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 Post subject: Spicy Rakdos
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:49 am 
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Joined: Feb 29, 2016
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I happened to get my hands on 2 rare wildcards and being somewhat bored with my current decks, I invested in 2 sword point diplomacies so I could brew up the rakdos burn deck.
It's so much brainless fun.
Just point your burn at face and throw you spells without a care in the world. Who cares about card advantage? This deck can fling burn with abandon and still make the distance.

PSA: the trick to beating a resolved lyra is to click the concede button.
Same goes for a wild growth walker that doesn't die as soon as it hits the board.
Also, don't waste your time against the anti-red lifegain decks. You can occasionally beat them, but it's a long shot.

2 Ruin Raider (XLN) 118
2 Swamp (RIX) 194
4 Viashino Pyromancer (M19) 166
13 Mountain (RIX) 195
4 Sovereign's Bite (M19) 120
2 Dragonskull Summit (XLN) 252
4 Cinder Barrens (M19) 248
4 Shock (M19) 156
4 Ghitu Lavarunner (DAR) 127
3 Fanatical Firebrand (RIX) 101
2 Electrostatic Field (GRN) 97
4 Lightning Strike (M19) 152
4 Risk Factor (GRN) 113
4 Wizard's Lightning (DAR) 152
2 Banefire (M19) 130
2 Sword-Point Diplomacy (XLN) 126

I replaced the 2 missing diplomacies with ruin readers and they're actually doing a good job. I've also got 2 swamps for the other 2 dragonskull summits I'm still missing.

I didn't invent the deck, I actually saw it first on merchant's YouTube video. I also didn't reinvent it. I just posted it because I love playing it, such a guilty pleasure. Just like eating a whole box of chocolates all by yourself.

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Last edited by Haven_pt on Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Spicy Rakdos
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:59 pm 
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I miss my playset of Sword-Point I had before the wipe.
I really liked that card. It went great in my discard deck.
Looks pretty strong. I need to get to some building. I haven't done much beyond my two mono whites, an Izzet and my Golgari Singleton deck. My problem is that I start to build, start reading the cards and thinking of ideas and before I can act on it one of my kids is asking me something or me realizing I should do some dishes before starting dinner, etc.... then whatever I was thinking about building usually gets replaced with "let's get in a few wins while I can still play this evening." LoL

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 Post subject: Re: Spicy Rakdos
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:27 pm 
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The deck is a blast to play, wonderful for grinding wins because the games are over really quickly, but it auto-loses to any deck packed with lifegain (and there are quite a few of those on the ladder), but just concede and move on. Those red-hate decks are brewed to farm the popular red decks anyway.
I get that the games are probably very uninteresting for opponents, because any slower deck is blown out of the water and the level of interaction is very low, but hey... It's burn...

Game plan is simple. Do +-10 damage with creatures and face burn, then factor or diplomacy into more burn and and finish them off before they can even get started.

This deck leaves me curious about what sorts of goodies rakdos will get with the new set. When does spoiler season begin?

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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 Post subject: Re: Spicy Rakdos
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:10 am 
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No idea. But if we got something like Unleash... :D

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