Did have a quite interesting "what's the play" come up on game 13 that i'm not sure i handed right, i'd be interested in seeing what you guys think:
Looking at the situation it's pretty clear any chance i have of winning involves attaching
Embercleave to knight and forcing through the damage with the doublestriking deathtouch trampler so once i realised that i went with the line of play out both knight and robber, and then attaching embercleave to knight with the intention of chumping a land next turn with robber to survive, and then killing them next turn
I reasoned that i may as well attach it now instead of waiting till next turn because if my opponent has any kind of removal i'm dead anyway as they'll use it on knight and them i'm left with no outs. Also i may need to double pump the knight next turn if they played more then 5 blockers, or gained life from say a food token
What actually happened was they untapped, used nissa +1, then played a second nissa and also plussed that one and then attacked with all, forcing me to lose my board to survive, and then lose the next turn.
So then the question becomes, should i have attached embercleave, or waited till my next turn holding up knight activation, hoping they couldn't get themselves out of Knight range next turn? Assuming they had nothing else the latter wins the game for me, as i'd have killed the land instead of trading for it, but i have no idea if that was right or not, thoughts?