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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:41 pm 

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Did you use one of the precons? Which one did you start with and what did you build it into? Are you still using it?
Feeling a little adrift, wondering what y'all thought.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:10 pm 
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Opened a Hadana’s Climb in my first three packs so I went Merfolk at first. Didn’t want to spend any rare or mythic wildcards until I had a good stockpile and knew what I wanted to make, so I went into UW auras with a bunch of uncommons from there. Played that from mid-RIX till DOM release.

Sadly UW auras is utterly unplayable post DOM, so I haven’t touched it recently. I use mono-G stompy and infinite turns as my decks of choice these days.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:35 am 
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I opened my packs first and then fiddled around with all the cards to make a whole new deck, though merfolk was easiest base.
In the end though I put together mono red and ignored all the starter decks once I pulled a free Hazoret from the ICRs.

Well before that I technically had dinosaurs with Polyraptor combo until the wipe and then even before that I tended to use the pirate deck we where given the most before that wipe.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:10 pm 
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The Izzet and Sely decks are pretty decent to start with. I did some mods to the Sely and it didn't take much to make it a really strong Cat deck.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:18 pm 
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Started with Merfolk because the synergy and cheap lords made in reasonable initially. I moved towards a more mid range with Rakdos giving good early creatures and removal. With Kaladesh / Aether Revolt remained in those colours with Glint-Sleeve siphoner and menace / haste / aggro being a good mix. Of course the ubiquitous UW control just makes playing a pain but in the constructed best of 3 just run hand disruption after game 1 to give you a reasonable chance versus control.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:29 am 
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I started with the merfolk precon and saved up the WCs I needed for UW Approach with Karn.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:38 am 
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Mono-red, because it needed no rare-lands and works well as a grinding deck.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 5:17 am 

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I ran with Vamps early on, exchanged the few wc's I had for small upgrades and started grinding. Once I had a decent pool of cards and gold, I made monoblack control with curses, discard and removal. It has a decent matchup against UW lameness and RDW equally lameness, yet I still lose to the god-draws from RDW or if I don't draw any discard against UW and I thus can't resolve anything.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:41 pm 

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Went with B/R aggro because looking through all my cards, I had 4 Chandras and 4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, making for a relatively solid base where I don't have to play any truly embarrassing cards (e.g. the other day I played monoblue to do my quest, and had to play freaking Aether Swooper ...). The fact that B/R aggro was so dominant in Dominaria standard played a part, too.

The preconstructed decks I saw were hideously bad and I can't imagine playing them at all. Like, who plays a 3-mana vanilla 3/2? The preconstructed decks do ...

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:36 pm 
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I immediately did the $5 starter and used Mythic wildcards to put together a solid enough UW control.

Since it has literally ALL my mythic wildcards, it's the only deck I can afford to run.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:50 pm 
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After the wipe I started off with UB control and UW control since they're easy to get somewhat workable with no mythics/rares - counters are common/uncommon and answer most things. I put my mythics as I got them into a mono red deck for fast dailies. Was lucky enough to open a Sacarab god and got an Approach (which I no longer use, but it was good for a while0, a gideon and another scarab as a card reward before they changed that system. So I ended up with three playable decks quite quickly, though none of them were fully kitted out. Gradually filled in the important rare slots - vraska's contempt and settle - and gave up on red since it was getting a bit boring to play so I started making a mono green stompy which is where most of my wildcards went for a while. Had a stockpile of mythic/rares ready for dominaria and grabbed some Teferis etc as soon as it hit.

Only recently started picking up lands, they're not super vital in two colour decks and I prefer to have variety in my gameplay. There's another 5-6 decks I'd like to play and that's without any M19 stuff, so I'm still quite a way off what I'd like to be doing, but I'm not sinking money into this game until I'm more certain it'll be around longer than the yearly duels releases and there's a better idea of what "arena modern" will look like, whether they intend to charge you for playing with your cards, and how often singleton will be available

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