Not running Kenrith's Transformation seems loose - it's a cantrip-ing removal spell that can also upgrade your creatures if necessary. I'd probably have subbed out Familiar, which doesn't seem good without Witcher's Oven.
Speaking of which, this pile went 7-2 after starting 0-2. I'm surprised. I thought it didn't have the power level to compete, losing quickly to e.g. Revenge of Ravens.
2 x
Cauldron's Familiar1 x
Witch's Oven1 x
Redcap Melee2 x
Smitten Swordmaster2 x
Reave Soul1 x
Piper of the Swarm1 x
Malevolent Noble1 x
Tempting Witch2 x
Lost Legion1 x
Redcap Raiders1 x
Clockwork Servant1 x
Foreboding Fruit1 x
Baked into a Pie1 x
Opportunistic Dragon1 x
Embereth Paladin2 x
Searing Barrage1 x
Prophet of the Pack1 x
Reaper of the Night8 x
Swamp8 x
Mountain1 x
Witch's CottageCards in sideboard not used: another Smitten Swordmaster, Lash of Thorns, Ferocity of the Wilds, Thrill of Possibility
In one pick I had the option between 2nd Familiar and 2nd Oven, took the Familiar because I figured it at least does something when I don't have the other combo piece, but in hindsight this was likely wrong. Two Familiars and one Oven doesn't work well, but two Ovens works great with one Familiar. Having Familiar without Oven is not much better than having Oven without Familiar too - it's just a 1/1, I don't make enough food to bring it back easily, and finally Oven protects my creatures against removal.
Opportunistic Dragon waaaay overperformed. I knew it was good, did not think it would be
that good. It was especially insane at e.g. stealing my opponent's Gingerbrute and feeding it to Familiar. After the first few games I realized the interaction was strong enough that I brought in Malevolent Noble instead of the 3rd Smitten Swordmaster. The Dragon was so good that one of the two losses was to an opponent with Covetous Urge taking my Dragon. I did forget that it also takes Humans though, which made my 6-2 game hairy. Piper of the Swarm was also great, although not nearly as much. Problem is even if opponent can't answer it, it takes several turns and lots of mana before I get to steal a creature. That said, it did win me some games, and it demands removal, so it's not terrible. Embereth Paladin was a late inclusion as well, since it felt like I had no way to attack past a mill deck's 0/4s otherwise.
I lost two games: one to Embercleave, and another to an opponent with both a great deck and the patience to wait till 7 lands to cast my Dragon + hold up Didn't Say Please to counter the Redcap Melee I'd revealed earlier. A memorable game was one against a Clackbridge Troll deck against which I refused to sacrifice goats to because he would gain life. He was dying quickly and only had 2 life, while I had a Tempting Witch in play, a Smitten Swordmaster with one knight on the board, and Cauldron's Familiar in hand. On the other hand, I also only had 2 life, so I would have to feed the Troll and won't be able to burn him out. But then he decided to use all his mana playing his own Tempting Witch & using a Scalding Cauldron on my witch, which left him without mana to eat his own food and I burned him out. There was another game where opponent was at 3 life, had 2 food in play with lots of mana. He ate a food, and I sacrificed one to Witch. He ate the other food, and I responded with Searing Barrage for the win.
I'm not sure about B/R in this format. With lots of small attackers, it doesn't seem very capable of beating Revenge of Ravens.