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 Post subject: A Different WW
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:55 am 
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Props to Haven as this is mostly from his idea. I didn't have everything (and glad because I actually don't like copying decks) so did some subbing and it still turned out wonderfully. A very explosive from the get go deck that wins damn quick and is perfect for a person like me who hasn't had a lot of time to play recently. I pummeled through most all of silver last night to get back into gold on its back in one sitting. T4 wins without any burn is pretty impressive to me. Haven said it first and I think I agree with him that History is actually a little too slow for this deck. I'm thinking of subbing in at least a couple Unbreakable Formation when I get off work this evening. Haven also said, and I agree with him, that no one expects Pride anymore. Many surprises for the op with that spell. If they don't block, thinking I'm going to play a Moment of Triumph or a similar single combat trick, it can win games right there. The funnest is if I have 4 open mana and can Raise the Alarm first and get City's Blessing before resolving Pride at instant speed during attack.

2 x Conclave Tribunal
18 x Plains
4 x History of Benalia
4 x Ancestral Blade
4 x Raise the Alarm
4 x Skymarcher Aspirant
4 x Law-Rune Enforcer
4 x Dauntless Bodyguard
4 x Snubhorn Sentry
2 x Venerated Loxodon
2 x Legion's Landing
4 x Pride of Conquerors
4 x Benalish Marshal


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 Post subject: Re: A Different WW
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:30 am 

Joined: Nov 03, 2013
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I don't see very many Knights in that deck. Is History of Benalia worth it? From your opponents perspective, I've often removed your Knights (maybe you have 1 left) by the time History ticks for 3. I guess that's a win in a way. You've used your opponents sweeper, or removal.

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 Post subject: Re: A Different WW
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:04 am 
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You are correct and on top of your point the card feels too slow in this deck. I didn't play any last night but I'm thinking of swapping out at least two of them for UF. Your example is very valid. Those tokens are removal bait. It's went that way many times and that's kind of nice. I've yet to be swept, however unusual that is.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Maurice Switzer

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 Post subject: Re: A Different WW
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:49 am 
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I did the two Unbreakable for two History last night and it was the perfect change. In one game with two Marshals and a Skymarcher out I played UF before declaring attackers and popped a Pride with Ascend after blockers declared.
Wicked I tell you. Wicked.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Maurice Switzer

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