Or, y'know run duress and thought erasure
Well, maybe that's just my personal bias, after all I'm more of a Timmy than a Spike but cards like Thought Erasure or counters in general just suck the fun out of Magic for me. Yes, these cards increase the number of options in the game, they add a layer of complexity yadda yadda, but ultimately more isn't always better.
I get that people like to play these cards, denying someone else is fun for some people. Others play it for they are Spikes and that's okay from a competitive PoV.
For me it's more about fun and the opponent's deck choice - sadly - has a huge impact on that. It's not about winning or losing, as much as I hate losing, but on a fun scale you just can't win vs this kind of deck, no matter who ends up with 0 life.
I still haven't played with Thought Erasure, but I've been on the receiving end quite a few times. And it certainly is annoying when they remove your key card turn 2. On the other hand, against Dimir, it's a real thrill to keep a Nullhide Ferox in hand, playing out everything else asap. I've seen numerous conceeds when they cast thought erasure and realise they have to discard that. (I've also seen them pick that to discard out of a full hand without knowing/reading the cardtext, and then conceed after spending 10 more seconds hovering over the creature on the board)
I'm actually not that bothered about thought erasure, compared to simic flash archetype. Opponents entire deck made up of counterspells and playing in your end step. Fun, fun, fun.