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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:32 am 
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UW and Esper control are bad enough as it is. All the bounces and counters has completely destroyed any fun in Magic Arena, to the point I log once a week to play some jank. I haven't touched Ranked in months.

Fair play, people should play what they want, but someone from this forum decided to bring a Tier 1 deck into the casual playlist. All the rares and mythics as copied from Aetherhub. No creatures, just removal after removal, very destructive and un-fun to play against.
Tier 1 decks belong in events and ranked. Just because you can't pilot your deck past Gold, doesn't mean you should bring it to Casual, where we try to have some fun, play jank, or try out new combos.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:59 am 
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it's for people that feel they need to practice and test-pilot their decks, or they are bad players and can't win with them in ranked.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:30 am 

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People define fun differently and they decide how and when to spend their time to maximize their enjoyment. Decklists are not restricted in "Play" so people can do whatever they want.

If it was my account, sorry, that was my son. We share an account and he doesnt play ranked, but that doesnt mean he has to avoid tier 1 decks.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:46 am 
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Another perspective. I'm really a bo1 player. During seasons that I care about ranked I pilot only one or two of my strongest decks in ranked. When a quest comes up where I need one of my other decks, standard or historic, tier or jank, I play it in the casual Play cue until I complete the quest. If the quest coincides with the deck I'm ranking with I just stay in ranked.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:11 am 

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I play jank in ranked and tier1 decks in ranked. Same for unranked. I don't give a **** about where I end up in mythic, I'm not competitive at all.

If it was me, I might have played with rares and mythics. Sorry.

And again, if it was me, I can guarantee that whatever it was I played, wasn't copied from any website. I brew my own stuff, I like the challenge.

I currently have about 20 or so themed decks, 3 of them are competitive on ranked, about 5 more are around 50% winrate on ranked but more funto play, the rest are below 50% but has awesome janky stuff in them.

Oh wait, you mention gold rank. Wasn't me then, haven't been in gold in months.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:56 am 

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Because I want to win quickly, get my quests/daily wins done, and log off.

Why not play ranked then? Because I also want to be able to concede games where I e.g. mulligan to 5 or find I'm playing against a bad matchup without worrying too much about the consequences.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:13 am 

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Mwuanno wrote:

Oh wait, you mention gold rank. Wasn't me then, haven't been in gold in months.

Ranking doesn't mean anything in "Play". that was just him venting that whoever was doing it must not be able to reach gold in the first place. because, you know, if you don't understand why someone is doing something you don't like you should just assume the worst and insult them accordingly.

Secretly aspires to be a Nihilist.

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