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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:26 am 
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Yeah, went 6-3 on my 1st draft due to sword. It’s absolutely awesome. Made me go WG with 4 of those funny 1/2 falcons.
Draft 2 i got the naya dragon and went naya, thought that the deck was super strong and finished 3-3... sword ftw :-)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:39 pm 

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Ok was concerned that the token generated is attacking (= eaten if opponent has a bigger creature on the ground), but drafting sword and looking to go go-wide, maybe even R/W again :D Let's see how it goes.

EDIT: So P1P2, after having picked the Sword, Sleep, Star-Crowned Stag or Vine Mare? I'm thinking Stag, but Sleep sounds really good too (sleep opponents, attack and generate two tokens for free!) and Vine Mare of course is a first-pick quality card. However blue is a very non-aggro color and Sword looks like an aggro card, so I have no idea.

Last edited by Banedon on Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:42 pm 
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If you have no color commitment, I'd just lean towards Vine Mare due to pure power level.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:17 pm 
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Just had a really fun draft :D

Picked up exclusion mage, couple salvagers, symbiont, omenspeakers and 3 abnormal endurance. Plus some other blue and black cards. Several opponents had me at 2-5 life but couldn't attack since I was recurring endurance with salvagers for the sweet 1 for 0 while beating them down in the air :P Was a little surprised to go 7-1 since it was a bit of a meme deck, given how much fun it was I'd have been happy with a 5-3 or something. Reminded me a bit of a deck I used to play that was all about recurring Gonti.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:27 am 
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I love when I can pull that combo :D


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:43 am 

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So I drafted this deck:

2 Cavalry Drillmaster
1 Rabid Bite
1 Take Vengeance
2 Titanic Growth
1 Militia Bugler
1 Daggerback Basilik
1 Elvish Rejuvenator
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Sigiled Sword of Valeron
1 Gallant Cavalry
2 Star-Crowned Stag
2 Vine Mare
1 Bristling Boar
1 Thornhide Wolves
3 Rhox Oracle
1 Knight of the Tusk
1 Colossal Dreadmaw

Other cards in sideboard: 1 Thornhide Wolves, 1 Bristling Boar, 1 Novice Knight, 1 Knight's Pledge

And went 0-3. Granted one of the losses was to mana screw (mull to 6 with 2 lands on the play, didn't draw one until I had to discard once), but still. One game my opponent beat me down with a Pegasus Courser and by the time I stabilized, I had only two life left and opponent topdecked Ghirapur Guide. Sword was completely useless. I never cast it because it simply takes too much mana to activate, and even if I could cast it and equip it, opponent would simply eat the 2/2 + the equipped creature (it doesn't give +toughness) and then it would be another 3 mana next turn. Like, I'd look at the card and wonder, "why can't this be Titanic Growth??"

Either I made a serious mistake somewhere drafting this deck or Sword is just not a good card.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:48 am 
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As I said, for the sword I drafted a lot of fliers (4 of them 1CMC 1/2) and creatures up to 3CMC. I wanted to ensure, that I have something to equip on T4 and reasonable board presence until t3. Your curve looks very high, maybe that's why.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:26 am 

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Rekt! Never trust what I say about draft ...

Reached 7-2 next run with UB control. What can I say, I'm just better at drafting these I guess. I saw a crap ton of playables in both colours though, and had cards like Anticipate, Two-Headed Zombie, Tolarian Scholar, and Frilled Serpent sitting in the sideboard. I was also passed multiple Salvager of Secrets, wound up only picking two since those packs had other good cards as well. Psychic Symbiont is a really great card. Abnormal Endurance is also great with all the enters-the-battlefield abilities (the combo with Salvager is especially funny, if mana intensive). Dwindle was again medium, and even lost me some games because three of my opponents had enchantment removal (Invoke the Divine + Naturalize wtf?). Odd thing about the deck: I was loaded with counters and removal, but didn't have big creatures, which meant that if even one big creature sticks I would have to draw removal or die. Maybe I should've run the Two-Headed Zombie to threaten trades.

Also: what is this card Gravewaker? Like, it clearly says "M19" on the card, but I never see it in boosters and it's not in card lists either? Is it a promotional card like Nexus of Fate?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:37 pm 
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If a card's collection number is over the collection total for the set (280 for M19), it was introduced to Standard in a Standard legal supplemental product and won't be found in boosters. Gravewaker is in the black M19 planeswalker deck.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:10 am 

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My latest draft vs. R/W aggro.

T1: me Vampire Neonate, him land go
T2: me Omenspeaker, him land Oreskos Swiftclaw
T3: me land go, him Oreskos Swiftclaw (no attack)
T4: me land go, him Viashino Pyromancer + Goblin instigator (no attack)
T5: me land go, him attack with all + Inspired Charge

gg wp, this is what I get for keeping a land with 3 lands, Neonate, Omenspeaker and 2 expensive cards. But then my deck had 5 Omenspeakers. I don't see how R/W wins with any kind of consistency unless they have Star-Crowned Stag or Pegasus Courser to force attackers through.

Also P1P1: Dryad Greenseeker or Sarkhan's Unsealing? I took Sarkhan's Unsealing because I've never played with it before, but am not sure it's the right pick. Dryad Greenseeker is one hell of a card, and the pack had other good red cards as well (in particular Electrify, but also Lightning Mare). How often do other people use what else is in the pack to guide their picks?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:04 am 
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Boris aggro is tha boss in m19 I kid you not.
Unsealing is good and is definitively P1 material, same as Greenseeker... I think I would take unsealing too but... is super close, sometimes that deck does not come together while Dryad is raw value machine and maybe the best 2 drop in the format.
I think Dryad might be the right pick here... or the safest at least.


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:15 am 
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Currently 1-0, about 1:45 to finish all my games before they end the quick draft.


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:51 am 
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divinevert wrote:
Currently 1-0, about 1:45 to finish all my games before they end the quick draft.


Sputtered out at 5-3. :(

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:54 am 
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man that was fast

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:20 pm 
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man that was fast

The magic of Rakdos Aggro.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:17 am 

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Quite surprised to go 7-2 with this deck:


I was 0-1, then 1-2, both losses with sketchy hands after a mulligan to six. Highlight of the run was when my 4-color opponent draws all his colors, plays Djinn of Wishes (which draws all three cards), plays Horizon Scholar, plays Snapping Drake, plays Militia Bugler, and had a bunch of creatures out. I was tempted to concede when the Horizon Scholar hit the battlefield, but played it out since I can't afford to be wasting draft games. Luminous Bonds held off the two big flyers while Neonate and an active Leonin Vanguard meant the Snapping Drake was a slow clock. I didn't have any big ground creatures out but they were large enough to hold off his, which were 1- and 2-strength. Eventually I played Lena for 3, and then a couple of turns later topdecked Inspired Charge. He had plenty of blockers to survive my attack, but didn't block, and died. I'm sure he wasn't expecting to lose that one.

Major slops to Skeleton Archer for never showing up after I first picked Death Baron. Turned out Death Baron wasn't that good either in spite of the large number of zombies in my deck, often I would simply not draw him or it was going to trade anyway (5/3 Two-Headed Zombies sure trade off easily).

Long long way more to go to fill out my collection. Next draft, P1P1, Volley Veteran, Siege Giant, Luminous Bonds, Star-Crowned Stag?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:25 am 
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I'd go Luminous Bonds. Good removal and splashable. Volley Veteran has higher upside, but requires more support; the other two cards aren't as good as Bonds and Veteran.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:04 am 

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Meh, went 4-3 in my next draft, losing game 1 to a monored deck with all 1-drops and 2-drops, and the last game to a deck with 2 Ravenous Harpies, 1 Reassembling Skeleton, and Open the Graves. Can't imagine how he put together that combo, it's 3 uncommons and a rare.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:53 pm 

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P1P1, Shock, Rabid Bite, Volcanic Dragon, or Liliana's Contract?

From the Draftaholics page, Rabid Bite > Volcanic Dragon > Shock >>>> Liliana's Contract, which is somewhat surprising to me. The Contract is 4 cards, which is a lot of cards, and there is some lifegain available in black to mitigate the drawback. Rabid Bite is good removal, but the dragon is a big flyer. It's not as good as something like Serra Angel of course, but it's still a big flyer.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:05 pm 
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None are great, but given the options, I always lean towards creatures in the absence of complete bombs.

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