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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:34 pm 

Joined: Oct 01, 2014
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Identity: Able of Reproduce
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This is more for personal organization than anything else. The other day, I was curious to see if I could come up with four decks for each of the guilds during Kami/Rav/CSP era. I haven't exactly fleshed out why I want to do this, but I do know that I want them to be reflective of the time, fairly distinct, and showcasing some of the more famous cards. I also allow a few splashes, but I don't really want true three or four color decks. This means no Zoo, Solar Flare or Beach House, though I do try to incorporate some of the styles into other decks. All in all, there's not a good means for me to look at all the decks at once and get a better picture of how to tweak things.

Things to do:
1) Final decisions on which decks to use
2) Finalize main deck lists. Try to use more unique cards if possible and minimize the use of more universal cards if they drastically change the feel of games, leaving them in decks that need power boosts or decks where the card feels highly synergistic to themes of the deck. *cough* Jitte *cough*
3) Decide on sideboards.
4) Figure out what means I might actually want to use these decklists for.

Here's the initial decks so far:











Feel free to offer any deck replacement options or deck refinement. Remember, this is Kami block + Rav block + 9th Edition + Cold Snap only.

EDIT: I added preliminary sideboards. For the lesser used decks they're far from tuned. It was also a bit rough for traditionally three color decks. The end goal is differentiation and even playing level, not to get the most fine tuned deck of each version. It'll take some effort to lessen the representation of some of the more staple cards.

EDIT: I decided to look back and saw typos. May I cry in my grave.

Last edited by Monobluegruul on Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:55 am, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:19 pm 

Joined: Nov 25, 2013
Posts: 599
This was my favorite Standard by far.

I miss Ghost Dad so much. That list is missing Teysa, Orzhov Scion and Indomitable Will though. Teysa was a quality beater that you could pitch to either Shoal, and Will saved Tallowisp from getting Wildfire'd. Also, I feel like A Sully's Eminent Domain should be on the list somewhere, probably under Izzet (instead of Splice). It might be too close to 3-color though. :/

Edit: Managed to find the decklists from PT Honolulu 2006.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:46 pm 
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Someone please explain to me how Indomitable Will made it into a pro tour deck. I mean, I'm assume there's some reason it was useful, but even with Tallowisp, I don't see it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:52 pm 

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Posts: 599
It was mostly to get around Wildfire at instant speed. You'd Shining Shoal, pitching something, prevent a few damage to one of your dudes, saving it. Tallowisp would fetch Will. You'd play it at instant speed on Wisp to save it. Then you'd blink Ghost Dad if you could.

There were other uses for it, of course, to create a decent blocker against Zoo/Gruul or to get Wisp out of Char range. You could also attach it to Ghost Dad to allow it to swing into a dragon. If it was Keiga/Yosei, you'd blink it with damage on the stack, so they couldn't take it or tap it.

Edit: It was still bad though, probably the worst card in the 60. I think, in my build, I just played the 4th Pillory over it.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:01 am 

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Teysa is an oversight that should probably go into one of the Ozhov Ghost Dad or Ghost Husk lists. Indomitable Will's place in Ghost Dad was always marginal. It's the weakest of the Ozzhov aggro decks, so there's less room for marginal.

I kinda mentioned it in the Izzet section, but, in terms of amount of play, Eminent Domain should definitely be the fourth Izzet deck. However, it's kinda like the Gruul section. The fourth Gruul deck in that regard should be a normal midrange deck with a lot of the same cards in the other three. I just made up a completely new deck for Gruul to vary the Gruul deck play styles. All the four main Izzet decks are essentially in the same area of slow decks trying to essentially prevent your opponent from casting anything (Eminent Domain and Magnivore in particular are quite similar to play even if they don't look it.). So I cut it down to three and put in a more tempo deck just for the different play style. I definitely want to reference it though (Confiscate in Izzetron and Annex in Magnivore).

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:16 am 
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The springtime of my Magic career.

In retrospect, I'd probably play satanic sligh, or Izzetron. At the time, I was on Heezy Street.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:27 pm 

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I cast Raise dead. Recent conversations made me want to work on this a bit more.

I added preliminary sideboards, using some oddball cards if I see them. Some of the less popular decks were rough. Hellbent's needs a lot of work. Hellbent just needs a lot of work in general.

Next (actually quite hard) step is limiting the appearance of some of the more game play dominating staples. *cough* Jitte *cough" It's time to decide which, if any, decks really use it as a theme of the deck and really need it versus decks that just run it because they have creatures.

Teysa added to Hand in Hand. Due to split card rules changes, Hit//Run is replaced with Smash in Godo Sunforger.

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