On Assassin's Trophy, I think I might ditch the cast downs. I know, I know, I'm ramping my opponent, but on the other hand I don't care if I ramp most of my opponents as long the steamkin t2 is gone, the nasty enchantment I need to deal with (hi divine visitation or frenzy) or the walker that has protection is blown away. Hen I'd have room for the 3rd contempt.
Hmm, I mostly agree, just Steamkin T2 is giving the RDW opponent 4 mana on his next turn, I'm not 100% sure that is the best idea (though perhaps it is). I'm a lot more sure about your other examples, they are all quite valid in my opinion. I mean, if you Trophy a Frenzy or walker, you are usually at least at turn 4-5, which is close enough near midgame where it doesn't matter too much when you give them an extra land. I would usually run 2 Trophy, but I think 3 is doable too, depending on how much Contempt you run. I now run 3 Contempt, 2 Trophy in the main (in my Golgari deck, that is).
On RDW, yeah, that's a real pain in the ass. Sometimes I win and sometimes when they curve out I lose even with a good hand on play.
I thought that I should jam in more wgw. but I gimp myself vs other decks. On top of that the wgw and explorers don't really help as they get blown up the moment they come into play. Maybe the contempt will help a bit due to the lifegain. 1for1 removal also doesn't bring me much further as they have a lot of cheap threats and with good draws they still can topdeck decently. How is golgari dealing with it? Llanowar into bigger threats? At t5 I'm usually in lethal range just waiting for either factor or frenzy :-/
Golgari has the same problem. Wgw can be good if it sticks, but it is more of a T4 play -> 1 wgw, then 1 explore and *pray* they don't bolt the wgw... if it sticks, your survival odds go up astronomically. If it doesn't, that's 1 less burn to the face, and we try to resurrect it later and try again (if we still live). Does that warrant inclusion of wgw? I'm not 100% sure, but I think as a 2-off, they are quite decent. Perhaps in Pro Tour next weekend we will see some cool ideas on how to deal, or perhaps BG-midrange won't be played so much anymore, we will see. Your suggestion of ramping into Carny is usually how it goes, though, but that is often not quick enough against RDW (they bolt the elf). I've tried to combat this with Ritual of Soot in the past, but even that is usually not quick enough. I'm going to try play Golden Demise in the SB just to see if a T3 wipe may actually be helpful.
One advantage of playing competitive Bo3 though, is you meet a lot less RDW decks. Most people (me included) play it in the quick event to farm gold/cards/dailies (which makes sense, its fast!)