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 Post subject: Arena's rank is funky
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:48 am 
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There's been plenty of talk about this on the official forum, but I can't shake the feeling that the ranking system is screwed up.
I'm Silver 2 ATM irc, but have fluctuated between all the silver ranks and been up to gold at some point. Thing is, I win plenty, quite a bit more than I lose, but wins give me very little increase where the occasional loss (just to RNG sometimes) usually eats up most of the advancement from my wins.
I get the way it works, that if I play with someone at a lower rank than me I advance little and stand to lose a lot, but it's always like that now. I don't seem to face high rank players where I stand to win big/lose little.
I guess I'm content at hanging around the silver ranks and dodging most of the net-decking spikes so I can play jank, but if and when rank actually matters, the current system would enfuriating to say the least.
Even cgb doesn't seem to have passed silver rank. How about you guys?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:58 am 

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I was gold before I finished my R/B deck lol, but lost several games in a row and dropped to silver. After I finished my R/B deck my win rate increased but I was also losing more progression per loss, and am currently silver I.

Pretty sure you can play jank even at gold. You'll just get matched up against other jank (thanks Wizards).

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:04 am 
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Is very hard to climb ranks in the current system but maybe that is not all that bad, at least it reminds you that you got a long road to master this game.
In Duels everyone felt like the top dog with rank 40 and that prevented you from improving.
I fluctuate in the 1-3 silver ranks and I play jank and spikes and some original builds that eat my rank from time to time while I´m tunning them.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:23 am 
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Yeah, I flip between Silver 1 and Silver 2. Such is life.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:06 am 
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Like most, I have been between Silver 1-2 recently. I am pretty okay with that. It makes the ranks more valuable then they were in Duels. You need to be better then 50% to reach Gold+.

On a side note, I have found that ranks are tougher to come by in Constructed with Sideboards. Maybe just a perception since Constructed takes almost twice as long as quick constructed.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:57 am 
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I haven't even seen ranking recently. Has is been consigned to BO3 only now? I've only played Singleton and Quick Constructed these past few months.
I'm sure I'm still in the bronze somewhere.
I'm a horrible player.

Edit: Speaking of playing... I never even saw Pauper. Was it in the "goblin menu"? I guess I missed out then.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:47 pm 
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I haven't even seen ranking recently. Has is been consigned to BO3 only now? I've only played Singleton and Quick Constructed these past few months.
I'm sure I'm still in the bronze somewhere.
I'm a horrible player.

Edit: Speaking of playing... I never even saw Pauper. Was it in the "goblin menu"? I guess I missed out then.

I wouldn't say you "missed" anything.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:44 pm 
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I haven't even seen ranking recently. Has is been consigned to BO3 only now? I've only played Singleton and Quick Constructed these past few months.
I'm sure I'm still in the bronze somewhere.
I'm a horrible player.

Edit: Speaking of playing... I never even saw Pauper. Was it in the "goblin menu"? I guess I missed out then.

I think it was one of the shortcuts, but you can also just hit play and then select your mode in a text menu.

About ranks, there appear to be multiple: none for QC, one for free play and one for limited. Don't know about the other modes. My limited is silver 2, free play should be the lowest one for I don't play that.

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