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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:29 am 
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Banedon wrote:
I cast Statue on the Trooper. Easy 2-for-1.
Wait wtf I don't have the mana to cast it!?

I have to flame myself every day for these color failures :roll: :D

Like t1 Island one-drop, t2 I think I can play a tapland for I only have a one-drop anyway but then that one-drop somehow becomes green :D

Paying attention is overrated in Constructed Event..

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:52 am 

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Come on, you don't have excuses since your 1-drop wouldn't be highlighted. With Status//Statue, the Status was still be highlighted! :D

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:30 am 
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I guess that's true. But I've drafted so many split-cards by now, I'm used to that. That's like kicker when you see those cards highlighted but know exactly how much mana you actually need/want. For all kicker cards except Baloth Gorger of course. I will always think 7 :)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:55 pm 
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Sol77_bla wrote:
Banedon wrote:
I cast Statue on the Trooper. Easy 2-for-1.
Wait wtf I don't have the mana to cast it!?

I have to flame myself every day for these color failures :roll: :D

Like t1 Island one-drop, t2 I think I can play a tapland for I only have a one-drop anyway but then that one-drop somehow becomes green :D

Paying attention is overrated in Constructed Event..

Once, in Limited, I cast Status on their creature when I was trying to cast it on my own, essentially 2-for-zero'ing myself.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:40 pm 

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Hehehe this play was too sweet to not post here.

My board: 7/7 Baloth Gorger, Cloudreader Sphinx, Cold-Water Snapper, 8 life
Opponent's board: Elfhame Druid, 2/3 Krosan Druid, Voltaic Servant, Evra, Halcyon Witness, Corrosive Ooze, 16 life

My hand: Blink of an Eye. Since Blink makes group blocks on his part bad, I attack with Baloth Gorger and Sphinx. This is somewhat dangerous since he gets a swing back potentially with a boosted Evra, and I'm already at 8 life, but what the hell.

He blocks Baloth with Evra, then switches life totals. Wow, he's brave. He drops to 4 ... I cast Blink of an Eye ... topdeck Arbor Armanent, cast it on Sphinx, and lethal him.

My deck is awful, but 3-1 and not complaining :D

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:05 pm 
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Did you guys tried the Greedy Draft?
its very fun!
Edit: this was for the DOM thread -_-


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:40 pm 
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Eh, not a big fan of the greedy draft. Finished one at 5-3 so I may give it at least one more go. Variance just felt off the charts though, and a few games just turned into a topdeck war after vomiting starting hands out in the first few turns.

Another play of the day that's more a low light from an opponent: I'm on UR Drakes against GB Charnels. Opp resolves a Charnel early and starts chipping away. I end up at 2 with two 2 powered Enigmas and an Electromancer down. Ending my turn with Expansion and Ionize trapped in my hand, Opp will be able to untap with an 8/8 Charnel and Plaguecrafter and can force double drake chump and trade with Electromancer.

Instead, on my end step Opp tries to Necrotic Wound the Electro so he can untap and swing lethal. Expansion to copy it and kill Plaguecrafter, Ionize to counter it. He untaps and swings in - throw everything in front and trade off the two drakes for Charnel. I topdeck Ral and run away with the game.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:05 pm 
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I draft the perfect deck for the mode, I’m 3-0 atm with double Tatiova UGw deck :evil:


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:29 am 

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This has to be THE play of the day. Like, it makes all the other plays of the day look silly.


I have a Llanowar Elves under the Multani / Syncopate. I still won, but wow. I'm going to post this on the official forums because if I had lost this game it would've been uber frustrating. As it is, it was only somewhat frustrating.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:17 am 
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Took me a minute to notice your mana pool. Yah this needs to be reported.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:47 pm 
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Not exactly a play of the day but a nice intuitive read on the opponent. Haven't seen hardly any Settles recently and honestly so I'm glad I was paying attention and had that Gut.
Their phases would pause because the had the lifegain enchantment that built tokens also but I still felt I knew. Had a Respendent, Hazda, and a growing Pridemate because all I would swing in with was the a Healing Hawk. I'm now running like 7 mana out but still pinging because I just have that feeling. He builds a little board presence but just won't tap out so I know I'm onto something I'm sure. The Lyra I'd been keeping in my hand from the beginning started to laugh..... hehehe.
They had created a few lifegain tokens and now it was impeding on my pinging so I threw what I hoped would be proper bait. The Hawk and the 8/8 Pridemate and the Hazda.
.... Settle.
Next turn another Hawk and Lyra and attack with Resplendent.... with the 6cmc boost. I had 12 mana tappable with what the Settle gave me.
Like I said, not the play of the day but I'm damn proud of myself in reading that to the utmost advantage.
Serious Balls.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:46 am 

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Sounds excessively conservative, pinging for only one damage a turn against a deck playing Settle the Wreckage - why not attack with at least 2 creatures to increase the clock and force the Settle?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:04 am 
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Playing golgari. hand of 2 llanowar elves and carney T

T1 elf
T2 elf, Druid of cowl
T3 thrashing bronotodon
T4 Carney T

Rage quit lol


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:18 am 

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Playing monoblue vs. Jeskai control ... I draw a weak hand, including Essence Scatter and Sleep. Although I do draw some Curious Obsessions, by the time I play it opponent has played a Teferi, and I can't hit his face because the Teferi -3 would answer Curious Obsession. I manage to attack Teferi off the board, but by then opponent has drawn Deafening Clarion. I'm losing by a large margin and am debating conceding. Then the critical turns come ...

- Opponent plays Deafening Clarion, my board is wiped. End of turn I play Merfolk Trickster. Opponent plays Essence Scatter (6 cards in graveyard with Search for Azcanta out).
- I topdeck Tempest Djinn and play it (5/4). Opponent is at 12 life.
- Opponent plays Lyra Dawnbringer. Wow, Essence Scatter actually does something. I counter, he Syncopates.
- I draw Island and play it. Wow, Sleep actually does something. Swing for 6.
- Opponent digs ... and digs ... and fails to find an answer to the Tempest Djinn ... I win!

I know I lucked out at the end, but very satisfying win regardless.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:50 pm 
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Never give up!:-)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:26 am 

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Plays of the day (essence is correct but exact sequence might be off):

Monoblue vs. Monored
Opponent's hand is empty by turn 4 with Experimental Frenzy in play. Hurray. I consider conceding but it was Quick Constructed and I'm hard up for gold right now, so I played on. I poke him for one damage with a 1/1 flyer while hiding behind my Tempest Djinn. He plays multiple Lavarunners and Pyromancers, as well as a Wizard's Lightning (countered by Dive Down), but couldn't attack into the Tempest Djinn. I poke him for another one damage and Exclusion Mage one of his Lavarunners. He plays more cards, hits a Runaway Steam-Kin, but still can't attack. I poke him for yet another one damage and play a second Tempest Djinn.

Experimental Frenzy flips up ... Risk Factor!! I let him draw three cards. He jump starts, I let him draw another three cards. Hah, that must be the only time I've willingly given my opponent cards. He's out of mana now and on my next turn, I untap, play a land, and hit him for lethal with both Tempest Djinn.

I don't think I've ever lucked out this hard against Experimental Frenzy. Usually if the opponent untaps with it, I'm mostly gg'ed.

Draft with Izzet control vs. a bad Boros deck
The board's quite stalled with 6+ attackers on both sides, but I'm advantaged because I have three flyers plus lots of big ground blockers against his small attackers. I'm at 12 life as well. I compute my flying damage - Crackling Drake + Watcher in the Mist + Thief of Sanity - and realize I have exactly lethal if I use Command the Storm on one of his (small) creatures. I even have a Devious Cover-Up in hand to counter any potential tricks so why not. I play Command and swing in, he plays Righteous Blow. I counter, shuffling back some of my best instants and sorceries.

Imagine my horror when I realize my opponent survived as a result (the Drake loses power). Holy ****. One tilt led to another and he jump-started a Risk Factor which I was going to let him draw three cards from (since I was now short blockers) before realizing that to let him draw cards, you have to decline, not take action, taking four more damage for nothing. That led him to be able to push enough damage to put me at 4, and I was actually dead if he had enough pump spells, but I lived and won the next turn. gg!

Also: as it turns out if you steal your opponent's Risk Factor with Thief of Sanity, if you cast it, it ends up in his graveyard where he can jump-start it. In retrospect, I was trying really hard to throw the game.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:46 am 
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Banedon wrote:
Imagine my horror when I realize my opponent survived as a result (the Drake loses power). Holy ****.

Those blunders we make are always the most hilarious. I enjoy laughing at myself when something like this happens :D

And those incomplete thefts are also very funny. I once had a Helm of the Host on a Yavimaya Sapherd in DOM Draft. Opponent decided he really liked the Sapherd and clutched it. Good thing I still controlled the Helm so while my poor Sapherd was on the wrong side of things, during my turn, in my combat phase I got another Sapherd. And another.. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:20 pm 
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Banedon wrote:
you have to decline, not take action,

My God, I have made this mistake I don't know how many times now.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:27 am 
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I had an Adanto and two Bodyguards yesterday. One of the Bodyguards was protecting the other. In comes a sweeper and I could have saved one by sacrificing the other. Stupid me couldn't tell which was which and obviously selected the wrong one :D

Later I found out that there is more intel than the red arrows (which were missing because the cards were directly next to each other). There's a black info tab when you mouseover the card "chosen: X" and/or "chosen by: Y".

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:37 am 

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Oh so THAT's how you know which card is tapped by Artful Takedown and which gets -2/-4. Thanks!! I didn't know it earlier, was meaning to ask at some point.

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