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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:41 pm 
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Yeesh, way to keep me in suspense, Barney!

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 3:31 pm 
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SOrry i had to concede the match and leave, don’t worry it doesn’t count as a loss

I’ll play again in 9 days

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:50 pm 
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Ok kids, the mother of dragons with the little dragonises -is that a word?- are away for the weekend... so I would have the time to playtest this awful decks, in a long sit tomorrow night, not like other lazy judges who cant even beat that dumb AI and go on vacations in the middle of their duty leaving theirs truly biting their nails... I don´t wanna point names lets just call that awfull Judge B.Barney or Black B. for short.

So I have already build this decks and I must say they are indeed fun to play... and for most cases not a deck I have tried to build in the past... So I can see that there is a learning curve to play this things right. My first thoughts on these builds after a few runs vs the ia are:

BZZT deck is a piece of work once you got Orrey down but with all those instant on the graveyard Disciple or at least a Rise from tides could have been an alt wincon.

Nomad Displacing walls to make big lands is as wacky as it gets and it has some tools I love to play with. COUNTERS and DISCIPLE...
but that thing when you wanna replay a land... seems awful to me on a control deck.. the same way that you are making your lands removal targets..

Flaky´s deck tried that same path as a way to over break the desert but on a midrange shell with landfall value which I think was the best way to exploit a LAND, the build is doing quite ok on my first runs.

Mine indeed has Hagra as a win but mostly as an stabilizer to get to the late game were you can drop big nasty threats but mainly landfall is the game plan, making clues, ramping, gaining life and building a big Ribbons to the face.

Ok this time I will use the Cucho Unique Trials System or C.U.T.S for short.

PD: Soup will you be Judging this time?


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:28 am 
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Cucho I hear on the land bouncing issue with my deck- it's something I play carefully with, and a big part of the reason I added more offense so it's not trying to be pure draw go. But I get that it's weird and it takes practice to figure out. I seem to be allergic to building straightforward decks you can just pick up and win with. I'll get it one of these days.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:04 pm 
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Ok I think I will begging whit the CUTS
So here is how its going to be
1. 3 Rounds with each deck then we go to sudden death style until we have one winner
2. Points will be awarded for:
- Fun
- Record
- Desert breakage
- Extra points for the best plays and games during the trials
- Fringe points as it goes for wacky iteractions never seen before
- Cucho special points for any sort of bribe

Lets get this going

Nomad first to go for the 3 games.
On the Draw vs R39 Thanos84 playing superfriends it seems
we got good mana ;)
CENSOR!! a Nissa of the elements!
and save 2 counters 2 more PW on the GY
I Know this deck... :D
so I counter I keep a poker face then droped Endbringer and Disciple ... GG

On the play Vs R33 Rocha freire wearing that ugly Gideon avatar
Free mull onto a 2 lander with two Glory-Bound Initiate
he plays 1CMC Gid and puts him wings... we draw Aether Tradewinds attack with the initiate and hold for his turn
Ok we bounce his Gid.. he replays it.. but we got 2 counters and just one blue source lets..
so we cast the wall and make a manland -mistake I shouldn't have done this lets hope this doesent end bad-
*this guy must hate me coz Im taking so long to play...
Censor another wings and draw a dual land YAY!! this game is looked
so we attack with both ours initiates force him to block hes got no board just 2 mana and concedes

Vs r20 K-Kun Izzet
we draw a 6 land to a 6 land and to a 5 cards with good mana and one Initiate lets roll!
He kills our Initiates - we let him- and then we drop Kefnet the useless... lets see if he is worthy
Ups he drops Dynabolt.... we got one counter... and flooding
Ok big Control skills here!
we play this thing like a champ.. we bounce his dynabolt then Kefnet the BOSS starts drawing cards, we even bounce a desert to enable his attack .. opponent Panics and starts casting every burn spell hes got, we counter the good ones and drop big Jace hold a counter and Commit just in case...
Opponet makes a big play to kill Jace with fall of the titans we say NO!
he rage quits!
the Desert made 2 points of damage here! yay!


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:50 pm 
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BZZT next!
crossing fingers for 3 consecutive Orrery draw!

Ok finally we got a game VS LIMBOCENTRAL... my nemesis on the ios lader... this dont look good
I belive he is playing his 4C PWS...
we got 2 universal solvents ... yay!
he sniffs our Censor and is playing draw go... so at least we are buying some time
If we win this I will award a special point BZZT :)
Ok we are at 6 mana
we censor a huge Pull from tomorrow but he´s got Ob on the board
Ob is at 8 we kill Gid with a desert
we disperse Ob and Commit Torrential Gearhulk
Devour in flames Ob then we kill him with the desert!!!
he Unmake the ORRERY!!! and I´m butt naked now
He thinks I got something or he is just afraid of the solvents... anyway we are buying time
IDK If I should cast Memory
well he said no to that... he is at 18 mana so bounce is just dumb now
Ok get this... he commits one Solvent, Cast out the other we bounce it, then cast it again he counters it we bounce it in the air he counters it again with Scatter to the Winds puts some +1 couters on the fumarole ... we are DEAD.



VS R36 rodzm palying Grixis control
we got key and Orrery

ok we are bouncing things...
we kill Chandra with devour in flames
and hold Orrery
he is mana screwed for now... and casting a bunch of draw spells
we are driving him nuts! LOL
Big Jace, Ob and Chandra falls in front of devour in flames and Sunscorched Desert combo
Ok we finally got Orrery going with vortex +1 and opponent flips the table!!


Vs LIMBOCENTRAL... with a Lily avatar...
we got a solvent down, key and holding Orrery... I think we can pull this one
ok this one he is playing emerge ramp... and we are playing a dumb vortex Orrery nonsence...
gonna take a break for a bit.


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:33 pm, edited 21 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:10 pm 
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Yes Cucho! I'm telling you, Initiate is secret control tech!

Flaky I'm building yours now. Ramp looks suspect, didn't you learn from Barney's no-basics ramp debacle?

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:33 pm 
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Ok lets roll!
Flaky next!
VS $chunha R31 RDW
Our game plan:

T2 Avocate
T3 Spires
T4 Explosive vegetation
T5 Smasher
Well he lighting axe our Advocate...but we draw Nissa!
T5 Smasher + spires+ Impulse his Abbot/ hes is at 14
T6 Nissa, swing for 10
Now Secret weapon FTW! Slab hammer!

Vs 4q*64() R22 -silly name!
Ok we got Rhonas and Nissa so things look good
Ok plans is going ok we got Rhonas and Nissa swinging
easy win... this guy offers no def
but as Nomad pointed I end up holding a Nissa Pilgrimage coz there where no mo forest to fetch

VS mdesr25 R40
I think this is Izzet mill
He drops a thermoarchemist! -thats a great card to build around :D-
we are missing red
T4 Explosive vegetation mana mixed
... we are not drawing any creatures... I think it was a bad keep... ok now hes got 2 thermo... so we zap them! :evil:
essence scatter :(
I´m at 13 mana... and no creatures, ok he drops fevered visions and we got 2 cards! nice job opponent!
ok we were to slow... he flips TITI we kill it next turn with //Earth, next turn he drops Medium size Chandra and burns us down..


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:33 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:51 pm 
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One downside to the Hammer: when you put it on advocate and proceed to pump by returning your 6th land. Oops.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:54 pm 
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One downside to the Hammer: when you put it on advocate and proceed to pump by returning your 6th land. Oops.



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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:02 pm 
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Go, Cucho, Go!

@Nomad: 11 Basics and 5 ramp cards doesn't seem too bad, even with the Wilds. The ramp is mainly to get the midrange threats online before the game is over, not to power out a T6 Ulamog. My biggest issue with the deck has been getting unplayable start hands because of drawing too many of one color/colorless and none of the other. It might be a good idea to go lite on the Nissa's fetches. Like, intentionally leave a forest in the deck for Wilds activation rather than putting it in hand if you are getting low on basics.

Lol @ the Hammer/Advocate misinteraction. I would totally do something like that, too. Prolly twice!

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:04 pm 
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Go, Cucho, Go!

@Nomad: 11 Basics and 5 ramp cards doesn't seem too bad, even with the Wilds. The ramp is mainly to get the midrange threats online before the game is over, not to power out a T6 Ulamog. My biggest issue with the deck has been getting unplayable start hands because of drawing too many of one color/colorless and none of the other. It might be a good idea to go lite on the Nissa's fetches. Like, intentionally leave a forest in the deck for Wilds activation rather than putting it in hand if you are getting low on basics.

Lol @ the Hammer/Advocate misinteraction. I would totally do something like that, too. Prolly twice!

Edit: Yah! Zap the Thermos! And I agree, Thermo is a great build around card. If I did a round using it, should I make it a 2HG round?
Edit2: Who plays Fevered Visions against an opponent with no threats and 13 lands down?

Oh, snap. I must have hit quote instead of edit. Oops.

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:15 pm 
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2HG round! sounds AMAZING to me! :bow:
You, Soup, Nomad and me are on ios it would be amazing if we test them together :party:

Cucho -meaning me- last... I might end up bribing me self with a beer +1

Vs Kingreese 313 R31
We got Hagra, tutor, Nissa renewal and good mana
T2 Lone Rider put it
T3 conviction
T4 the white caourtuche, T5 Angelic destiny
Damn deck not now!

Vs Ck 77 R37 boros
I got good ramp + grasp
he has t2 Initiate and t3 that boros dwarf that prevents blocking
game crashed...
it really did!

vs R35 player
T2 desert...
we got tracker, sandwurm and everybody favorite gift from paradise
we are playing removal he is playing aggro
And its tapping her self wrong!! damn Gift sthap! -I have already swaped them for Explosive vegetations in my library- but for the CUTS purpose she is here
Ok we are ready to drop sandwurm
Second Sandwurm online!
opponent quit already!
ok he drops al looot of creatures... so Languish

Vs 32 Elfo azul with something that seems monoblue, not the best matchup!
I play it cool and old Nissa vital force
he drops tutelage and we put the big ELF down!
of he puts lunar prision on her.. so its Sadwurm time!
Both sages are on the GY so its all in!
one ribbons hits the GY we are at 22 cards
Ok last turn
he drops TITI taps one of the two worms we got... we cut TITI and cast Ribbons for 5 swing for 5 and he is at 2


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:49 pm 
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@Nomad: 11 Basics and 5 ramp cards doesn't seem too bad, even with the Wilds.

Swap the wilds and problems solved ;)


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:54 pm 
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Or even a Gift for a Nissa's. It's the 3 Nissa's/6 Forest ratio that bugs me.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:05 pm 
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Ok so sudden death

lets add the points so far
Bzzt those +1 fringe points really levels things

So lets continue with Nomad
Vs Feom arab R31 Sultai Ramp
We got good mana, counters and that wacky displacer wall combo on hand
he ramps to 7 mana on t4 but we now got our counters online lets play this smart.
Big Lily is down ;)
... we got bounce so we cast Gid .... big pull from tomorrow bite us in the ass...
we start swinging with GId and hold a counter
we got him at 2 but we are struggling with mana just two duals and we heavy mana requirements
those 2 last points are going to be hard to pull but our walls are holding the castle
fatal push... is huge against our manlands
we need more draw power here
So we sweept each other to the grownd he finally is card less -after 2 huge pulls- we drop INITIATE, and pass he attacks and then tries to sweep the board for the 5th time so we counter, he is at 5 but we can swing just for 4, we draw Aether Tradewinds bounce his guy and our desert FTW!!

Next BZZT Vs CK 77 R38 same boros enchantments deck from before
we got shock and bounce... lets roll
he T1 Expedition envoy
we shock it
BOUNCE IS HUGE in this matchup :evil:
we kill lots of his creatures... for real!
but he is holding lots of cards and we are going dry
we cast Memory and draw Orrery and vortex!
and playing this like a champ!
Uops... he´s got Hazzoret... yikes!
ok I misplay a desert but got him at 1 so im counting this as a win coz I brainfarted

Me next!
Vs Rank 38 Alex 1500... that many Alex before him?...
ok Boros good stuff
I need double Black in a rush!
Ramp and hold Ulamog for the goodies :evil:
Kill big Gid but got declared in stone
this is top deck time!
I hold a sweeper to see if he overreaches before I sweep the board again hes at 18 im at 15 but with Hagra online
I got a zombi champ down and hes got copter and Heart of Kiran but no pilots
Ok he drops Chandra TOD
and we respond with Sandwurm!!
things were going great but he drops Hazoret... the life gain is going to matter big time here
he tops deck collective effort and kill me sandwurm swings and leaves me at 10 but with a 1 turn worth of life...
I top deck Cut and Ribbons for 13

Flaky next... how many Hours have I played so far?... IDK I guess I need one more beer and change the music
Psycho Killer!! it reminds me of Flaky I dont know why...

Ok Vs R40 Boros Aggro MaKaLa 76... I´m not buying that there are 75 more MaKaLas on Duels...
T1 Expedition envoy
we got removal but our life is going down fast
We Got into a staring contest
We got Rhonas, Mina and Denn and Embodiment of Fury + two Evolving wilds on board but we are at 7 he is at 17 so we can´t just attack so we wait and this was our plan: Next turn attack with everyone +4 elementals whit trample and swing for 9999!
He´s got just one blocker down but sitting in a lot of red mana and has already cast some hasty threats
Next turn he has no problem in playing Glorybringer...coz he is not stuck building this silly decks and crush our hopes and dreams

3-2 Eliminated!

Ok I´m gonna eat something


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:43 pm 
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Ok lets finish this thing
vs LeongFire R38
We got destroyed by a mono green piece of crap

Nomad Next
Vs R30 Halllaq22
We are lacking a blue source to fully deploy
We won with a combination of Displacer Gerahulk and counters! - did you consider reflector mage here, he could be huge!

Cucho Last!
Vs R34 canukhab Dimir draw go... this might be fun
it was grixis control
but we got tools
Double sandwurm for instance

Finals are on
Nomad First
Vs R11 M1st3r J
playing colorless... jank
we got consulate turret
Once we got a clear shot we are conceding
jeez hes got Kefnet Monument, Throne, some waky 3/4 vehicle, and Harvester... this guy must join the contest next time!
ok hes got **** and we are sitting in confirm draw and counters... GG

Cucho next!
Vs Mourn R33
playing forests so far
Creeping mold to our enchanted land!! ouch!
but we got Ob down and dealing with his threats
Loooong game... but it was never close
we end up with Ob emblem + Nissa emblem GG

VS Izzet Prowess
Replaying lands feels bad on control.... I´m 20 cards down but I could only cast 6 lands coz Kefnet was on Def and we needed to block

Vs R40 Manchild3264... now that´s a number I can believe
Rakdos Imprements
I kept a risky 2 lander... I wish I didint
Ok sweepers just in time but we are low on life
Nissa Renewal stabilize us Instant speed removal helped a lot too

Ok we are actually tied... and only one can win so I will play one more with each
me first
Vs R40 Danno 029 and it appears to be a Mardu vehicles...
this is getting intense.
Copter and Harvester are killing me
2 sweepers
and a grasp on Hazoret!!
and Sandwurm NOICE
Opponent concedes

Nomad now
VS R40 Player
Orzhov zombos...
this time we got perfect mana and gid... lets see
we got Jace down just after we destroy his board
Gearhulk, Initiate and wall are enough to make our opponent quit!

... damn another round..what I was thinking...
me first
vs R40 Johnny Gepp
BlackDrazzi aggro it seems
damn I got him with just 2 cards and a puny board.. but the game crashed and I´m tired... dont know If I got more time to play tomorrow I don´t think so.



Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:38 pm, edited 34 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:15 pm 
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Yeah, I thought about mage, just felt like I had a good enough defensive game and enough bounce already and I could incapacitate their creatures with Displacer if necessary. Went with the Tradewinds instead and I've been happy with that choice.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:19 pm 
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Tradewinds works great here :D
Edith: Except when you gotta replay a land... I think tradewinds could work better with more board presence


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:55 am 
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I just found out that I haven't been judging anything so far this round! What the fudge? I thought I was on top of this! I left myself with one job to do and I couldn't even do that. I'm very disappointed in me. In fact, I'm seriously thinking of sending myself to my room without supper.

What's the judgemental deadline, here? Do I have time to try and get some judging done this coming week? I would have to do a stripped down judging based on the sISSY system.

Sshhh! I'm two goblins in a trenchcoat!

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