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 Post subject: [STANDARD] Selesnya Hex
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 1:10 pm 
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Joined: Sep 06, 2014
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Identity: ItsreallyDJ0045
Preferred Pronoun Set: I'm male, lol!
Deck: Selesnya Hex

Counts : 60 main

1 mana:4
4 Llanowar Elves

2 mana:12
4 x Channeler Initiate
4 x Glory-Bound Initiate
4 x Seal Away

3 mana:12
4 x Kinjalli's Sunwing
4 x Prowling Serpopard
4 x Thrashing Brontodon

4 mana:6
2 x Cast Out
4 x Shalai, Voice of Plenty

5 mana:2
2 Lyra Dawnbringer

8 x Forest
8 x Plains
4 x Scattered Groves
4 x Sunpetal Grove

I’m just toying around with an idea based around some of the oppressive cards across the two colors. If things go well, you could have an uncounterable hexproof army by t3. Decent removal package, plus the curve tops out with Baneslayer (I mean Lyra). This should be a reasonable midrange deck.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:29 am 

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The top two decks in the format are :r: aggro and :u::b: control. What are your plans for dealing with those?

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 1:00 pm 
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mjack33 wrote:
The top two decks in the format are :r: aggro and :u::b: control. What are your plans for dealing with those?

Lifegain and Hexproof (which includes me) for Ramunap Red (does the deck have any spells that can take out a 3/4 with one card?)
Can't be countered and Hexproof for Control.

The deck also has some responses to Artifact decks, in the event it encounters combo.

Seems an odd question based on the deck itself (which is midrange, and therefore well positioned against aggro, by default - if it works at all). The best laid plans and all that though.

What I like about the deck - in general - is that it has answers to a lot of things, built onto cards that are still strong even when they aren't needed as answers.

I think the deck stands a chance. Got a better idea?

(if we've got sideboards, board in some sweepers (which are plentiful in White)).

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 3:43 pm 

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DJ0045 wrote:

Lifegain and Hexproof (which includes me) for Ramunap Red (does the deck have any spells that can take out a 3/4 with one card?)
Can't be countered and Hexproof for Control.

So your plan for red is to go first and play angels on curve..... seems about as good as any other deck I guess. Everyone else's plan seems to be to go first and cast Essence Scatter so at least your 3/4 is a better plan than that.

The :u::b: list is 8 creatures with a bunch of :b: removal and :u: counterspells. I have no idea if this would work or not.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 3:52 pm 
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mjack33 wrote:
DJ0045 wrote:

Lifegain and Hexproof (which includes me) for Ramunap Red (does the deck have any spells that can take out a 3/4 with one card?)
Can't be countered and Hexproof for Control.

So your plan for red is to go first and play angels on curve..... seems about as good as any other deck I guess. Everyone else's plan seems to be to go first and cast Essence Scatter so at least your 3/4 is a better plan than that.

The :u::b: list is 8 creatures with a bunch of :b: removal and :u: counterspells. I have no idea if this would work or not.

Well my plan is always to play first, but that’s everyone. As for the rest, my hope is to have a 3 butt on t2 and definitely plan to have a 4 butt on t3. A large portion of my opening hands can make that a reality. No idea if that’s enough to beat red though. Red is a good deck, which is why it’s the first one I tried building ages ago.

Keep in mind, the Angel completely wrecks red’s gameplan (I’m not able to be targeted, my creatures can’t be targeted... only the angel can be targeted, and it survives Abrade, Wizard’s Lightning, and Lightning Strike), unless they have two removal in hand or I accept the 2-1.

I should also mention that this is a VERY early draft, and doesn't have the benefit of hundreds (possibly thousands) of people improving it over time.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 5:19 pm 
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Lyra is so good against aggro, but against control not so much coz you got Ravenous Chupacabra and Vraska's Contempt.
Golden Demise is also in that deck...


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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 5:58 pm 
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Lyra is Cute, but Serporpard and Shalai are this deck’s answers to control. And they both should come online before comptempt or Chupacabra if the deck works right. If they want to blow up my elves with a sweeper I’m cool with it.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:10 pm 

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DJ0045 wrote:
Lyra is Cute, but Serporpard and Shalai are this deck’s answers to control. And they both should come online before comptempt or Chupacabra if the deck works right. If they want to blow up my elves with a sweeper I’m cool with it.

I had a game today where I won by Lightning Strike-ing 4 Llanowar Elves four turns in a row. Dude conceded after the 4th one. I don't know why, but this reminds me of that.

The only sweepers in Arena that I commonly see are the red one that does 2 damage to non pirates and Golden Demise. And that one black legendary whose name I can't remember without opening the client. He's from one of the pre-cons so everyone gets a copy of him.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:30 pm 
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Sounds like a pretty poor mulligan, lol.

Edit: I should also mention that the deck contains 4 cheap instant speed answers to Hazorett, and 2 answers at cost parity. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to call it a favorable matchup, but I think this deck might do close to 50%, if not much better. (I just wish it wouldn't cost me a grand to find out.)

Edit2: Honestly white has MUCH better answers to Ram Red. I’ve no idea why people are playing UB - maybe finishers? Why not UW? (Nm, yeah it’s the finishers... just splash black for Scarab God, imo) The white removal package is excellent right now, and borderline comprehensive.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:03 pm 
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DJ0045 wrote:
White removal package is excellent right now, and borderline comprehensive.

Talking about white removal but where is settle the wreckage in this pile?
The UW deck is very good here is my pile ATM.

2 x Blink of an Eye
2 x Negate
4 x Seal Away
2 x Essence Scatter
4 x Merfolk Trickster

1 x Gideon of the Trials
3 x Supreme Will
3 x Wizard's Retort

2 x Settle the Wreckage
3 x Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
2 x Ixalan's Binding
1 x Cast Out

2 x Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
3 x Lyra Dawnbringer
2 x Pull from Tomorrow

2 x Arch of Orazca
4 x Memorial to Genius
4 x Meandering River
6 x Plains
8 x Island


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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:34 pm 
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For my deck, it belongs in the sideboard (assuming we ever get one, otherwise, I'd consider cutting Lyras for it - pending meta requirements). I like yours, I'll try to build on it... could you post it in a UW thread? It would make a good starting point for discussion, etc...

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