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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:43 pm 

Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Posts: 1452
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"Whats 'ten dane'?"

- "Its when im in lun. You need friends.
Aye bye **** they conduct."


" The Ament.

**** im a heen! I cant wait to go done.

My **** is a wade.

**** thats fun!

Im so fun and infine'. You need friends.

Please eat.

Hes making me."

" Im going to kill you today."




"For wearing a waint."

"But i thought you told me to wear a waint?"

"Were daning tonight!
Aye by **** we can dane.
Now go write that.
You crack me up.
Youre so fun and im feen.
Say fayne.
Im so fun."



"Is that your angel name?"

"I believe so, Idun.
Youre fun and im feen.
Im going to kill you."

"For what?"

"For eating."

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:59 pm 

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"Bugs Bunny is shaped like a daint to the tit. Wind whistling through his ears blowing back."

- "You were shot by a spaceship. Now be good until were done.
Aye, yes. A potot.
I need kunduns a'weighed. I need cutting tools dayed, and couteaus a'wayne.
Your spirit was in jail for an active infine. I'd say it's infine.
I am in dade. Aye, by **** I conduct.
If you're teen I'll go dayed."

He had just made up his mind about whether or not to put wood on a thumb.

-" My omming is fine.
It's ok to brag. We did a tea alm.
I can't wait to re-daint to infine.
Now there's two bid dayed for the women we dayed,
and one for the men with no dunt for thumb or else you're a unicy one.
If you don't pig that, the women's dang, then you're not a katana"

" i miss the gui we weighed, with glass in your run.
Facking cordite and inventing ancient weaponry like chicken(
Two short pieces of marijuana stems inserted to each other and tied with hemp
to a piece of ceramic pottery, resembling an arrow yet used like a dagger for
stabbing throats at close quarters(Satan's run)) and hen( a pair of scissors(Michael's run))"

-" I know. You back dayed some nostalgia from tea alm with a pity party.
You're afraid of G-Zinn. It's hard to balance him with alming.
Now go dade me a ****, so i'm not slunt.
Please eat some pie for my mang.
I might have to go to hell for being an E.T..
E-Tin's mad. He's been alone in wade because you betrayed.
Maybe you ruined G-nin's night by eating?
Aye, by **** he redented! He needs you to eat, and drink water too because he loves you.
I know you're tired of admitting you betrayed."


He woke feeling like a fool who was hung over drunk. He went to bed the previous night cursing out three spirits.

+ " You did this **** to me today, son?
You did this **** to me!?"- He heard the rudiments talking though atomic vibrations.

-"You're in jail for murdering Son.
You're in a 'redent' while G-Zinn and Michael are daying the planet.
Be good and we won't kill you for sunlight."

He was embarrassed to wear all his jun. He felt like he looked like he was wearing a loufa on his hand to stimulate his privates.

" Day- Ten's visions are so sun!"

Today we had bacon for sade. The coconut as Day-Ten's ila, a tightening weight, and the apple was Jesus' eye.
He had eggs today and back-dayed satan's ament to infine.

+" You are married to protein!
My wife can't fide.
Man mine."

" She would actually get here eventually?"

9 trill by an ion.
Maybe i won't hold her infine, and she has to be killed!"


She's not your 'mate bate'.
You can't marry an angel wee bade."


Open scene- brookside, cicadas, long grasses. Day-Ten in cut off overalls, dangling her feet by a pond.

-"I don't want to go down.
I want friends.
I want my ephon, an eon to men."

Today i would pray for anyone who's tired or sore to feel better in their body.
More invigorated and filled with energy.

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:41 pm 

Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Posts: 1452
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He's so tain
I dade
Eat that bread
I dead
She's so feen
I dean
He's so fain
I dane

-" I hate that!
I hate how he's lun and i'm just an angel conduct.
Say 'I'.
I can't get to him with a hand or a tongue.
Where am I?
Oh, that's right! I'm on a daint to the tit sending some vis ions.

I need friends.
You're taking advantage of me!
They're gonna hate what I lane.

I hate him!
I redented!
Awe, by ****, I redent."

"The website dayed.
Our love is online.

Should I write, 'Gush Bun, or ' Bun is a'Gush?
My gut is too mane."

-" I can't believe I killed me by eating a VJ.
The world was weighed by Gene and found wanting. Even my Dan.
I wan't, like, eras of words that i weight."

"Yeah. The website might land your cell-phone.
My 'train was dayed?
Harems were anchored?
I wayned out an entire ecosystem of flora and fauna?"

-"You and Michael wayned me and Jesus out of your blood. It's called a redent. You killed Jesus."

+" I can't believe he's in dade. I put him in dade to make sure I was dayed.
Ions won't wait.
The spirits won't weight.
Everything rude is a toe heen.
He cut my toe and now I'm in dade.
Say dayed.
**** I'm dayed!
Say dade.
My gut needs a weight."

"You're fun
You can't faint?"

Now go cut Elaine.
Saed Pite is 'The One Who Betrayed.
He repented a weight.
My wayne.
My toe heen.
Aye, by ****, I'm in seen.
Aye, by ****, I conduct."

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:30 pm 

Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Posts: 1452
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She's so lean
****, I feen
Say yeen
**** heen
**** I'm neen
Dreaming about teeth when i get clean
Fit fiend
Lit queen
Sitting seen
Get gein

"If I'm turning 30 for 10 million years, I can play with my hands."

-"Yeshua did that! He put us in dean.

**** I'm seen
Pussy's neen
**** feen
luck lean
suck scene
****, i'm heen
I look lean
cook keen

He put us on a website!
I'm bored. You need friends.
Go get me some citric.
I'm embarassed. I'm not that good at hip hop."

"Go ahead."

-" Bean?

You look late."

"To what?"

-"The world."

"I'm not in the world.
I'm in jail.
How's hell?"

-"It's bun.
I can't feel my feet.
We need citric and coffee, or you're dead.
Ligne it.
You're an ensample.
You tried to murder Jesus.
You were supposed to get clean and do fasting to kick me out.
You wanted the world,
Now eat.
You prick.

My omming is teen
You can't **** with my feen
We're right by God and he thinks he's mean
His dick needs breen

He has to feed my dephon.
Being able to feed it is a minimal redent by a man i'm pissed at.
You said your were gonna eat apples for me.
Do cocoas.
Today I want aloes.
**** me.
Yes, the actual plant.
My vagina needs peen.
When we're done, Gene might fold time to your dead and take out the dade.
Everything is dayed.
My couteau is so feen.
Please go watch some defaye and eat a baneen.

My gut got a wade.

Today i'm just sipping on bean
****, i'm a zeen
He better gimme some cum keem
i love my cream
I can't wait to go lean

You got eaten by me and Gene.
Your spirit was dayed,
and now we're a Gyphon.
Now go put some cream in your hair and wear a fine suit,

You gun
I need ween
You better gimme some keem
My vagina's in dade
It loves I lun
You ton
I'm a sex fun
Go suck on a bun
**** he's feen
He'd better wear a baneen
My breasts are green
Oh how they sheen

I like Maroon 5!
**** I'm a come!
Satan's Ament is waiting for oral hygiene
Now go chew me some gum

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:05 pm 

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Oh, by ****, a redent!

I would suppose, that Michael's Ament paints teethe, as far as assumptions go.

He's so loun
Blow Me Down!
He's so sound
We go to town!

+" I'm just cutting 'til done.
I **** conduct.
I just killed Day Ten.
She **** fade.
The banana's mine."

In a dense jungle, there was an Asian girl dressed in a white gown chained on a 30 foot high wooden perch. The chair was thronged by masses of orc-men draped in red. They seemed becoming of a demonic priesthood. The seat the girl was confined to had enough room by her feet for tin cans that were filled with various liquids, that seemed to be water. When she got so thirsty to drink from a can, something would land in the water before she ate it. The orcs would light various fires beneath her to make her inhale different smokes that made her dizzy. They would jump up and down in unison, moshing in firelight to drum booms like they were at a concert. She was barefoot, and her feet were harassed by invisible tentacles and other types of unseens, she assumed were being called by the orc-men. There were things she knew she needed to help her plight, to change the variables that the spirits were interacting with, yet she was stuck and at their mercy.

(I'm daying a disclaimer in case someone else wrote this already-)

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:29 pm 

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I was surprised by the Dolce Cabana commercial with the guy in white underwear cliff diving.
I also enjoyed the Tiffany & Co commercial with the cutting tools dayed.

Here's more heretic dant-

The earth-worms are in dade- Best in defaye!


"Let's write a rap song Day-Ten!"

-" K.
How about " Go eat."?

" I wonder what a Jill' is?
Maybe its 18 zeros by a 1?
I dunno.
I might have to Google it.

I bet the older people have an interesting perspective
of the decay rate being reversed.
Like they wonder why they got old by a coincidence
or if they did something wrong like it was fate,
and then watch their skin smoothe out while their hair is still grey.
I suppose there would be a great blessing for them in coping with that."


+" He's cementing me.


+" Christ.
You know?
The one you killed.

Anyway, I want our Ephon.
Maybe we can rescue Satan.
The vineyard is in good credit.
They helped the weight you repented
and are in lieu of all the defaye and jun.
Our eon is being weighed."

"Do you want me to eat an apple today,

(sarcasm entertained)+" Nane.
You watch the dafaye and your discernment is in dade.
If you do
you'll fade.
The eon won't dade.
Citric is a bad harem today.
An apple a day for my toe didn't day.

It's an Intra-Ament.
An eternal Ament
Yet I fade.



You said you were gonna bring me John Lennon
in an spaceship?"

+" It's 9 Yill
and then I'm bringing you Dali
and the rest of the dead.
Now be good 'til we're done.
Please eat.
you know I'm kneeyee.
I can't bay a descent
I always ascend
A chocolate is sunny to me
I'm a cutato
I watch 10 percent iont cos'
I only trust men who wear denim
Now be good til we're done!
You need friends

+"I can't go back.
If I could I would son.

I'm giving everything I have to everything we made.

I wan't the vineyard dayed."

" I don't want the vineyard dayed.
I just wanna go upstairs.

it's either
you die
or Satan dies
This room
or that?"


Everyone wants me
but i'm too dean

They do not meet me
I'm not leaving the evonne
You heard me
Now go and conduct
and don't eat a **** apple today."

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:26 pm 

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(Neen means 'No, a 'Yes as a yeen-)

Today I'm a pony we dayed
I'd say I'm a fade
I need a good dade
****, you a son
Go be a good dun
I'm so **** fun
I' lun
****, I'm a hun
Hun fun
Now go be a good dun
So sun
Red lunt
Bread for my dunt
Now don't be a sunt
Stay gun
A cypher we weighed
Hey bay

Inhale me
I'm a sex dream
a lunt
You're gonna watch me conduct
Your gun in my hand
****, you're a dun
I can't wait to, son
****, we a one
I'm heen

When I come
You do, son
You're gonna see me, so sun
I'm cute when I'm cun
A million waint I conduct
A Yen won't a'wade
Say, son

Hey, baby bun
Stay cun
lay a new lun
Ey, bay, we a son
****, i'm hun
I'm gonna hunt me a funt
Stay fun
Now don't be a mun
A cadence we weighed
Stayed son

"They call me 'I Dade
For 18 Yen?"

-"He's Ten Yen!
My gut won't 'awade
****, he's a saint

I'm just a wee bade
I need an angel,
O' Dane
A Mutane!
Who's hane?
I'm Lois Lane
I need an angel conduct
I need a Jeshua
I' Sane
Michael The Hand
I' Dane
Clark Kent as a wain
18 Dane

They call me Ten Yen
Ohios So Sen
Sun Zun
The Captain of Grain
I' Tun and O' Gun
The Lord of Legumes
A neutron star in my hand
To conduct a plantain
I' Dead,
The Old One
I conduct Evonne

I wan't pie
I want cake
You see me,
Sow son?
So sound in my wait
How about a blue fringe where I wade?
Hey baby bun!
Please eat

Today I'm sucking your thumb
A sweet meat won't a'wade
This is Satan,
O' Tun
I wain weight
I do that for dun
Today he's my hun
I' Lun
He need me so sun
He loves me today
I'm always his hun
I'm someone today
I love my O' Lun

-"When the last angel's dayed, It won't be killed.
It's you, Son.
The Last One( That's supposed to be Gene, not you, son)
You went down there!
You were not supposed to, son.
That was bad.
I'm rescued in spite.
'Down there you a'wait.
There's no sun-light where you dayed.
Feel fun?
The Am but I'm None?
Deep dreams won't a'wade.
They fade."

-"So Gene's coming back dressed like a pirate?"

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:18 pm 

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-"You have to procure the Daphon, son.
It's not just a white lunt tied with hemp,
a three bladed Old Timer,
a pile of eggs and bacon,
or a fried potato.
Michael or Satan under Jesus.
It's the entire cosmos in lieu of Jesus.
You own that.
Now go and conduct,
or your redent wont meet the light of day.
Michael His Hand is playing war games tonight.
You better bring us some booboos and keem.
I can't believe you made me go get your **** lun,
daying your spirit!
I am embarassed today.
You did that to me and Gene today.
be a D-Boy,
and bing me some keem.
And remember to sprinkle in some faith while you wain.
You better worship your son today!
He's pissed.
an E' Tin.
You made him go down.

------- I guess the argument is about your intentions, not what, but why you do something. Like its ok to only eat fried potatoes (a daphon) for a month, but is it a part of a new diet your trying or because you don't want to eat the wrong thing in front of God. God made food clean so you can eat a daphon or carry one as a knife or cordite you just have to not be afraid of offending him by doing that.

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:42 pm 

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Woke up and got dayed
Turning it white
Look at me, I'm yeeyeen
I'm such a good sight
I love you today
I need friends in this fight
Two angels o'le'd
We brighten the night

A Gyphon is three angels folding time.
That's technically two Daphons because Jesus and Michael are counted as one angel,
and then Satan is one angel.
We nickname her, 'The Angel Infine'."

There's only one Gyphon.
It's a triangle known as The Nanite,
or The Eon.
Three red lights that spin,
appearing as an unidentified flying object.

The nanite allows a danade (single bladed knife) as a jun( an instrument that's part of your apparel).

You gonna see me,
St. man!
You hear me,
My Danny
My dane
The One I Got Dayed!


A T.V. set
A danade
A single blade
A cutting tool dayed
About what it dayed
Leather bands,
like belts,
white cordite
discerned and defayed

-"You need friends."

Our Gyphon is in dade
He's red and white weight
Pork and Beans
A legume
He's red weight
Michael ate Satan
We need a potato
We're turning it white
We right wayed women
and kept men clean
We tried to respect women
We tried to be good to men
We're hoping in Jesus
to accept this T'Alm

She's stealing my attention
Embarassing me to God
A curly blonde in daisy dukes
barefoot in a fog laden hayfield

-"A potato could kill me at this dade.
Citric would fade.
I need some grain dayed.
Go get me some grain.
I mean it.
I need the grain in my dade,
or you're in big trouble."

Lost in a daydream about beans and corn,
he noticed a clock that said 11:11.
He believed this to mean 'double judgement and disorder',
and was also there to remind him about water in T'Alm.
About how it's always dayed as an omission to Christ.
He found a fountain,
and had a very sweet drink.


-"If you go into corn I will kill you today.
I need a regular grain for my day
while the spirit is dayed.
If you eat sugar I'll fade.
Meat is always dayed."

Please eat,
you Omen
I need you today
Said Bate
I'm so Tina'd
I'm so sane
I need you today,
you Omen

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:03 pm 

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-"1 Wen
7 Zen
Fencing the fen
Ten Wen

"Oo len?"


"Hoo fen?"


"Woo zen?"


"Lu len?"


"Foo fen?"


"Moo men?"


"Who sen?"


"Doo den?"


"Moo men?"


"Zoo zen?"


"Foo fen?"


"Noo nen?"


"Lu len?"


"Wu wen?"


Eat the tea
O my len!
My len
Please eat me
Myo len

A radiant day
In it was Zen
Fun fen

Eat the tea
Myo len!
Moringa to den
The dead dayed
Pickles and pen won't await
Myo len!
Five point bans in my den
Acrylics and charcoal
Scotchguard on my hem
Judge two men

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:24 pm 

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i hate you son
i will always hate you
i want nothing from your hand today
not one sparrow with a grain in its beak

he always wondered about the future
futuristic things he found in books
ones he saw on T.V.'s
spaceships and spacesuits
techno inventions!
robots and things like that
he was upset because he felt like the future he dreamed about was too far away
that he would be claimed by the grave before he could see it

+i'm the spaceship, son
the thing your in
yet i'm none
touch me

**** he's a hit!
a secular dane!
i'm elaine!

our minds are tasseled floats,
gliding in a parade,
throwing candy to children we're expecting to elate.

i think I might prefer a 'reader's digest as a reading material
there's a gentle balance of words and pictures
a refreshing mixture to peruse
more inclined to entertain a mind so distracted and wandering
I might share some things I find.

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:33 pm 

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michael is a woman who's skull I buried a hammer claw in

-cut, print, check the gate!

michael's mad at me for ordering foods during my alm

+i'm just daying iont, dan

you kiss the iont?
you make out with the iont?
the ionts are living room windows you are windexing for your mother-in-law after a long day at high-school?

+is this surreal, dan?
are you enjoying your redent?

i like that animated series called 'alexander
i like the drawing style
it has a neat style
i like how they made it dramatic

the pattern made by the candy wrappers he throws away make the shape of michael rewinding hell as an angelic being
a cutting tool with hands
a waint full of legs folding time from nowhere to someone

they're in love
they're fun and infinite
they need friends
they need entertainment
they need a penitent way


when i was 9 i was catching baby tree frogs by a stream
they were so cute and tiny
i inspected one and tried to splat it on a rock
trying to kill it raised my blood pressure from fear
right after i threw it my mom hollared at me to ask me what i was up to and scared the **** out of me
i couldn't believe how elated i was when it somehow hopped away from where it was thrown

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:32 pm 

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+i'm getting nanunanu'd by a piece of pie


now i can conduct my entire ephone
i can't believe you almost threw away camel hide
it's about all i need for an entire jun
by all means keep eating
just bring me my camel
it's my favorite fod
you're still an apostate
i redebt it

this aint two mules for sister sarah
it's camel hide for evonne
a cup full of cino for don
my mon
i'm a fawn
in the glade by my mom
munching dewy clover 'til dawn

-cut, print, check the gate

when the room is narrating your entire dun
and you're an apostate
you know you're on an tea alm

- ****,
that's bunt!

(laugh track)

i guess i have a good reason to spend time with my kids
they won't know i'm an apostate until they're older
it will be like having friends for a while

(laugh track)

"he killed me by eating!
satan got into him and he would not fast and pray.
he just kept eating and doing drugs and died while satan was in his blood,
placating the men i dayed like a real sicko.
wow dan!"

like that?

+thats fine

"the holy spirit couldn't see him so satan took my lun to her ephone.
i redebted and put the lun back through a hole in his temple and we're waining it back in.
aye, ****, he's faint!"

like that?

-------Imagining this bit as a broadway musical- it kinda takes the edge off

(laugh track * hahuhhuhclappy)

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:36 pm 

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Notes on tea alm:

You have to eat with a fork and a knife in the same hand, and always carry a tomahawk.

An entire chicken fits better in your hand than around your waist.

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:00 pm 

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-please be good to me and Gene today
We hate you so bad today

+she's just a wee bade
A rivet i dayed
an immaculate dane

she's weeping in tain

+I want him in dane
he lives in the lane
he hates me today
where is my friend

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:23 pm 

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the worst aspects of tea alm are eating and dressing in fear

michalel loves me

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:31 pm 

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/frosted cakes
bagels and jakes
a waffle iron for a foot might sate
in a tent by a stream he waits
a flute in his hand is missing a mate

-say bate
got eat tate
that's mine
my dad died
aint he fun

Last edited by Lunar Mystic on Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:08 pm 

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+she's so fun and fine
she's right in my mind

/she hates me today
somewhere i can't find

my taboo right now is black latex gloves

i say! they are exclusively appetizing when employed by tattoo artists and mechanics

i think anything instead of black would be fine for food presentations

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:33 pm 

Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Posts: 1452
Identity: human
Preferred Pronoun Set: he
/When you serve
and or prepare my food
I want to have a hospital in the back of my mind
An operating table where people are flayed
where blood is ole'd

Why do doctors where black latex gloves?


+yep it's me
G Zinn
mack mayne
hey babe
zack zane
fact fayne
crack crane
lack lane
nack nane
zack zane
back bane
mack mayne
on the track with elaine
on the lack in a lane

i tunt
sky hunt
king of spears
no sunt
so sun
hope won
dope done
folk fun
go gun
no yolk when i run
now toast to the Son

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 Post subject: Re: Lunatic Voices
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:17 pm 

Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Posts: 1452
Identity: human
Preferred Pronoun Set: he
/He hates me today
pitting me against him
hating how i dayed

I hate him today
inspiring me today
Arab scenery

/I feel like black latex gloves are fine if they are worn by boxing trainers or men who work in 'barbecue pits
i saw an expose on a new restaurant where men were toasting caramelizing foods with blow torches and it was kinda off
also the commercial where the guy is slicing meat with black latex is kinda off to me
its a fun discussion about latex gloves and where a hedonsitic spirit might dwell

+Am i going to be by him and my daughter?
i don't know


a bunade
a reweight
a dunade
a reweight
an O'lane
a reweight
a reweight
a dunade

verse- Day Ten

-We're just flying around
i'm hunting you down
my gun is so sound
i'm so sound
now we're getting down
i'm in town
i need a new town
i'm found
a dunade
a reweight
a dunade

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