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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:01 pm 
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I made a peasant cube around three years ago that was 360 cards. Since then Wizards has released a lot of new cards. Because of that I've recently made a lot of additions and removals. I want the cube to end up at 490 cards, ideally around 70 of each color, 70 colorless/lands, and 7 of each ally and enemy combination. As for what I want from the cube, I want it to push the limits of how strong a common/uncommon cube can be without being too dry (white having 10 versions of pacifism) or including cards that are demonstrably much stronger than anything else (Skullclamp, Sol Ring, Mana Drain). I am also trying to keep individual cards under $10. This does not necessarily mean that the cube is pure goodstuffs and can't have any themes, a theme is good for this cube if enough of the cards in it can stand on their own and better if they can excel in multiple strategies. For example a creature that generates tokens on ETB/LTB and can be played from the graveyard has synergy with three independent themes. So far the strong themes in the cube are Tokens (WBG), graveyard shenanigans (GBu), and ETB/LTB (Wux). There are also some archetypal themes like burn (Rb), aggro control (Ux), responsive control (UBR). And there is a light white matters and black matters theme to push a couple monocolored strategies.

If you have card or theme suggestions for the cube I am open to them, but the main thing I'm looking for is advice on what to cut. The digital version of the cube is currently 600ish cards and I'm looking to cut it down to 490 before I transition my physical cube.

Also feel free to draft the cube too, make sure to hit the save button when you are done so I can get an idea of what kind of cards and decks people like to draft.

Lastly, thank you.

Last edited by Spooky Boogie on Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:52 pm 
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
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Identity: Goblin Piker
I'll give this a look, but wanted to say beforehand that a lot of times people will draft differently on cubetutor than they will in real life. I have had cards that get tons of picks on cubetutor that don't ever get touched in real drafts.'

Edit 1: Probably shouldn't link to cubetutorbeta. I finished a draft and then it kicked me out lol went blue/black value and the deck seemed weak

Edit 2: Red/Black seems to have a split between themes of generic aggro/burn and a sacrifice theme, but struggled to find enough to suport either fully in my draft.

Twitter: (at)MrEnglish22 if you want to reach me
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Last edited by Jman22 on Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:57 pm 
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Thanks. I changed the link. Also since posting this I've gotten it down to 500 cards (where I want it to be) and ordered the new cards for my physical cube. Feedback is still appreciated since I will probably be looking to update it again once a few more blocks are released.

And I don't know about you but I try to draft against the bots like I would against people, the bots definitely have different valuations of cards than the people I normally draft with though.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:06 pm 
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Edited my post for a red/black draft I did, also another note: dredge seems spread out a bit randomly. Green/black is definitely the "dredge/graveyard theme" color, but there seemed to be some red cards that fit it too (or maybe that is just me noticing them more)

IDK if Empty should be in the cube since storm isn't really gonna have much support.

Twitter: (at)MrEnglish22 if you want to reach me
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:00 pm 
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Huh, I view blue as the tirtiary color for graveyard decks, because of all the self discard effects. What red cards besides Faithless Looting made you think that? It might be something I should look into and either strengthen or remove if it is giving the wrong intention.

Empty was there as a slightly more interesting token generator. The other option would be Hordeling Outburst. It's also nice to be more lax with the color requirements for a red token generator to give the token deck an incentive to branch out from it's primary colors.

A possible sacrifice theme does seem interesting, I'd probably want green to be one of the primary colors for that because it already has a lot of cards that sacrifice themselves. Do you know of any interesting engines I could add to the cube to make it worth fitting in more sacrifice stuff?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:53 am 
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I haven't saved many of my drafts because I almost always end up in rw or rg face-smash because of the high quality of the red removal, the efficiency of the creatures, and because those decks are low risk due to not requiring synergy.

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