Why would anyone want to play U/W control. I mean, I love a good control deck, but this is as exciting as the old Draw Go decks. Less so, they actually had a wincon.
In an actual tournament, these type of decks tend to have a lot of 1-1 games and run out of time. That means that you are less likely to qualify for top 8, and therefore they are less popular (Or at least they were, speaking from 15-20 years ago. Maybe things have changed?)
Here though, there is no reason not to run them if all you care about is winning and you don't care how long it takes. Makes me want to make decks just to punish these decks, but it would suck vs the rest of the field.
I hate UW control with a passion. There is nothing more un-fun than counterspells. Well, maybe mill. Duels Acid Moss come back, all is forgiven! So my plan is to get as high on the ladder as I can do within a reasonable amount of time, and then play the best anti-UW deck possible, regardless of how it suck against other decks. So, what would that anti-deck be? Or maybe rotation will make UW control go away? Still, would love to have something to aim for. Suggestions welcome.
What's the wincon? Deck by boredom?
Basically. Loop Nexus for taking turns, ride Teferi up to the ultimate, destroy the opposing landbase (which the opponent cannot build up afterwards), -3 a second Teferi over and over again.
Alternatively, make a ton of Constructs with Karn or ultimate Nissa twice during all of the extra turns you have.
Turbo mill? Is that meant to be irony? It's the opposite of turbo. Syrup mill. infinetesimal mill. I played against it one time so far in Arena (just been playing a few weeks) and it was an awful experience. Not sure how it differs from UW control.