Okay, so my second deck went 4-2. It was a hybrid deck. The cards weren't there to fully go one way or the other but I'm happy with the results. It was a elemental/token RG deck. I had the Lavakin Brawler and 2 Scamperer's (fun side note, my first dog was named Scampers, I loved that mut. story has a sad ending so I'll stop there), 2 Healer of the Glades scorch spitters, but none of the big payoff elementals. For tokens I had Woodland Champion, the wolf pup, 2 scamperers (fun side note... j/k), Wolfkin bond, and Howling Giant. This was backed up by an Axe, Wand and Crossbow!!! as well as several combat tricks a shock, reduce to ashes and 2 Chandra's Outrage.
Key cards I didn't include, and I mean Key as they lowered my mana base:
Fire Elemental
There was only one game where I wanted at least one of those cards and that was against another Wand/Crossbow combo. I had to sideboard out both Scamperer's it was so bad.
New Draft and this is what I'm looking at. P1p1 is an Agent of Treachery as rare, but I passed on that expensive piece of potential awesomeness for Empyrean Eagle. P1p2; guess what? ANOTHER Empyrean Eagle. P1p3!!! Warden of Evos Isle
I had to pause and report this ridiculousness once I saw the Aerial Assault in pack4. I'm almost positive that, now that i've spoken on it, I won't see another flyer for the entire draft.
ADDITION: Okay, I need help. With P1p11!!! Pick 11? I shouldn't need help on pick 11 but Arena decided to just give me anything in white and blue. I currently have:
1 x
Fencing Ace1 x
Moment of Heroism1 x
Raise the Alarm1 x
Cerulean Drake1 x
Aerial Assault1 x
Befuddle1 x
Frost Lynx1 x
Warden of Evos Isle2 x
Empyrean Eaglemight see a 2nd Moment of Heroism wheel. Cerulean Drake came from the pack I'm about to ask you about.
I skipped a
Loyal Pegasus for the Frost Lynx, I've seen Pegasus several times against me, and haven't been impressed. Plus UW doesn't have great removal so this
could be the winning move.
My choices are:
1 x
Brineborn Cutthroat1 x
Soulmender1 x
Bone to Ash1 x
Faerie Miscreant1 x
Frilled Sea SerpentI'm leaning towards Bone to Ash, but I also like the potential of the Cutthroat. I have no other Miscreants, but in 2 more packs, I'm sure to see one or two more. Soulmender is out as well as the Serpent. Right now I only have 3 cards that can trigger Cutthroat and Heroism is more likely to be played on my turn.... I'm torn, and, since I don't have a twitch audience to ask, I'm gonna pause here and see what you guys think.