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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:18 pm 
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****, missed that in the rules.
Nevermind. I really didn't make anything breaking there. Until I thought more about it I was thinking you could use Wilderness to bring in multiple Krasis but now I see how wrong I was.
I really didn't dedicate much time to this so I'll try next time.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:22 pm 
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Joined: Jan 25, 2016
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Was planning on doing stuff for this today, but saw that the Path of Exile league is starting and the patch notes are out so I've been wading through that all day. So I'm just going to submit where I got up to a few days back. Seeing as two of the lists that are fun were on a solidly losing record and the third list climbed I guess that's the one I'm submitting, shame that there's no Druidic Vow, but I guess people probably wouldn't have the card anyway :D

The list suffers a bit from having to deal with the meta, it's gradually moved more and more to good stuff rather than fun interactions. The sideboard was still a work in progress and mostly is just a reflection of the decks I was playing against. Was also intending to test 8 more mana dorks and 2 less lands.

1 Island (RIX) 193
2 Vivien Reid (M19) 208
1 Forest (RIX) 196
4 Frilled Mystic (RNA) 174
4 Wilderness Reclamation (RNA) 149
2 March of the Multitudes (GRN) 188
2 Chemister's Insight (GRN) 32
3 Sinister Sabotage (GRN) 54
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
3 Shalai, Voice of Plenty (DAR) 35
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178
4 Incubation Druid (RNA) 131
4 Hinterland Harbor (DAR) 240
4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
4 Sunpetal Grove (XLN) 257
4 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255
4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
2 Baffling End (RIX) 1

3 Negate (RIX) 44
2 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Kraul Harpooner (GRN) 136
2 Lyra Dawnbringer (DAR) 26
1 Settle the Wreckage (XLN) 34
2 Crushing Canopy (XLN) 183
2 Tocatli Honor Guard (XLN) 42
1 Cleansing Nova (M19) 9

Plays a bit like a slow tempo control deck (often winning by beating people to death with frilled mystic), doesn't do much before 4 mana so for mulligan you're looking for land+ramp. Lyra is very maindeckable if you're facing a lot of mono-r, mono-u and drakes and might well just belong in the maindeck anyway.

Seems to have ok matchups, mono-r and mono-u are beatable (helps if you are on the play g1). Control is ok, nexus is beatable and gets better after boarding. Sultai is hard and gets worse post board - if there's a lot of sultai I'd go to 3 Vivien (and I'd like 3 vivien anyway, but space), an extra settle, 2 more honor guard and maybe even regenesis. I did not face the more midrange gruul aggro but I imagine that's a bad matchup as well.

The sideboard currently really wants to beat Thief of Sanity and mono-u. If these are cards/decks you don't face often then I'd change it up (seemed like every game I played involved Thief of Sanity).

The list is at 26 lands because it's the number that doesn't see me get constant 2 landers - if you're better that me at drawing your initial 7 then maybe cut a land for an extra Vivien (and maybe another land for a 3rd March). It's very possible that the Chemister's should be replaced by Dawn of Hope and/or the third March and I'd have no objection to that change at all - like I said I've not found time to test stuff as I'd like.

If there's need for a sideboard guide I could put something together, should be pretty obvious though.

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