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PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:54 am 
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Here's the shame of the day, well of yesterday:

Me with WWr vs Dimir. At this point I've been on Frenzy for a while (since 4 mana) but found way too many lands on the consecutive turns to end them prematurely. Meanwhile he's been topdecking like a pro and features no less than 3 Dream Eaters, 2 Thief of Sanity and some lesser blockers. I should have won on the ground long before that, but.. whatever, plan b) was developing in the form of Banefire in my hand. I had 8 mana and he had 9 life so I needed to do 2 damage somehow and leave 4 mana open to sac the Frenzy during his turn.

So with Benalia 3 triggered I attack with everyone hoping he lets at least one guy through. I even left a Marshal on the top of my deck to keep 4 mana open. He has just the amount of blockers to spoil my plan, but he doesn't (how would he know of it anyway?), he lets my Adanto Vanguard through. He trades all Dream Eaters and his lesser blockers so after that Combat he's left with his 2 Thief of Sanity and I have 2 ground creatures. 4 Mana ready to sac Frenzy, 3 cards in hand so I could discard 2x to his potential double Disinformation Campaign and Banefire to nix him come next turn. I also have 14 life, so what's gonna happen?


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:32 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:48 am 

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Boy, I gotta archive this screenshot for posterity.


Opponent had to be feeling really good. I mean, I had a slow draw (no meaningful play till turn 4), while he had unchecked Wildgrowth Walkers into Vraska, who sacrificed a creature with Journey of Eternity on it. The value train went from very powerful to unstoppable. Or is it? Selesnya tokens can make chump blockers for days, and my Ajani went ultimate the turn after he drew the first of his two Find//Finality. The value train kept going, but it still can't do anything about chump blockers! Even the Vraska ultimate did not help. He could never make enough attackers to beat my tokens, and the only way to break through was to find his other Find//Finality, but March of the Multitudes meant I could still make more chump blockers after the sweeper. After that it was just a one-way road to decking. Way to beat an opponent who outdrew me by 30+ cards :D

Thinking about it afterwards it's possible opponent could've won by playing out all his creatures s-l-o-w-l-y before alpha-ing, but I would still be generating 3 tokens a turn and in response to his alpha I could've blocked, played March for oodles of tokens, and hit back potentially for lethal.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:10 am 
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How do you make 3 tokens per turn? I don't see Adanto, the First Fort. Also, what's with all the cat tokens? Leonin Warleader?

But most importantly: March of the Multitudes in respond to a sweeper? This question comes up a lot for me for I read it and don't understand it. Don't the new tokens die to Finality just the same? Or do you mean to cast it after the sweeper has resolved without getting to use your creatures for Convoke?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:25 am 

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Sol77_bla wrote:
How do you make 3 tokens per turn? I don't see Adanto, the First Fort. Also, what's with all the cat tokens? Leonin Warleader?

Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants ultimate

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:36 am 
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Ah thanks :D

One of my elusive zero-ofs.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:04 pm 
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I play a competitive best-of-one game.
I play Selesnya Creatures, my opponent plays Selesnya Tokens.
I do good trades, jam the board, and, due to a lot of value in my deck, eventually get myself a superior boardstate, and get my opponent to 12 life. At this point, I cast the "Flourish" part of Flower // Flourish. I think about who will I attack with.

My opponent says "good game".

I attack with everything.

Opponent plays Settle the Wreckage.

Then, still in my turn, March of the Multitudes with all his creatures.

Then, on his turn, the "Flourish" part of Flower // Flourish.

Good game.

nice quotes from this forum

War of the spark will have so many Planeswalkers, they won't even be planeswalking anymore.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:25 pm 
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Yeah well, more like disgusting bottom feeder ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:59 pm 
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In a draft I felt like I was going well, my selesnia opponent had stopped attacking and failed to remove a beast whisperer from my board for one whole turn, then he goes main phase assemble into venerated loxodon (also tapping an hawk and a two drop) into next turn fluorish. wow, just wow

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:49 pm 

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I play a competitive best-of-one game.
I play Selesnya Creatures, my opponent plays Selesnya Tokens.
I do good trades, jam the board, and, due to a lot of value in my deck, eventually get myself a superior boardstate, and get my opponent to 12 life. At this point, I cast the "Flourish" part of Flower // Flourish. I think about who will I attack with.

My opponent says "good game".

I attack with everything.

Opponent plays Settle the Wreckage.

Then, still in my turn, March of the Multitudes with all his creatures.

Then, on his turn, the "Flourish" part of Flower // Flourish.

Good game.

:D Selesnya tokens :D

I just did something similar. I had another slow draw (first play turn 4 Ajani on empty board ... lol). Opponent had Doom Whisperer out while I didn't draw a Conclave Tribunal, making it hard to attack. I had Legion's Landing out but couldn't flip it, and had nothing to do while my opponent developed his board. I couldn't even attack with History of Benalia's third chapter. I had Trostani, but opponent had Chupacabra. Opponent was so comfortable he used The Eldest Reborn's third chapter on my Ajani instead of Trostani and started buffing his Doom Whisperer. Then this happened:

Opponent's board: Doom Whisperer, Llanowar Elves, Chupacabra, Jadelight Ranger, Ajani, The Eldest Reborn @ 1st chapter, bunch of cards in hand
My board: 6 creatures 7 lands, Legion's Landing, two cards in hand

End of turn March of the Multitudes for 10 tokens, next turn Flourish. Opponent went from 14 life to -16 life in one attack.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:35 pm 
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....never let the CPU tap your lands when you're playing Rainbow Lich.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:30 am 
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Banedon wrote:
Opponent was so comfortable he used The Eldest Reborn's third chapter on my Ajani instead of Trostani

Prepare something to celebrate when that happens :)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:07 am 
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My Selesnya Creatures vs Bant Angels, best-of-one competitive constructed.

Early/mid game is nothing interesting: countering Benalias with Knight of Autumn and Nullhide Ferox, exiling Ajani and Shalai with Tribunals, etc. I'm low on life, but I have established Beast Whisperer as my draw engine, so it feels pretty good.

As a last card, my opponent plays Resplendent Angel.

It was at this moment UC knew: he **** up. I was fresh out of Tribunals and Harpoonists. I dig for answer with random creatures, but after I use it... he topdecks another Resplendant. I redouble my digging with a second Whisperer, but can't find an answer. Instead, I find two Knights of Autumn.

I am at 7, opponent gets me down to 2 with Resplendant. I play out Knights of Autumn, going up to 10. I alpha-strike, losing my Whispherer. He attacks me with Resplendant and his Serra Angel token, knocking me to 1, and upping himself to 25. My turn.

Trostani Discordant.
Flower // Flourish. (The "Flourish" part, lol)
Good game.

nice quotes from this forum

War of the spark will have so many Planeswalkers, they won't even be planeswalking anymore.

Last edited by UselessCommon on Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:16 pm 
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So did you grab a foredt or a plains?:P :D

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:06 pm 
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And here's the topdeck of today. My magic of calling a card-name and making it appear on top of the opponent's library worked again.

So what happened?

Long game with WWr vs Golgari. His double WGW kept him alive for quite a while, his Vivien nixed my Frenzy before it could do much (yay double-lands) aaaand now I play Benalish Marshal into Heroic Reinforcements and attack with everything allowing him to either save Vivien or take a lot of damage (holding Banefire with 10 mana in play and a land in hand).

He decides to sac Vivien and ends the turn with his 2 WGWs, zero cards and 7 life.

Now here's the trivia. Which card did I have to name to allow him to miraculously escape that situation?

Game went on for like an eternity after that, which he spent hellbent for all but a single turn. I found my second Frenzy but he found Finality, so I lost another army at that point. And eventually with me at 5 life I couldn't find enough gas to deal 12 damage (10) or have a flying blocker against Doom Whisperer.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:25 pm 
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I just beat Mono-green in the last second, including Gigantosaurus, 3 Druids and a 12/10 trampling Mare (lol) on the field with Monored exclusively because I have a Banefire in the 60s...feels good to Banefire for 10 out of a couple of Steam-Kins :cloud9:

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:26 pm 
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I'm at 10 life, opponent is playing golgari and has a board of 2 brontodons and a 4/3 jadelight (lethal). I have plenty of land with nothing on the board and have been holding Niv and Clarion for a while, but the Clarion would leave the brontodons and I was holding out to draw protection for Niv, because it will surely die as soon as I play it, but no luck so far (even after some opts).
I'm dead anyway, so I play Niv and pass. Opponent untaps and casts murder on Niv as I expected (well, I was expecting Chupacabra, but...), I do 1 damage to face and... Draw dive down! Yes!
So I protect my Niv and have a blocker to boot. He attacks with the brontodons and the jadelight. I block a bronto instead of jadelight to set up for Clarion next turn, taking 7.
Next turn I Clarion for 3 damage + life link, ping the bronto and clear the board, attack to gain 5 life and opp promptly scoops.

Niv is the boss.
I've pulled this kind of crap all the time with this deck.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:35 pm 

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^ :D If you haven't seen it:


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:39 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:32 pm 

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That feeling when opponent makes a bad attack in a Selesnya tokens mirror (since I had enough chump blockers + a March of the Multitudes in hand for the crack back to be lethal), and then I miscount the damage and die!! Damnit!! I was one win off a 5-win run in competitive constructed too.

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