in that deck. Watched someone draft 2 copies in a UG deck with 8 kicker spells, and it won multiple games for them (helped that 5 of their kicker spells kicked for a total of 4 mana or less, 3 were the new blink of an eye, allowing them to tempo stomp with the 5/5).

-The green spell that puts a 1/1 counter on target creature, gains 2, allows an extra land drop and draws a card seems bad. If you remove the creature targeted for the 1/1 counter in response, it fizzles the spell (and there’s a good deal of removal).

-Spell lands are the real deal. The 2/2 bird, 4/5 hellion, 6/5 beast etc that pick up lands are very sexy if you‘ve drafted some spell lands

EDIT: lol, Cucho, I saw you were on LordTupperware’s stream. Did you catch the Omnath game?

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:02 pm 

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I think splashing is about the best your going to get outside a rare green based landfall deck or party deck with 3 Base Camps which would be lucky as hell

Without true dual lands, and the fake ones we have sitting at rare, I just dont see a 3 or 4 color deck

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:25 pm 
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From the things I could see, Black and Blue seems to be the best colors, the format feels slowish kinda like Dominaria, and you count your MDFC as lands and go for 18-19 lands if you got 3-5 MDFC.

The format seems FUN, I have been doing some "drafting" on I made one with 8 people another with 7 and somo more with 5.

This are the decks I was able to build:


Really useful to get a feel of the format.

FLYERS seems to be AMAZING.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:21 am 

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First draft, I P2P1'ed the mythic colorless artifact and then never saw anything that taps for colorless. Is that card even playable?

Also I went 0-3 in my first sealed pool losing to bombs, sheesh. I'm already somewhat losing interest in the format, good thing I'm not playing the invitational.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:23 am 
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Banedon wrote:
First draft, I P2P1'ed the mythic colorless artifact and then never saw anything that taps for colorless. Is that card even playable?

There are 3 lands that tap for colorless, but 2 are rares. It’s a constructed card. I suppose it’s possible to draft a deck where it’s playable (lord effect, little ramp and lifegain), but that seems suuuuuper fringe with the set’s pool and I can’t see myself taking it for anything other than collection building.

What did you lose to?

I don’t think your pool looks awful, but I wonder about some choices in the build. Don’t think you have quite enough kicker spells to justify the 2x Riptides. If you made some inclusions with the Party mechanic in mind (the Stalker and 2x Protectors), I think it was a mistake to leave the 7/5 artifact in sideboard. Alternatively, you could have focused more on Wizard synergy and run the white 3/3 wizard, the 2 blue instants in sideboard, and prob even Smite the Monstrous since you weren’t heavy on removal and could use extra ways to answer bombs. I think the build could have been more focused.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:00 pm 
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:48 pm 
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Sealed went 3-3 so just 100 gems lost
Then I did my first draft, I pivoted to red in the middle of P1 and ended up in Boros aggro... I swear I did not force it!!!
any way this was the deck:


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