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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:30 pm 
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Boar can only be blocked by one creature :P I get your point, though; but often a block on, say, a Havoc Devils is not two 2/4s, but a 2/4 and a 2/2 (because the other 2/4 is needed elsewhere) and suddenly Sure Strike (or Titanic Growth) gets the 2-for-1.

Electrify is definitely a top 5 common in the set and the best red one IMO (think it's a bit better than Shock, and Shock has seen better formats (AER)). It kills most things you need dead, including every single non-rare flier in the set (except for the 5/5 dragon token off Draconic Disciple); and instant-speed is a really big boon.
Rabid Bite is more efficient, but requires you to have a large enough creature on the board and is more prone to blowouts. Don't get me wrong, it's a good card and in contention for best green common; but it's not as unconditional and reliable as Electrify.

I believe green has a solid amount of card advantage to be gotten between Elvish Rejuvenator, Rhox Oracle, Dryad Greenseeker and others that it doesn't need to rely on Blue too much here. Blue does obviously help out here, though.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:34 pm 
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You make a good argument for red. The things I need dead most often are probably not killable by electrify - a 1/2 bird with knight's pledge and oakenform on it. Green struggles with these two mind if you don't happen to have enchantment hate in hand. That's why black is my most picked colour in m19, people are so eager to go ALLLL IN, YEAH BAEBAY, WOOOHOOO, THIS GOOD PLAY RITE?! But disperse just shines there too.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:15 pm 

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Well Cucho your deck does seem like an exceptionally good version of the Boros deck. 2x Pegasus Courser is a huge deal to be able to keep attacking. But Courser is a high pick for all decks - what if you start drafting R/W and then don't get any Coursers? For that matter, what if you start drafting Trumpet Blast and Inspired Charge and don't get passed any Goblin Instigators?

Re Ben Stark's video, well I'd not have picked the Instigator P1P4 - probably would've taken Giant Spider instead. P1P6 I'd take the Neonate, and with that I'm in a deck other than Boros aggro.

Modulo wrote:
What deeply saddens me is how bad Green is. It's not unplayable, but you need to get hooked up in basically every archetype you're playing as the average green deck lacks power. The commons are solid (Colossal Dreadmaw, Rabid Bite, Druid of the Cowl), but rather unexciting and in general you have less redundancy than you'd like; it doesn't help that vanilla creatures are rather bad this format due to how clogged up the ground is.

Heh, and I find green a good colour, perhaps the best main colour even. I'd hardly call the deck lacking power since you have plenty of good commons - Colossal Dreadmaw for example is great, but you also have Bristling Boar, Rhox Oracle, even Thornhide Wolves is quite good. You have plenty of redundancy because your common creature base is so strong. I disagree that vanilla creatures are bad - because of how clogged up the ground is, what matters is having bigger creatures than the opponent. I don't mind playing Thornhide Wolves for this reason, and I find Colossal Dreadmaw, Ghastbark Twins, etc strong cards. Only weakness with green is that you're rather short on removal, but the second color can compensate for it.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:03 pm 
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Happy birthday Modulo!!! We love you

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:29 pm 
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The thing with the Boris Aggro pile is that you can grab Pegasus Courser earlier, coz the backbone of the deck is common and kinda stinky common so you are very well positioned to end the draft with more than 30 playables. The most difficult part of the deck is to actually draft it coz is a so counter-intuitive to grab Pegasus Courser or Boggart Brute over more powerful cards. I think that that´s why this deck is so good to force draft it.
I was higher on Green early on this format... now not so much, blue is good too but White and Black are still the best colors by a wide margin with very good creatures, removal and solid game plans on the common slot.

I also think that the Colossal Majesty / Unsealing Gruul deck is the best Green combination coz you can access very solid bodies consistenlty and you can build good board presence in the mid part of the game and ride the value train of those enchantments or ramp it up.
Besides, you got good targets for Rabid Bite and you can get your hands on Reds removal.

The Simic version offers more control and I can see the tempo approach with Disperse, Sleep or the Bounce Mage to be very powerful... but then again that deck has the worse removal in the format I mean Bite is less consistent with blue creatures and Dwindle is second class removal.
I haven't drafted the Izzet deck yet, but I was under the impression that is actually quite dependant on uncommons and you should have at least one Enigma Drake to pull it off, while the midrange approach of the Orzhov deck is more versatile and less tied to uncommons.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:10 pm 
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Think I'm about done with m19. Drafted a nice deck, opened my first tezz!, played a few fun games and then just got people who wanted to play a 1 or 2 drop then just enchant the hell out of it. "Do you have removal in hand? No? I guess this idiotic play wins the game then!". Not an interesting format when a good strategy is asking to get 3 for 1'd. Like how much removal do you need to draft if most of your opponents just want to dump enchants on the first creature, 5 was certainly not enough that draft.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:51 pm 
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Well after that slightly salty post I did a couple more drafts. Had a ok mono white splashing Caress that went 6-3, mostly on the back of 3 angels and 3 stags carrying a bunch of terrible 2 drops.

Then I did a UG deck, stopped posting screenies a while ago since the format seemed pretty solved but as we've been talking archtypes and green in particular I'll post this one. It's almost exactly what I'm looking for in a UG deck, though it could do with maybe 1-2 more 4 or 5 drops and the serpent could be another dreadmaw. It's a bit more uncommon/rare heavy than you'd usually get, though no Pelakka. Very straightforward 7-1.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:53 pm 
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AD2016 wrote:
Think I'm about done with m19. Drafted a nice deck, opened my first tezz!, played a few fun games and then just got people who wanted to play a 1 or 2 drop then just enchant the hell out of it. "Do you have removal in hand? No? I guess this idiotic play wins the game then!". Not an interesting format when a good strategy is asking to get 3 for 1'd. Like how much removal do you need to draft if most of your opponents just want to dump enchants on the first creature, 5 was certainly not enough that draft.

Voltron tactics... they are so fragile yet sometimes unbeatable... don't loose heart man, those stinky decks live even in DOM so there is really no way out of them.

Ok so I was going to force the Boris deck to prove my point but then I got P1P1 Unsealing... and I got an insane amount of cards that goes in that deck... but I´m not sure on the curve, its currently at 3.48 CMC and that´s too much... ideas?
I got another motivator, 3 Ox and one centaur on the sideboard, one fog, one Oakenform and titanic growth...
Help would be appreciated.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 6:35 pm 
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I'd cut motivator and instigator, add rhox oracle (is that what you ment?) and Growth and hope to hit my ramp in time. Don't think 1/1s is where you want to be. You have 4 sources of ramp and greenseeker, it's not unreasonable.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:09 pm 

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Your late game is strong so I'd cut the aggro cards - especially Motivator, Onakke Ogre and Havoc Devils - for the Centaur and probably two Rhox Oracles.

About forcing the Boros deck: that's how you do it? Pegasus Courser and Boggart Brute are both strong cards that I wouldn't hesitate to pick up early especially if I'm already in the colour. What I've usually done is to already be drafting white or red cards, and then if I get passed something like Heroic Reinforcements, I commit to R/W. There've also been (train wreck) drafts where I open Heroic Reinforcements and pick it. But as I said, R/W has never worked for me, so yeah.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:23 pm 
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I was thinking more on lowering the curve not rising it... I´m thinking on 18 lands to begging with -and yes I was taking about Rhox :P -


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:56 pm 
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I am currently 2-0 with what feels like a really strong BR aggro sacrifice deck, but I have little removal. Could run into issues if I get out-tempoed, but one win was a mulligan to 5 where Lili took over as repeatable removal with 3 zombies

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:35 am 
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Cucho: I think your curve is looking fine and you can even up it a little bit. The deck looks decent and I only have a few small things I'd do different:

-1 Goblin Motivator
You're not really an aggro deck; leave this one on the sidelines.

-1 Manalith
Druid of the Cowl, Elvish Rejuvenator and Gift of Paradise just do that job better; and your curve will not be THAT high; also we're going to add a few Rhox Oracles to the deck and want to prevent flooding out.

+1 Titanic Growth
Despite you not being very aggressive, interaction in combat is appreciated, and you're a bit short on removal.

+1 Rhox Oracle OR +2 Rhox Oracle, -1 Thornhide Wolves
Rhox Oracle keeps you going lategame and is decent as flood insurance. You still want some meat atop of the curve (which is why we're not running 3 Oracles and 0 Thornhide Wolves). Honestly, I think it's up to preference whether you want the second Rhox Oracle or the second Thornhide Wolves.

MAYBE -1 Greenwood Sentinel, +1 Centaur Courser OR -1 Goblin Instigator, +1 Oakenform
If you feel like you can make do with four 2-drops, you have two options. Either you add Centaur Courser to hold down the ground a bit better than Greenwood Sentinel number 2, or you go for a slightly more aggressive plan and add Oakenform to grow one creature beyond size (in that case, Greenwood Sentinel is left in over Instigator as Greenwood is quite possibly the best Oakenform target in your deck, turn 3 5/5 vigilance is no joke on either offense or defense)

Other than that, deck looks good. Onakke>Centaur seems correct with Unsealing in the deck, you unfortunately need the spider for defense against fliers, fog is eh, 10-7 manabase looks about right (you need RR lategame but have Rejuvenator and Gift of Paradise to fix for that and you can keep some mountainless hands while you can't keep hands without Forests, really).

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:48 pm 

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I'd run the Thornhide Wolves tbh. Rhox Oracle is a fine card, but it's a terrible blocker. If you ever have to play Rhox Oracle on turn 5 against a Boros opponent for example they won't even need a trick to attack. Given your late-game is already so strong, I'd rather just hold the ground with the 4/5.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:41 pm 
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Banedon wrote:
I'd run the Thornhide Wolves tbh. Rhox Oracle is a fine card, but it's a terrible blocker. If you ever have to play Rhox Oracle on turn 5 against a Boros opponent for example they won't even need a trick to attack. Given your late-game is already so strong, I'd rather just hold the ground with the 4/5.

My exact reasoning, I went 2 Wolfs one Rhox but in the end, the pile crashed 5-3, the games I won where all overpowered with stalled boards and huge staring contests best win was against one mono black with not one or two but three Isareth the awakener... poor guy I killed that thing 4 times coz he had one abdominal endurance and all... but unsealing is just so damn powerful when it works. Losses where UW auras with 3 Dwindles, 2 Bonds and a couple of flyers, next was one great UW arts deck with 3 Guardians, Dwindles, and countermagic ... finally Boris Aggro sealed my destiny. The deck needed a bit more early interaction coz all the 3 losses I was dead before T6.

I then I went back to my plan and I forced the RW deck again currently 2-0 with a decent pile with 2 Stags, 15 creatures, one Trumpet blast and one Heroic Reinforcements.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:06 am 
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Had six Ux M19 drafts in a row, so I got a bit leery that I'd been too high on U. Thought I might have to force the issue, but the game did it for me. Ended up with what appears to be a solid RW deck here, but I'm a bit lost on the last few inclusions. Is Siegebreaker worthwhile with such a low curve? Is Mighty Leap worth running over an Inspired Charge? Should I find a way to include the other Rustwing Falcons?

Relevant sideboard:
Rustwing Falcon (2x)
Mighty Leap
Havoc Devils
Act of Treason
Sure Strike
Siegebreaker Giant
Lava Axe

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:52 am 

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No idea I'm afraid since I'm terrible with R/W. You seem to have lots of anthems though and possibly not enough payoffs. I'd think about cutting some anthems for more creatures.

Also, P1P1: Sigiled Sword of Valeron, Electrify, or Rabid Bite? I know the removal spells are both great, but have no experience with the Sword. Also in the pack are Enigma Drake & Druid of the Cowl.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:17 am 
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@DCG: Siegebreaker Giant is not great, 3 toughness is pretty bad and most of the time the opponent stalls the board with more than just 1 creature you have to get through.
I'd definitely run 16 lands with this deck (either 9-7 or 8-8), add Sure Strike (better combat trick than Mighty Leap for your purposes) and play one Rustwing Falcon over either Make a Stand or one Trumpet Blast.

@Banedon: Sword is pretty good if you're going wide or have evasive attackers. The other nice thing about it is that it's colorless and should make basically every deck you're building (unless it's Mill). Think its real power level is much closer to Electrify than it looks at first, but even knowing your preference for more controlling decks I still think it's the pick here.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:32 am 
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This is what I would do
-16 lands + Devil
-Swap Make a stand for Sure Strike
-Swap 1 Onake ogre for Act of Treason
-Tormenting voice for One falcon
-Siege breaker is kinda meh and you already got 1 Pegasus and 2 Stags so that should cover your evasion needs, maybe you could swap one inspired charge for it coz you still have 6 anthem effects and you don't want to draw all the anthems with no crits...


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:22 am 
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Banedon wrote:
Also, P1P1: Sigiled Sword of Valeron, Electrify, or Rabid Bite? I know the removal spells are both great, but have no experience with the Sword. Also in the pack are Enigma Drake & Druid of the Cowl.

Sword is a legitimate game winning bomb, I don't think it's even close. Unanswered it'll take over a game real fast.

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