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Pick the best judge
Poll ended at Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:10 am
Cucho Lambreta 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
DaRkStAr 50%  50%  [ 2 ]
RNGeezus 50%  50%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 4
Total voters : 4
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:44 pm 
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Go Haven Go Haven!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:59 am 
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Let's see if rngeezus can untie this:

Haven_pt rolled 1d20:

Cucho Lambreta
Haven_pt rolled 1d20:

Haven_pt rolled 1d20:

Haven_pt rolled 1d20:

Haven_pt rolled 1d20:

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:01 am 
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Lol... Rngeezus says I win!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:29 am 
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Oddly, I’m good with that, lol!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:46 pm 
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RNGeezus is the worst judge -_-

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:34 pm 
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Machines takings jobs from people... welcome to the future scrubs!


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:20 pm 
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DaRkStAr wrote:
RNGeezus is the worst judge -_-

Is it though?.. is it really?..


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:14 am 

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I once saw an episode of Peoples Court where Judge Milian asked the defendant what he thought happened to this ladys car, since he said he didnt touch it when it was parked outside his apartment. He came up with some random scenario off the top of his head, since he wasn't there when it happened. She then called recess, called her mechanic up on the phone and asked him if the defendants scenario was possible. Found the guy guilty based on that.

Pretty sure she's the worst judge ever.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:26 am 
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Haven_pt wrote:
Lol... Rngeezus says I win!

Okay, what's the next card?

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:11 am 
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Well, I'll let the cat out of the bag, even though hypothetically with the 2X multiplier things could end up tied again...

My choice is the single most useful item in all of d&d which is a mediocre artifact in MTG (or is it?) bag of holding

(I'm actually gonna crack my vault just to have enough WCs for it)

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:48 pm 
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If you want to keep this thing fairly interesting to builders or judges, a roll of dice should not decide the contest fate...
EDIT: I voted for RGNGeezus :V


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:59 am 
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Well, it's interesting enough that only 2 brave souls actually take the time to judge.

If anybody steps up and judges to break the tie, rngeezus can go and mana-screw/flood people, which is his normal job.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:42 am 
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FYI, I've built altered versions (collection limitations) of DJ's and heffalump's decks to test. All I need now is the time to actually play them (without getting my wife pissed at me for spending a whole day on the PC gaming).

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:02 am 

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I woulda voted for Heffalump, but hes not an option

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:58 am 
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He didn't judge. Vote is for best judge

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:39 am 
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So, DJ's deck:

Original List

My version

I'm short on marches, so I had to improvise, sticking with a token/ascend theme.

Game 1: RDW (Win)
I flood horribly and he burns all my stuff (which makes 2 songs go off with no creatures on the board), but I manage to flip a landing. He eventually got his chainwhirler to clear 6 tokens, but I've done enough damage to keep him on the defensive. Loxodon then came out and I start attacking him recklessly, but he's on the ropes and ended up conceding.

Game 2: Mono-blue (Win)
T1 skymarcher, T2 migration, T3 Landing + loxodon, then he concedes.
He flashed in a 1/1 when I attacked with the skymarcher, but didn't block. Next turn he played a stormtamer and kept up 1 open mana, but no spell pierce...

Game 3: Orzhov Vamps (Loss)
He's doing the usual thing of dropping ebons and vanguards, but he also got T3 sorin with a -3 for a champion.
I'm dropping my stuff and decided to take a risk when he went all in. I cast march for 3 (song would go off next turn with unbreakable formation back-up in hand), I chump the champion and go to 6. He sacs a sorin to go face and casts a second sorin for exactly lethal...

Game 4: Rakdos Something (Win)
All opp played was a reaper, rekindling and a judith.
I played a bunch of tokens, loxodon, flipped a landing then dropped double songs and sat back waiting for them to go off to swing for a million (I even managed to draw a card from the arch!). Flourish showed up the turn the first song went off so I swung in and he's at -17 and I'm at 26.

Game 5: Mono-white Lifegain/Angels (Win)
T1 skymarcher, T2 Song, T3 saproling swarm and raise the alarm on my upkeep before song went off. Attack in, leave him at 10 and have a really wide board.
He dropped a T2 tithetaker, T3 resplendant and T4 Warleader. Not enough.
I needed a land off the top to flourish, but gor a loxodon instead. I suicide attack with everything, leave him at 2, but still have a wide enough board to finish him. Also dropped the loxodon with no convoke. He conceded.

Game 6: 4-color (No red) Command the dreadhorde with explore package (Win)
I got a pretty mediocre hand and start, but he didn't draw any wildgrowth walkers. He did drop a T5 nissa, but I managed to kill it next turn (think opp misplayed on the blocks). Anyway, I have 2 skymarchers, a million tokens and ciry's blessing, so I just attack with the marchers, get his life down low enough so he can't do anything with the command. He then started roping me until his avatar blew up. What a douche.

Game 7: Azorius Flyers (Loss)
I flooded pretty heavily. He got down a baby teferi that distracted me from doing damage to his face and in the end his army of flyers got the best of me, thanks to an unsummon that bounced my 4/4 lifelinker (went for a flourish to finish him off, but it just wasn't enough).

So, 5-2 is a very decent result. Deck felt a bit land heavy, but went very wide, very fast. Flower/flourish felt redundant, I'd probably prefer pride of the conquerers. As for breaking the song, I believe my version takes more advantage of the extra mana due to the fact that convoke makes the mana ability redundant. Still, deck had a pretty good run, beating some of the meta decks.

Oops, it would seem I screwed up and forgot to add the conclave tribunals from the original list. I added 1 Unbreakable formation, 4 raise the alarm and 2 Saproling Swarms for 3 missing marches and the tribunals. Deck didn't feel like it missed the tribunals (except maybe against the vamp deck, that I could have exiled sorin). Making more cheap tokens seemed to work pretty well.
Sorry DJ for adultering your list, had a lot of fun with it though.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:23 am 
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Now Heffalump's deck.

Original List

My version

Game 1: Grixis control (Loss)
He did his thing, I tried to do mine. His T2 thought erasure actually took a song, which was nice. I played lots of big jellyfish, had an 8/8 dino got some evoultion sage shenanigans going but he always drew the right cards at the right times and destroyed everything I played... Ouch

Game 2: Mono-red (That new version with spitfires) (Loss)
Really bad draw, not helped by triple mowu's in hand... Wow, I got obliterated.

Game 3: Mono-Black Jank (Win)
Opp goes T1 duress, into T2 duress, into T3 plaguemare (?), then bricked on land.
He got my song and a shimmer, but I got the explore package rolling and evolution sage came to the party to make things hard for him.

Game 4: BWG Elementals (Win)
What an idiot... He certainly didn't notice that song's chapter 3 gives trample. I managed to drop a Jadelight and a 4/4 krasis, song went off, I dropped rhonas making a 10/5 flyer and a 10/4 jadelight. He had a bunch of stuff to chump, but instead just blocked the jadelight with one of his druids (He was at 17 life)... Got him!

Game 5: Azorius Flyers (Loss)
Not a chance, I have no interaction, he was a huge army of flyers I can't block and he even tribunaled my evolution sage (which screwed up my attempts at shenanigans).
Seems like the deck needs some extra ways of putting counters on stuff other than just the songs...

Game 6: Azorius Flyes (same guy) (Win!)
Ha! We showed him!
Explore packages keeps me from getting behind on life, even though he has a healing pigeon. I eventually drew into a song, dropped all my stuff and got evo sage going (even shimmered just for a land). He tribunaled him again, but this time song goes off and suddenly I'm attacking with 20 power and he's got to chump or die. Next turn he failed to draw an answer and conceded. Yes!

Game 7: Golgari Bond of flourishing midrange (Win!)
Somehow, he drew absolutely no removal, so song went off, mowu survived and became an awesome 18/8 vigilante, indestructable trampler with some back-up from rhonas and it was just too much for my opp. Even evo sage survived and actually triggered off a couple of lands.
Meanwhile, I think my opp played all 4 bond of flourishings and dropped some jadelights... Scrub!
Feel the power of my Jank!

So, the deck went 4-3. This is probably the deck that went most all-in with the song concept, but to a point were it doesn't really work without it. Admittedly, I think I fixed some of the deck's shortcomings with my forced alterations, especially the Wildgrowth Walkers that really should have been in the list.
First game left me feeling like this was gonna be a bloodbath, but as it turns out, the deck worked more often than not. It has way too many mowus and I consistently used shimmer for land, so any other spell would have worked there. Some more ways to put counters on stuff was direly needed too. Tamiyo I mostly used just to get song back and re-cast it, which was actually pretty good.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:50 pm 
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I think for the most part the changes you made are fine - I certainly considered putting less tribunals in the final list. I would say one thing though: the version you made is much less mana hungry thanks to the flat costs your included with raise the alarm etc. The real deck had 3 additional 3X cards in it, which justifies some of the additional lands (just because you can tap creatures to produce the mana, doesn't mean you wouldn't still want a lot more). If I were going that direction, I'd have cut the lands a bit for sure (at least 1, possibly even 2). I'm actually wondering if that's the better way to go, tbh. If I had to do it over again, I might have built it closer (in terms of speed) to what you created - but I'm trying to supply NGA with less agro builds these days, so that I can practice other types.

If you had it, Finale of Glory may have been a closer (in terms of intent) replacement, matching the speed of the deck better.

Thanks for the test, glad you enjoyed playing the deck. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:43 am 
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Any updates Haven?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:48 am 

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So... is it completely stalled because of no judges or we need an odd voter to break the parity on the poll? :)

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