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 Post subject: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:32 pm 
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So I think there was some shared interest on this archetype, this is where I am ATM

This is just bad mana but, I'm just too dumb to spend WC on lands...
7 x Island
11 x Mountain
2 x Memorial to Genius
-this land, I did made, and its great I got the two copies on all my blue decks-
3 x Highland Lake

4 x Lightning Strike
4 x Wizard's Lightning
-24 points of burn at instant speed-
4 x Magma Spray
-never leave home with out this on your burn suite, this kills on the spot Champion of wits and Kendra, two of the more recursive creatures
2 x Blink of an Eye
2 x Insult // Injury
Old habits, but this baby can hit for 6 on the face with the wizards bolt
2 x Pull from Tomorrow
Old habits, I tried open to wonder but this is just better, and we can drop our hand very fast.

4 x Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
Center piece
4 x Merfolk Trickster
Freaking amazing card, the amount of shenanigans it can pull are insane
2 x Siren Stormtamer
secret tech against settle the wreckage, she always protect a bigger hitter and is a frying wiz.
2 x Ghitu Chronicler
-This is a 2cmc filler at 6 mana is just meh, but she has a couple of games on her back-
3 x Soul-Scar Mage
love this guy nuff said!
2 x Glorybringer
The Red Boss I don't own a Phenix but this guy always delivers I used to run 3 copies but I think 2 is the right number... maybe is just some sort of duels nostalgia...

2 x Riddleform
This is on trial but it has performed quite nicely, attacking and defending

This last build has kept his ground against a decent number of decks, but on the tribal area wizards tend to be the slower gang, this is where flying comes in handy to win a race against Knights and Merfolks but when those guys start swarming the board with tokens we just fall behind rather quickly, sweepers are counterintuitive but they might work.

I guess that Champion of wits -got 2, but I find her a bit slow for the build... I might be completely wrong tho- and Naru Meha, Master Wizard -don't have any copies and I got just 3 more Mythic WCs left :( - could make the cut, anyone has tested any of them on the archetype?


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2018 11:11 pm 
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There is a great shared interest on my part anyway, it's only the casual, ftp for now, gaming that I'm doing that keeps me from janking out most anything I think of. I really want to build Arthur/Merlin (Knights/Wizards), Saprolings and a couple others but of course... I don't own more than half the cards I need for those and others. I'm really leary of spending money on this considering I was literally a thought away from spending the somewhere around $300 it would have taken me to get everything in Duels when they shut down the game.
Once almost bitten.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:15 am 
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This is my build

8 x Island
2 x Dive Down
4 x Opt
3 x Chart a Course
3 x Spellweaver Eternal
4 x Soul-Scar Mage
8 x Mountain
4 x Lightning Strike
1 x Rekindling Phoenix
2 x Enigma Drake
4 x Highland Lake
2 x Unsummon
4 x Wizard's Lightning
3 x Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
1 x Siren Stormtamer
2 x Ghitu Lavarunner
2 x Riddleform
1 x Blink of an Eye
1 x The Flame of Keld
1 x Champion of Wits

I'm gonna add some more Stormtamers when I get some more WCs. Champion is the main flex spot, just isn't right for this deck.
Dive Down has actually been iffy, because removal heavy decks will just play more removal and it won't save your team from a sweeper.
The deck works pretty often especially against slow decks. Rdw is an auto-lose though. It's faster and packs more removal...

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 6:28 pm 
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One card you may want to consider putting in is Protean Raider. It's been a great card in my Izzet Drake/Fling deck. Also, and I'm sure you are already aware, Sulfur Falls is way better than Highland Lake.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 1:46 am 
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One card you may want to consider putting in is Protean Raider. It's been a great card in my Izzet Drake/Fling deck. Also, and I'm sure you are already aware, Sulfur Falls is way better than Highland Lake.

Not a single rare Land yet. Looks like WotC really wants me to blow WCs on lands.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:35 am 
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One card you may want to consider putting in is Protean Raider. It's been a great card in my Izzet Drake/Fling deck. Also, and I'm sure you are already aware, Sulfur Falls is way better than Highland Lake.

Sulfur Falls..... I yearn 4 or those like Barney yearns for Soup, I´m yet to own one Protean Raider, but ist a card I would like to try I like cloning suff.

I had been burning a lot of WC on this deck and this is getting tight, with very fast starts that has left some RDW behind.
Insult is a BOMB! on this deck, just insane.

So Haven I tried the Spellweaver Eternal and I´m sold for them, they make a very quick start and will always trade, so given that they are commons I made 4 :V
I got lucky and got one Riddleform from the draft, so I made the last copy and now I got no more WC... -The head start reaches it´send- I got again lucky and crack one Phenix from Quick Constructed.

Another good tech is Cartouche of Knowledge it makes all kind of funky things, it trigers RiddleForm and Prowess, it replaces it self and adds evasion to Scar and Spellweaver... :evil:

Goblin Chain whirler and Scar Mage are BFF, -But one flying Goblin Chain whirler FTW it´s just hilarious!
I went 6-2 On constructed with this one.


Wizards 2.0

1 x CMC
4 x Wizard's Lightning
4 x Magma Spray

2 x Siren Stormtamer
3 x Soul-Scar Mage
4 x Merfolk Trickster

2 x CMC
4 x Lightning Strike
4 x Spellweaver Eternal

4 x Riddleform
2 x Cartouche of Knowledge

3 x CMC
4 x Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
2 x Insult /// Injury
2 x Goblin Chainwhirler

4 x CMC
2 x Rekindling Phoenix

7 x Island
9 x Mountain
2 x Highland Lake
2 x Memorial to Genius


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:51 am 
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Those are some funky ideas. I like.

I'm sitting on 4 rare WCs and I'm actually itching to get 4 rare lands, but I've got 0 Chainwhirlers or Insults.

I crafted a full set of Stormtamers though, but I'm not sure if the deck has room for all 4, but the investment is worth it because I have a side-project of mono-blue Winds (8x 1-drop flyers makes me think that deck is viable).
Also got a Mythic WC that I'd like to make into a Locust God or scorpion god... I'm torn.
I've also got 0 tricksters, which look nice, but I'm unsure if they're worth it still.
You cut all the draw, no Opt or Chart a Course. Don't you run out of cards?

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:01 am 
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Some times but I got only 20 Lands so there are a bit more cards, the memorial to genius is draw on the late game with 4 sulfur fall I will put 4 of those,
The cards run scare fast but generally they also spend resources.


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:21 am 

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Curious Obsession if you can get 4 copies of it, is an uncommon card that is run extremely commonly in Izzet Wizards in standard. It's from Rivals of Ixalan.

You have only 20 lands, and you are running Merfolk Trickster and Goblin Chainwhirler. ... As well as a bunch of 3 and 4 cost cards in a deck with only 20 lands. You are begging to have mana problems. I don't have a suggestion to fix that because it's so far from the norm that I don't understand how you got lucky enough to go 6-2.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 12:00 pm 
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20 Land isn't a problem when you have Opt and other cheap draw spells, because you don't want/need much more Land once you get to 4.
I do aggree cucho's build is probably a little greedy in terms of mana though...

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 12:11 pm 
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There are just 6 cards with heavy mana needs, Sulfur Fall would make this thing a lot more consistent, but I guess It really comes to knowing how to mulligan, also the Riddleform has scry writen somewhere in there, that has come in handy a couple of times.
I also have 2 of those lands that helps with tribal decks, I guess it would be wise to add those to the mix.
Mjack this went 6-2 in quick constructed but went 6-0 on the regular ladder, the deck delivers.
Edit: take in consideration that the deck curves out at 4cmc and has only 2 drops there.


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 1:27 pm 
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WHats quick constructed?

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 2:01 pm 
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WHats quick constructed?

Install the f@cking game and find out!

I'd sure like to play you Sometime when we finally get friend features in Arena.

Quick constructed is an event you pay 500 gold to enter and you play til you win 7 games or lose 3.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 3:14 pm 
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Oh right, the mini tournament. Thanks!

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 3:49 pm 

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Haven_pt wrote:
20 Land isn't a problem when you have Opt and other cheap draw spells

I'm sorry. This was my bad. I was mistakenly under the impression the list posted was some sort of aggro deck.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:23 pm 
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Hey the mana can be tweaked, for sure, it´s one of the places where needs badly Sulfur Fall but the land count is not off at all, maybe you could go with 21 but as I said this curves out at 4CMC.
I just had this start:

T1 Soul Scar Mage
T2 Riddleform ping 2
T3 Cartouche, draw a card Ping for 6 in the air -The flying edge of the deck is paramount... on the ground Cats and Knights got the upper hand-
T4 Insult + Wizard Bolt ping for 18.... 3 from the mage, 3 for the bolt, 3 for the Riddleform= 9 x 2 =18 even with out the bolt you got lethal.
Generally you will make your 3rd drop at T4 but you must use every drop of mana available

I can´t tell you how many crap you can pull with the trickster, tapping the creature they left for blocking EOT is one of the best, but it can also work on defense.

The Goblin may be the soft spot ATM.


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:31 pm 

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An aggro deck with 3 and 4 drops shouldn't be running only 20 lands. If you disagree, this should actually be a topic on the main forum, since it seems multiple people have disagreed with me on this.

An aggro deck wants to play 1 drop, 2 drop, 3 drop, 4 drop, opponent is dead on turn 5. You don't want to miss a land drop, EVER, before your 4th if you can help it.

Playing a 1 cmc spell to make sure you can draw more lands, instead of just running the lands, is bad deck building for an aggro deck. You should not be playing any spells that don't contribute to dealing more damage. All of your mana, for at least the first 4 turns, should be spent pressuring the opponent. If you are doing something else fairly often, your deck isn't running right, or you aren't playing an aggro deck.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:41 pm 
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I did not came up with it you are welcomed to argue Frank Karsten


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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:55 pm 
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I did not came up with it you are welcomed to argue Frank Karsten

I’m pretty sure Karsten would also tell you to add lands to your deck, lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Wizards Brewing
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:59 pm 
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LOL, yes its a bit of a gamble ATM maybe 21 and the 4 Soul Scar and loose the Goblins would be the right move, the win rate is high tho.


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