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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:29 pm 
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bzzt's Long Road to... goes 4-3, really fun when it's rolling but also prone to failure. I commend you for using both cards, but dedicating 7 slots to bounce when you have no spot removal and need a couple more basic land is ultimately a stretch. I mostly agree with your own assessment; Greenwarden saved my ass a couple times but it's also really expensive for the mana base. I liked Lily more than Nissa; the lifelink isn't nothing and I kept having no forests to grab with Nissa. I never managed to flip her.

Record: 4/7
Build: 3/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
SNS/LRH: 3/3
Total: 14/20

1. WIN vs Selesnya Humans. I evolve a T2 small Liberator into a Tracker, and get a couple clues off a Wilds but it trades with a flashed Heron's Grace Champion, then that gets Pulsed back to hand. I Rallier back the Liberator, that draws a Collective Effort and they play a Knight of the White Orchid with the land trigger. Play my Verdurous with Stamina backup, dump most of the counters onto the Rallier. Attack with both and they flash in the Champion again, double block the Gearhulk and try to get tricky with Make a Stand. I say thanks and Stamina, grow both my creatures some more and drop a Stockpile. They try a Rec Sage on the Gearhulk and I say thanks again with a second Stamina for a 9/8 Rallier, 3/3 Servo and 5/5 Gearhulk. That puts them in chump mode and even when they find a Dec Stone for the giant Rallier I'm way too far ahead. Very satisfying!

2. ‎LOSE vs Mono Blue Mill. Really close, I manage to evolve into Kalitas and have that ride some Staminas up to 30 life so Ayli can remove a Tutelage, but then I lose both to Languish, and Opp's hand is nothing but counters and I'm mana limited so all attempts at further creatures fail, along with a second dawn. Stockpiles 2 & 3 are both buried in the bottom 6 cards of the deck; I get them both down but a turn too late to finish it off.

3. ‎LOSE vs Rakdos Aggro Burn. They have double Siphoner and enough burn to keep me from blocking. Like the last game, I'm missing land drops so I can't get value out of my value engines (stockpile, leap and tracker all show up here) and still make enough plays to catch up. Some removal of my own would have been really nice.

4. ‎WIN vs Dimir Goodstuff. Only an R23 here and it shows, running Bontu with Gifted Aetherborn, Niblis, Sire of Stagnation - all stuff you wouldn't want to sac. They don't put enough pressure on early, and I get double stockpile, Tracker, Verdurous and some renegades and go wide. Evolve the tracker into Angel to pump my tokens for the kill.

5. ‎WIN vs Izzet Spells. Shame on this opponent. They get me down with double glorybringer, then flip Titi after I Tragic Arrogance away the dragons, but with a Stockpile I hold it off long enough to get a Dusk. I get Lily out and flip, thinking I can stabilize, but I'm low and they have a Fumarole so it won't be easy. Even less so once they top Flamecaller. I survive the first turn of that, play Greenwarden for a Wilds to activate Stockpile, reanimate a Renegade with Lily and pass fully tapped out. Now they should just sweep with Chandra and win with Fumarole. But they don't! They diddle around with some spells, sweep my board and pass with Chandra at 1. Greenwarden brings back Ayli, Lily brings back Renegade, draw and play a Nissa I can't flip with no forests left in the deck. They play Disciple of the Ring and tap out to tap down my servo, I chump a Chandra token with Nissa and go to 1. My turn they trade Disciple for Ayli to protect Chandra, instead of just locking me down with Disciple and winning next turn. I reanimate, Dawn and play Ayli again. They finally burn their Chandra to sweep that, but I get some life off Ayli in the process, enough to keep me at 1 when they swing with Fumarole. I start playing the remaining creatures from my hand and plussing Lily, Evolve useless Nissa into an Angel, ult Lily and draw the other Dusk just in time for them to drop a Drake. They bounce it in response, but then they're dead to my horde before they can get in an attack. A thrilling win that should have been a loss at multiple points. Still counts!

6. ‎WIN vs Gruul Beats. Start curving Renegade Liberator Rallier a turn late, but Rallier grabs a Wilds to ramp me to Greenwarden a turn early. Or would, but then they drop Hazoret before they can use it so I take the opportunity for an Arrogance, killing the God and a Furyblade Vampire leaving them with a Bloodrage Brawler (don't want to deal with trample and madness from the vamp). Then it's Greenwarden time, and despite their attempts with an Outland Colossus and a Hydra I've got SNS and LRH backup, along with Ralliers in hand and the yard. Even the Arrogance makes an encore with my bouncy Warden. Very mean.

7. ‎LOSE vs 4c Superfriends. I get pretty close with a Greenwarden and a pesky angel, but then they sweep with Flamecaller and counter my Stamina, Dark Intimations to bring back a Sorin for more life and start playing Walkers every turn while I'm pretty much spent.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:50 pm 
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7 games with Mowie's Recycled Servos:

G1 vs Esper Control: WIN
T2 stockpile T3 tapland T4 Sram's + chief. Control opponent played single removal and counters but no sweepers. Easy win

G2 vs RGB tokens: hard-fought LOSS
Very long difficult game. He played 2x Hanweir garrison early and I had a slow start. Lots of back and forth with complex board state. After I killed tracker, he brought it back with Lilianna. He played 2 evolving wilds and drew about 6 cards from tracker. This card advantage made the difference, I played angel of invention and herald but it was not enough to beat black gearhulk followed by glorybringer. I misplayed at the end, I still had outs like ormendal. The one issue with the deck is that my slow start was partly due to too much brown land.

Easy win, rescue bear twice w/SNS but it was worth it. Used pious evangel to fog and flip while blocking.

G4 vs White Weenie:WIN
Easy win, wayward disciple + stockpile is a killer combo. Won with Ormendal for style points.

G5 vs GRW ramp??:WIN
Opponent did not play many cards other than one hungry flames and one oblivion sower. Easy win against goldfish opponent

G6 vs mono W trials: Win
T3 weaponcraft enthusiast
T4 chump attack with enthusiast and he blocks???, SNS, kill blocker plus get 2 more servos
T5 Herald of Anguish with improvise
Harvester and chief were cast out, but otherwise no answer

G7 vs mono R midrange Mirrorwing: WIN
First creature is thermo-alchemist, so I guess burn
Smuggy makes me choose between grasp and push, I choose push, which is the wrong choice!
Next card is weaver of currents, then comes Mirrorwing. I am in big trouble.
I attack with smuggy, make it look like I am digging for answers. SNS on smuggy takes out Mirrorwing, and I get smuggy back. Biggest SNS play so far.

Using the scoring template:
Record: 5/7 => very competitive on the ladder, although opponents were using many janky decks
Build quality: 3/5 => strong token deck, perhaps too many brown lands
Enjoyment: 4/5 => very fun, lots of interaction, complex board states, makes my little brain hurt
SNS Breakage: 1/3 => 12 of 17 creatures do not have death or ETB effects, so payoff for SNS is not very consistent. High end creatures like Herald are worth saving, and in some situations there is big payoff without ETB.
Total: 13/20

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:16 pm 
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Mowie's Recycled Servos goes 6-1, some really fun intricate games here. Deck feels really good; love the lifegain and the Chiefs and the Herald. It does a great job holding up over the long haul and the pieces work well together. The Stamina isn't exactly a star but it's decent utility and can grab you some extra tokens. There's one huge BUT though: the mana stinks. This is like an Eldrazi mana base or something! I mostly got away with it in these matches but there's no reason for all that colorless. I'd go with a combo of tap lands and Wilds over Hubs, Ruins and a Fair. There's just too much Gold and double W/B here, plus you want to be able to hold an extra black open for SNS and Push.

Record: 6/7
Build: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Stamina: 1/3
Total: 16/20

1. WIN vs Golgari Cartouche. Push a Gifted Aetherborn, play Kytheon but they respond with Lily. Stamina keeps it alive for a turn and lets it swing once. My only other creature is an Evangel, so that sits useless while Lily grows, unable to power a Harvester to attack back or trade with their token from Trial of Strength. I find a hub for a second white to play Gideon and hit Lily with the Harvester, but then a Cartouche of Strength on their token knocks out Evangel and their attack kills Gideon. Next turn I draw an Expertise I can't play for lack of white, so I Push their token. They follow it by replaying the Trial along with a Nissa Voice. I draw a Vent (of course a tap land!) and Grasp their token when they try for another Cartouche. I finally get the Expertise down and swing Harvester at Lily before she ults. She removes a servo, they activate Quagmire and Nissa gives their side counters, then they get greedy and swing with everything. I take it all, and my turn I can finish off both Walkers with the Gideon token, Harvester and Vent, gaining enough life to keep me alive while playing a Fair to bring in a little more. They Sage away the Harvester but then I'm into power cards. Caracal stops their attack, Harold turns the tables and knocks out a flip Nissa, Stockpile gives him an artifact supply and Militia Captain comes in for backup defense. They manage to fight Harold with another Aetherborn, but by then I'm firmly in control and an Ormendhal just speeds up the process. Grueling, rewarding turnaround when I was certain it was a loss.

2. ‎WIN vs Rakdos Aggro. This one's easier; they're stuck with Hubs and no perpetual red source and trying to pick away at me with Kari while I sit behind an Evangel and cultivate a board. I get a Stockpile and Gideon, eventually Push Kari and a Siphoner and that's enough to win without even playing the Bontu or Herald in my hand.

3. ‎WIN vs Selesnya Angel Ramp. Slow start, and I have to deal with Thalia and a Champion of Rhonas that brings out Bruna. I can get the first two with Pushes, but the latter I just have to race. Luckily I've got a Harvester, Caracal, Vent and Fair for extra life, and a Stockpile to keep supplies up. So I just go all in, eventually sac the Fair for a Chief and finish them off with big servos.

4. ‎WIN vs Boros Aggro. I love Pushing Bloodlust Inciter. I can just feel how excited they are about their hand, about to start sending hasty Crop Captains and Garrisons and all that, dreaming of T4 kills... NOPE! Then to follow it up with Evangel, and block a Crasher with a SNS Vent? That's pretty rude. Tastes like crushed dreams, delicious.

5. ‎LOSE vs Selesnya Angelic Rider. But sometimes your opponent has Initiate, Rider, Angelic Destiny and you don't have a Fatal Push and you die.

6. ‎WIN vs Izzet Goldfish. And then again, sometimes you have to mulligan to 4 and you still win with Scrounger and Kytheon, when all your opponent does is weakly try to kill Scrounger while you're holding Stamina.

7. ‎WIN vs Orzhov Revolt Tokens. They start with a stockpile and I Push their token EOT so they can't get started, but the big challenge here (beyond never getting a persistent second black source) is the pair of Solemn Recruits they play the next two turns. I have one more push but have to use it on Kalitas, Bane of Stamina. I Improvise Harold off double enthusiasts, but they have Never for him. I get a double stockpile running to hold off the Recruits and start returning attacks with my Servos and get in a Stamina on an Enthusiast, but then they get a Procession and Cast Out one of my Stockpiles so things are looking grim again. I get a Copter to get back off the ground, and finally get a fifth land to play the Angel I've been holding, giving it counters cause they just played Selfless Spirit. They use an Unmaking on the Angel, but that damage is getting relevant. My Stockpile scrys me into another one so my ground troops can hold out, then into a Harvester. Opp blows half their board scrying for an answer to my double vehicle attack, finds nothing.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 4:42 pm 
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Location: Cucho Lambreta#13992
I had the most epic game with Mowie's deck this guy had 2 flipped riders but couldn't attack coz my Bontu hold the castle like a boss. He eventually suicided wiping the board leaving my Ormendal and Bontu feeding from a scrounger FTW.
Ok this kids are ready to be tested on the sudden death style, only one lost in this part of the trials so we are resetting the leaderboard otherwise all of them would be 2-0.
I will take a break now feed the little ones and I will get this thing going!
Great decks everyone


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:29 pm 
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joesenshu wrote:
7 games with Mowie's Recycled Servos:

G1 vs Esper Control: WIN
T2 stockpile T3 tapland T4 Sram's + chief. Control opponent played single removal and counters but no sweepers. Easy win

G2 vs RGB tokens: hard-fought LOSS
Very long difficult game. He played 2x Hanweir garrison early and I had a slow start. Lots of back and forth with complex board state. After I killed tracker, he brought it back with Lilianna. He played 2 evolving wilds and drew about 6 cards from tracker. This card advantage made the difference, I played angel of invention and herald but it was not enough to beat black gearhulk followed by glorybringer. I misplayed at the end, I still had outs like ormendal. The one issue with the deck is that my slow start was partly due to too much brown land.

Easy win, rescue bear twice w/SNS but it was worth it. Used pious evangel to fog and flip while blocking.

G4 vs White Weenie:WIN
Easy win, wayward disciple + stockpile is a killer combo. Won with Ormendal for style points.

G5 vs GRW ramp??:WIN
Opponent did not play many cards other than one hungry flames and one oblivion sower. Easy win against goldfish opponent

G6 vs mono W trials: Win
T3 weaponcraft enthusiast
T4 chump attack with enthusiast and he blocks???, SNS, kill blocker plus get 2 more servos
T5 Herald of Anguish with improvise
Harvester and chief were cast out, but otherwise no answer

G7 vs mono R midrange Mirrorwing: WIN
First creature is thermo-alchemist, so I guess burn
Smuggy makes me choose between grasp and push, I choose push, which is the wrong choice!
Next card is weaver of currents, then comes Mirrorwing. I am in big trouble.
I attack with smuggy, make it look like I am digging for answers. SNS on smuggy takes out Mirrorwing, and I get smuggy back. Biggest SNS play so far.

Using the scoring template:
Record: 5/7 => very competitive on the ladder, although opponents were using many janky decks
Build quality: 3/5 => strong token deck, perhaps too many brown lands
Enjoyment: 4/5 => very fun, lots of interaction, complex board states, makes my little brain hurt
SNS Breakage: 1/3 => 12 of 17 creatures do not have death or ETB effects, so payoff for SNS is not very consistent. High end creatures like Herald are worth saving, and in some situations there is big payoff without ETB.
Total: 13/20

Good feedback!! I will take a look at the mana after this is over as it seems to be a consensus. I agree on the brain hurt part of the deck. Seems to be super competitive in matchups that seem like they won't be. I find it somewhat more consistent than the annointed procession version, but that might just be me. I know what you mean about the SNS Breakage, I guess I was going for more the surprise factor like "ha ha I'm going to sweep that bugger"<snoke voice> then WHAM "oh no here come his tokens again". Glad you got to wayward + stockpile, it is FUNNNN

steam: merodgers

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:34 pm 
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Mowie's Recycled Servos goes 6-1, some really fun intricate games here. Deck feels really good; love the lifegain and the Chiefs and the Herald. It does a great job holding up over the long haul and the pieces work well together. The Stamina isn't exactly a star but it's decent utility and can grab you some extra tokens. There's one huge BUT though: the mana stinks. This is like an Eldrazi mana base or something! I mostly got away with it in these matches but there's no reason for all that colorless. I'd go with a combo of tap lands and Wilds over Hubs, Ruins and a Fair. There's just too much Gold and double W/B here, plus you want to be able to hold an extra black open for SNS and Push.

Record: 6/7
Build: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Stamina: 1/3
Total: 16/20

1. WIN vs Golgari Cartouche. Push a Gifted Aetherborn, play Kytheon but they respond with Lily. Stamina keeps it alive for a turn and lets it swing once. My only other creature is an Evangel, so that sits useless while Lily grows, unable to power a Harvester to attack back or trade with their token from Trial of Strength. I find a hub for a second white to play Gideon and hit Lily with the Harvester, but then a Cartouche of Strength on their token knocks out Evangel and their attack kills Gideon. Next turn I draw an Expertise I can't play for lack of white, so I Push their token. They follow it by replaying the Trial along with a Nissa Voice. I draw a Vent (of course a tap land!) and Grasp their token when they try for another Cartouche. I finally get the Expertise down and swing Harvester at Lily before she ults. She removes a servo, they activate Quagmire and Nissa gives their side counters, then they get greedy and swing with everything. I take it all, and my turn I can finish off both Walkers with the Gideon token, Harvester and Vent, gaining enough life to keep me alive while playing a Fair to bring in a little more. They Sage away the Harvester but then I'm into power cards. Caracal stops their attack, Harold turns the tables and knocks out a flip Nissa, Stockpile gives him an artifact supply and Militia Captain comes in for backup defense. They manage to fight Harold with another Aetherborn, but by then I'm firmly in control and an Ormendhal just speeds up the process. Grueling, rewarding turnaround when I was certain it was a loss.

2. ‎WIN vs Rakdos Aggro. This one's easier; they're stuck with Hubs and no perpetual red source and trying to pick away at me with Kari while I sit behind an Evangel and cultivate a board. I get a Stockpile and Gideon, eventually Push Kari and a Siphoner and that's enough to win without even playing the Bontu or Herald in my hand.

3. ‎WIN vs Selesnya Angel Ramp. Slow start, and I have to deal with Thalia and a Champion of Rhonas that brings out Bruna. I can get the first two with Pushes, but the latter I just have to race. Luckily I've got a Harvester, Caracal, Vent and Fair for extra life, and a Stockpile to keep supplies up. So I just go all in, eventually sac the Fair for a Chief and finish them off with big servos.

4. ‎WIN vs Boros Aggro. I love Pushing Bloodlust Inciter. I can just feel how excited they are about their hand, about to start sending hasty Crop Captains and Garrisons and all that, dreaming of T4 kills... NOPE! Then to follow it up with Evangel, and block a Crasher with a SNS Vent? That's pretty rude. Tastes like crushed dreams, delicious.

5. ‎LOSE vs Selesnya Angelic Rider. But sometimes your opponent has Initiate, Rider, Angelic Destiny and you don't have a Fatal Push and you die.

6. ‎WIN vs Izzet Goldfish. And then again, sometimes you have to mulligan to 4 and you still win with Scrounger and Kytheon, when all your opponent does is weakly try to kill Scrounger while you're holding Stamina.

7. ‎WIN vs Orzhov Revolt Tokens. They start with a stockpile and I Push their token EOT so they can't get started, but the big challenge here (beyond never getting a persistent second black source) is the pair of Solemn Recruits they play the next two turns. I have one more push but have to use it on Kalitas, Bane of Stamina. I Improvise Harold off double enthusiasts, but they have Never for him. I get a double stockpile running to hold off the Recruits and start returning attacks with my Servos and get in a Stamina on an Enthusiast, but then they get a Procession and Cast Out one of my Stockpiles so things are looking grim again. I get a Copter to get back off the ground, and finally get a fifth land to play the Angel I've been holding, giving it counters cause they just played Selfless Spirit. They use an Unmaking on the Angel, but that damage is getting relevant. My Stockpile scrys me into another one so my ground troops can hold out, then into a Harvester. Opp blows half their board scrying for an answer to my double vehicle attack, finds nothing.

Games 1 and 7 sound awesome! Good thoughts on the mana base, I will certainly revisit! The fair came in handy for me a lot but the oran rief is gree heedy. I might have even started with my eldrazi mana base as a starting point, whoopsi :) So glad you got to SNS an enthusiast, it is my favorite deck play.

steam: merodgers

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:38 pm 
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Joined: Nov 11, 2015
Posts: 215
I had the most epic game with Mowie's deck this guy had 2 flipped riders but couldn't attack coz my Bontu hold the castle like a boss. He eventually suicided wiping the board leaving my Ormendal and Bontu feeding from a scrounger FTW.
Ok this kids are ready to be tested on the sudden death style, only one lost in this part of the trials so we are resetting the leaderboard otherwise all of them would be 2-0.
I will take a break now feed the little ones and I will get this thing going!
Great decks everyone

Great to hear Bontu getting involved, he certainly seems usable in the deck. What about Oketra? I find her too winmorey but I don't know where you'd put her if not in that deck.

Cucho, your heart will be warmed to know I am spending some of my winter holiday playing an old Pia's revolution deck you posted on reddit with some mods. Ravenous Intruder is a card I just can't quit.

steam: merodgers

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:03 pm 
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Mowie666 wrote:
Games 1 and 7 sound awesome! Good thoughts on the mana base, I will certainly revisit! The fair came in handy for me a lot but the oran rief is gree heedy. I might have even started with my eldrazi mana base as a starting point, whoopsi :) So glad you got to SNS an enthusiast, it is my favorite deck play.

I'd think keeping 3 of 4 Fair/Abbey would be fine; the Fair was probably more useful to me but it's also legendary. Kind of a toss up though.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:57 pm 

Joined: Dec 20, 2013
Posts: 72
Played the ladder series with Wintervoid's "Highway to Hell" finishing 5-3* (one loss was so blatantly my fault I played a makeup, where I flooded out after a bad keep).

Like I mentioned before, love the deck I felt like the tools where all there to be competitive in every game, and LRH was repeatedly great in a variety of applications, particularly in the tough control matchup.

Record: 5/7 (the two bad losses I'm counting as 1 since they were operator error)
Build: 5/5 I'd be tempted to make a land and/or a censor into essence flux (or tbh a 4th LRH if we could), but that's ultimately picking nits.
Enjoyment: 5/5 In case no one could tell, I had fun with this deck. Loads.
LRH: 3/3 Fits great in the curve/mana base with loads of value off the ETBs, repeatedly were game-shifting, and encouraged a full spectrum of applications. Nice job. Could be a little inflated since I brewed with a lot of LRH done poorly (blinklerium I'll call it- way fun to play...virtually never wins, at least configured as I had it).
Total: 18/20

G1. Win vs. R33 Gruul Hasty Beats
Impulse on inciter, t2 Titi, impulse on voltaic brawler. They firecraft Titi exquisitely, but concede when I drop and plus Nahiri the following turn. I played it out and I guess he was probably right. He sneaks some damage in with expedite and might of the masses (just for 1 to offset a harnessed lightning) and eventually clears her with Glorybringer, but not before she ults for combustible gearhulk who closes it out.

G2. Win vs. R31 Selesnya Tokens
We drop lands for a few turns, and I go Saheeli on three which he answers with sacred cat. Saheeli gets to scrying and at his attack I've decided to let the cat do its thing but he prepare // fights so I fiery impulse it out. He leaves it in the yard with open W which I wonder about briefly but he reaches for anointed procession next turn so there you go. I snag that with spell queller and proceed to peck away with that and Saheeli. He is land-go which sends up my antenna but I've got a lot of options with queller, LRH, and some burn so I swing in anyway. Down comes Avacyn which gets sent on a long road home with harnessed lightning and impulse in hand. He untaps with his now 5/5 but no longer indestructible angel and goes to fight queller pre-combat which ends just like you'd think. Saheeli ults for Combustible Gearhulk (Torrential was already in hand, and I just dropped land 6) he takes the damage but that mills a scatter to the winds which is bad news for Aetherstorm Roc on his following turn. A swing with the gearhulks puts him to 5 and the cat comes back along with a zombie token but I commit the zombie for lethal.

G3. Loss vs. R35 4c control / Tutelage
We do land-go for several turns while I hold up Scatter/Censor with me discarding impulses and cycling censor but I dawdle at 4 land while he drops his 6th. I blink first as I'm going to have to start discarding critters/counters so I drop a reflector mage. Big mistake as it gets grasp of darkness immediately and down comes sphinx's tutelage while I'm tapped. The game drags out as he kills/counters my critters and his land lead lets him mix in Sorin and Chandra, Torch of Defiance while I play catch-up.
I finally stick Combustible Gearhulk with an assist from LRH to dodge a solemn offering. I set to work on the walkers and manage to clear them out with help from needle spire and Scatter and things are looking up since the bouncy gearhulk/cloudblazer draw has let me mostly keep up with the walkers card advantage. But the fun ends as Oath of Liliana comes down for Gearhulk and needle spire gets imprisoned in the moon. And tutelage is still just ticking away. I memory at 10 cards in library, and the cycle repeats trading critters for removal. Finally cloudblazer/titi stick with assist from LRH again but Chandra Torch and Sorin are both back. I flip Titi with Harness/Impulse and kill Chandra but he Sorin's into cruel reality (ouch) putting me to 8 and he's at 25 (the other 5 was a planar outburst he'd revealed in Sorin's first appearance). Titi takes out Sorin and I probably should've memoried now but I've got a fistful of critter fodder and I'm not ready for him to restock on removal again. Opt for a 2nd Titi to sac and leave up two censors which could maybe work if he plays something pre-reality. He doesn't but I censor anyway to keep him from playing anything else. 8 cards in library now and a few creatures in hand. I decide to drop some more reality fodder and roll the dice with Tutelage again since he hasn't played any draw beyond activation and saccing my flipped Titi to reality seems like game over at this point. First draw goes to 6 (yay!) but activation decks me. Still, honorable mention LRH, it played great in the matchup and I think this could've easily gone the other way if I'd just stayed disciplined in the beginning.

G4. Win vs. R37 RDW
I mull to a kinda slow hand with a fist full of tap lands but manage to burn out the T2 bloodrage brawler at his attack step. In the meantime though he's gotten a brazen scourge in with him. I scatter the follow up Ahn-Crop Crasher to the winds, but the scourge gets in again. I drop a Cloudblazer and he draws me a fiery impulse that I can use the following turn but he gets collectively defied and I get a bonus 3 to the face. Titan's strength at the attack step puts me to 7. Ouch. Land, cloudblazer (who snags an Avacyn!), impulse clears up the board and gets me to 9. He firecrafts me down to 5. I swing and leave mana up for Avacyn/Commit. I end step Avacyn as he passes with 2 cards in hand and drop eldrazi displacer to hopefully diffuse shenanigans and leave commit up. He hijacks displacer with two mana open and I probably should've committed, but I don't die to fling and I'm curious so I let it happen. He casts infectious bloodlust and after considering for a bit I commit my displacer to untrack the bloodlust train (in retrospect I probably should've just committed the bloodlust since displacer would've been able to deal with it fine). Either way, Avacyn closed it out from there.

G5. Loss vs R38 GBc ramp
This one's a sad tale. The faint of heart should skip to G6.
I keep a no-red hand with scatter and double queller and the mana to play them which isn't ideal, but should work out. I go W U, and he drops a mana dork turn 2 and I think "ok, this should be mostly straightforward." Get so excited in fact that when I top sulfur falls to hit my red I slam it down before realizing that instead of island (which is sitting smugly in hand) I'd dropped glacial fortress the turn before so scatter/queller remain off. So From Beyond resolves. Crap. If I keep my head here, nothing's too out of hand but I do no such thing and hate-queller to eat a token at his next attack even though he's got a load of mana open. It gets pushed post-combat with a follow up Thought-Knot Seer who proceeds to thought-see how knot well I've played this whole thing (and snag a cloudblazer). I'm way past calm, patient control at this point and kinda blank out - suffice it to say it gets worse with bristling hydra, Kalitas, and ultimately Ulamog all resolving while Scatter remains in hand. I can't recall exactly how it unfolded but I'm impressed by in a sortuv twisted way. Incidentally, I miss all with the 2nd queller as well since I stacked up queller+harnessed lightning to kill the thought knot. I'm not saying this would've been a W since I would've had some pretty high value targets sitting under quellers in the best case and for people keeping count that's 5 things I would've liked to counter and just 3 counters, but there's a big difference between 3/5 and 0/5, so it's clearly Not the Deck's Fault here. Operator error followed by grotesque tilt.

G6. Win vs. R34 RB vamps
He goes t2 Olivia's Bloodsworn that gets an impulse eot. T3 bloodmad vampire that gets a reflector mage. Heir of Falkenrath next. I pass back holding queller or LRH open. Asylum visitor comes down, but I let it go since worst case I'll trade the reflector there. Hard cast bloodmad vampire gets the queller. I untap, draw another impulse and pass back, partially out of curiosity since he's been so conservative with Heir's discard (he could've either EoT'd bloodmad, or madnessed youths and gotten in another attack, and he'd stared at reflector mage with a red open for a long time when he dropped heir but decided against all of these). Probably should've just burned the Heir while he was tapped though. Pre-combat Heir madnesses incorrigible youths, and here comes the swing. No block with queller, reflector mage blocks the visitor and goes on a LRH, and now that spell mastery is on incorrigible youths gets the impulse. Eot reflector mage comes back and bounces the Heir (since he can block the visitor now - although maybe it was better to deny the discard outlet). I suspect I made that more complicated than it needed to be, but it felt pretty fine anyway. Land off the top lets me cast Nahiri which I use to exile the visitor and he conceeds.

G7. Win vs. R34 Abzan humans
T2 I drop Titi, he responds with Hanweir Militia that gets reflector mage'd. He comes back with Thalia and she gets impulsed so I can drop my non-basic leaving scatter to the winds up and reflector swings in for 2. A follow up Thalia gets the scatter and opponent concedes. Played it out, and it took several more turns, but everything either gets bounced, countered, or chumps a reflector mage and eventually Titi flips. The AI tries to unmake (or maybe this was on a queller - in any case nothing was unmade) but that is commit'd and now he's chumping Titi while reflector and queller chip away and when he re-draws unmaking he's too low to use it.

G5.1. Loss vs. R34 BW zombies
Felt bad about the game 5, so I thought I'd give it a make-up spin. I mull a 1 lander into a 5 lander with censor and cloudblazer. Probably should've gone to 6. The censor does catch a baby lily, but I see three spells in the next 8 draws (Titi eats a never // return, and censor #2 which cycled into harnessed lightning that gets used immediately on his lord of the accursed) and it's basically over by then even though he's been playing very cagey around my wide open blue mana. Another harnessed lightning off the top lets me delay a turn by getting rid of his wayward servant in response to dark salvation on the cloudblazer, and LRH comes a turn too late and I don't have nothing to send nowhere but a meaningless zombie token.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:57 am 
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Mowie666 wrote:
Great to hear Bontu getting involved, he certainly seems usable in the deck. What about Oketra? I find her too winmorey but I don't know where you'd put her if not in that deck.
Cucho, your heart will be warmed to know I am spending some of my winter holiday playing an old Pia's revolution deck you posted on reddit with some mods. Ravenous Intruder is a card I just can't quit.

Oh how can I forget that deck, It got me into an internet fight and I even got a PM from very notorious MOD, calling my language low class LOL. -he was so right-
Pia´s Revolution is a very fun deck, I also like it a lot :D
I have never played Oketra in any tokens deck... I think she does´t make the cut, I might be wrong but in your deck the artifact synergy is to high and Oketra´s tokens are humans if I remember right, I think that your deck could improve with a couple more creatures if nothing more... but at this moment I like it a lot as it is :V
Yesterday I felt asleep before I could even start the trials... I´m so beaten at the end of the day this last weeks... I think my body desperately needs to party :party:


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:46 pm 
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Built properly, Wintervoid's Highway to Hell goes 6-1 this time. What a difference! That's not all just using the proper Angel; I think I went on an especially bad run with my draws in the first round (along with better matchups here). I barely saw the Reflector Mages the first time around, but here they showed up in a big way. I'd still be on board with a Kozilek's Return or maybe Displacement Wave, and I think at least 1 Cloudblazer should be a Glorybringer, but I totally get it now in a way that wasn't at all clear before. I even got to have actual fun with the Road! Nice build Wintervoid, I'm glad I had occasion to give it a second chance.

Record: 6/7
Build: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
LRH: 2/3
Total: 16/20

1. LOSE vs Rakdos Vamps. Nice curve full of counters & removal, but I can't find land #5 and they have a persistent Firebird. Finally get a land, play a Cloudblazer that ticks me up to 7 to face off against a Ravenous Bloodseeker. With the Firebird in the yard for the moment, figure I can at least trade with the vamp and go Avacyn next turn. Instead they have Kari Zev's Expertise to steal it and play Olivia's Bloodsworn, along with one last card in hand to pitch to the Bloodseeker to do exactly 7. Don't think I misplayed anything here; I don't like going into that last turn at just 5 as I think the chance of burn there is much greater than the chance of a steal. They just had exactly the answers they needed at the right time.

2. ‎WIN vs Green Value. Ooh this is a terrible matchup for them. I'm on the play starting with Displacer; their first two plays are Durable Handicraft and Lifecrafter's Bestiary. I follow their first creature drop (some wolf) with a Reflector and just go to town from there. They can't get more than one creature down at a time and still pay for the extras, and their only shot at removal is Cartouche of Strength. Bounce wins the day as those two go the distance without needing the Gearhulk in holding.

3. ‎WIN vs Dimir Control. They mulligan pretty hard and start with Titi, and I'm okay with that. I have a Queller for the Baral that comes next. They spend a couple turns with draw spells while I fly over, and I add Cloudblazer to speed up the clock. They play a Rags that would flip Titi, so I commit that pre-flip, choose to lose my Blazer to the Rags and not take a break from attacking. Next turn they try the Riches on my Queller, but it suddenly takes a Long Road Home and there's no Riches to be found. I Impulse the Baral that gives back, then go Combustible on my turn. They try Titi again, but that also finds itself on the Road as the Gearhulk swings on by. Fine, I could have also gone Reflector there for the conventional play, but they were tapped out and I wanted them really shaking a fist at the LRH FTW.

4. ‎WIN vs W Weenie Auras. Queller steals a Thalia, Reflector bounces Topan Freeblade, and we get to work. My favorite part is where their Glory-Bound Initiate exerts into my Reflector on the Road for no lifelink, twice in a row. The second time the Mage comes back to bounce Freeblade out from under an Angelic Destiny. Value! My other spot removal does great work picking off weenies and 2 for 1-ing incoming auras. Again it takes me a while to find that fifth land, but I've got plenty of small stuff to do along the way here.

5. ‎WIN vs Red Weenie Aura Jank. Another great matchup for me. This one has a little burn, but my bounce and removal is working great and I keep them locked down while my Nahiri fetches a torrential to start reusing impulses. Flip a Titi just to flex.

6. ‎WIN vs Dimir Artifacts. Land trouble again. How can I be having this many issues running 26 land? Luckily they aren't speedy either. Their plan seems to be Chief of the Foundry into Spy Networks, so my plan becomes keeping artifacts off their board. Reflector once, and when they replay followed by Reave Soul I have a Road ready. There's a second Reave that does get the Mage, but I've got another, followed by Displacer just in time to start bouncing their Harold of Anguish. They replay the chief yet again and try to give it a Tezzy Touch, so I Lightning that in response. I have a Queller when they try an Alchemist's Vial. They finally get an artifact to stick with a Whirler Rogue, but by then I'm up to Gearhulk territory at last with both in my hand and they still have no answer for the Displacer.

7. ‎WIN vs Orzhov Zombies. They put up a good fight. I have double Reflector to slow them down at the start. I knock out a servant with Avacyn, then trade that for Heart of Kiran and knock out a Colossus with a Torrential. I start growing Nahiri. They topdeck Unmaking just before I can ult her though, and their board of Belcher, Binding, Servant and Throne is still threatening. I get Saheeli, and trade a Needle Spires and one of my Reflectors for the Belcher once they get a Lord. Play a Titi, and Commit the Binding Mummy in response to Lily's Mastery to keep blockers up. Start cloning Torrential with Saheeli every turn pick off their board and knock counters off Titi. I flip that and attack with lethal, putting their Shambling Vent on the Road once they activate it.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:57 pm 
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Wintervoid’s deck looks very fun to me. I built it last night and trounced the ai a few times before hitting the sack. I’ll bring it to the ladder tonight.

Edit: couldn’t wait. I did one last game with joesenshu’s and then played my first with Wintervoid’s.

Game 1 vs R25 Gruul Midrange (AI piloted): Win!
Hehehe, I like this one. Had a little hiccup with the mana (started with 3, took a while to hit 4). AI kept dropping threats and I kept answering them. Lots of interactions. Saheeli copying a Reflector was fun. Torrential freecasting Scatter was delicious. LRH rescuing Cloudblazer after it chumped a Glorybringer was just icing on the tasty, tasty cake. Fun stuff!

Game 2 vs R28 Esper Zombies: Win!
Ok... that was just wrong. I basically killed the guy with a single Reflector Mage and Saheeli. He had all the trix, Wayward, Time to Reflect, Binding Mummy, Never//Return, Cryptbreaker, y’now... the works. I was first with 1 basic, 3 manlands, Reflector, Saheeli, and Commit. Fortunately he has a slow start, too, with EW t1 and a U/W tapland and Dread Wanderer t2. I play Saheeli into the Wanderer so I can Reflector his T3 play and from then on his entire game revolves around trying to kill Saheeli. Commit did some work, stalling T2R and letting me kill his Wanderer. A second Commit delayed Never just long enough for me to draw Scatter. LRH buffed Reflector and some late burn let me start swinging back without worrying about Saheeli. Saheeli prolly did 8 or 9 pts of damage with her plus (never bothered to minus her) and his Cryptbreaker cost him a few points, too. Wayward got him a little life back but not enough and I finally let him take out Saheeli after tapping to one U/W mana so that I could drop the Avacyn I’d been holding all game. He was at 4 life with no flyers so that was the final straw and he quit. I was still at 20 life (Cloudblazer gained back what the Wayward stole).

Game 3 vs R23 Gruul Ramp-thing: Lose!
Ugh. Opp is first and drops a Gnarlwood Dryad right away. I have a slow start with nothing to do till turn 3, but after that Dryad, opp plays land and Elemental Bond so I have time to set up. T3 I could play Reflector but I have Scatter in hand and just topped Lightning so I decide to wait. Opp just swings and plays a land and I zap Dryad eot. After that we get in a waiting game till his T6 when he plays green Trial and Nissa’s Pilgrimage. I Reflector the token and hold up Scatter. Something big is coming! Aaand... there it is, Sandwurm Convergence! Exact mana, too. I Scatter that sheet like a boss. Feeling good at this point. I got LRH, Cloudblazer, Avacyn, and even an extra Lightning in hand. I top Censor and get a little pang of regret that it wasn’t in hand last turn for that Convergence, but as long as he doesn’t get his second one, or doesn’t have another land, I should be fine. He plays a land. You can prolly guess what happens next. Convergence no. 2! Oh how I wish I had a Rec Sage! I start making misplays after that, first trying to LRH Reflector, thinking his token will spawn before Reflector comes back down and I’ll be able to clear it and get a hit in with Sage. Like I’m in a position to race. XP Cloudblazer would have been the better target cuz at this point, Displacer is my only hope. Alas, Reflector comes down first for no value. A few turn or so later I make another egregious error missing the opportunity to Lightning one of his Wurm tokens in response to green Cartouche. This lets him get green and red Trials back and kill Avacyn. But IDK how much it mattered against that resolved Convergence, especially since he had Bond in play for draw and I hit a big flood of lands. I topped more land and threw in the towel.

Game 4 vs R20 Esper Goodstuff: Win!
Ha! That’s more like it. He had a nasty suite of problems to throw my way but I had all the answers. First I Censor his Thalia, then I plop down another blue mana after he Imprisons my Island. Next it’s Harnessed Lightning on his Fleetwheel. Then he gets a hit of his own on me with Skysovereign taking out my Cloudblazer. No matter... I had a spare. He plays Glorybound Initiate and Murklurker and crews Sovereign. I Impulse Initiate and Commit the airship. I swing with Cloudblazer and he Drops Avacyn but another Impulse flips Thing in the Ice, returning Blazer to my hand. I replay Blazer and swing with TitI. Avacyn drops in to rebuff the attack. He plays Lurker again and swings with Avacyn. I swing with TitI again and Lurker eats it, flipping Avacyn (oops, forgot about that. I got no way to rescue my Blazer. Oh well). He plays Reflector Mage. Hey! That’s MY trick! And I’m Commit-ted to keeping it! (Get it? Cuz I had the other Commit? Yeah, ok, I’ll stop). Next he tries to cast Bruna with exactly 7 mana. Glad I decided not to cycle that late game Censor. Thalia makes a return tho. No matter, just got another Lightning. I swing with TitI and he double blocks to kill it but instead, Lightning gives me a twofer. :D I bet this guy isn’t liking me very much just now. He Reflectors my TitI. I top a Scatter, which means I can finally drop the Displacer I’ve been holding without having to worry about Skysovereign. Speaking of which... he plays it. I counter and awaken a Fumarole. After that he runs out of gas and I am able to beat him down shortly after. Happy New Years, bud!

Game 5.0 and 5.5 vs R27-28 Rakdos Vamps: Lose and Win!
So, first game I get a godawful draw of 5 land, LRH, and Commit. My opp has a very obvious vampire theme to his avatar/bg pick so I suspect I’m up against aggro and figure that hand is suicide so I mull and get a 1 lander with TitI, Censor x2, LRH, Cloudblazer, and Avacyn. IDK why but I saw the double Censor as insurance against screw and figured with 26 land, I’d hit a few for sure. Stupid! The deck managed to stay alive for an impressive amount of time despite the odds but I never made it to 5 land. I decided to give it another shot because anyone with a lick of sense woulda mulled to six and prolly had a fighting chance. Low and behold, I get the same guy again. This time the shuffler gives me a decent hand and the deck does its thang. The guy lost interest in the game after I neutralized his second threat and let the AI take over. Displacer hit the table with LRH to protect it and ended up locking down the few threats that I didn’t draw answers for. I’m calling this a draw overall bc the crappy hands of the first game are luck of the draw and should have put me at a disadvantage but I made a stupid call that basically threw the game and then aced the rematch. So I’ll keep playing but not count the win in the final tally.

Game 6 vs R27 RDW: Lose!
I went 2nd, didn’t draw any burn, and had no early critters. Opp basically beat me to death with an Ember Eye Wolf. I did Censor flip-Chandra and played Saheeli, hoping she’d distract him for a turn, but he stayed focused in my life and had me in burn range by T5. Miraculously, I topped a Blazer which I immediately copied, drawing a desperately needed Lightning and taking me back to 8 life, but he Collective Defianced it and me and took me back to 3. I had Combustible in hand but he had 2 Arsonists on the table, too so I had to pass leaving up burn and Fumarole and hope he spent his mana pumping the wolf. But he had Firecraft so that didn’t work out. Bummer cuz I really enjoyed playing this one!

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

Last edited by TheFlakyMage on Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:39 am, edited 5 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:14 pm 
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All right time hit the ladder lets start with Windervoid!
we totally destroyed a R30 Rakdos steal and sacrifice deck... t3 +t4 Reflector then combustible Gearhulk... we kinda have it by then but we wanted to play a bit so LRH and Avacyn sealed the deal!

Josefruits next!
R36 4C PW´s
T2 Siphoner
T3 Hellion -this sounds familiar-
Opponent quits -Wimp!
but we continue playing coz it took all week to finally have the time to properly test this bad boys...
we finish the game with 2 Hellions +Copter+ Siphoner and scrapy, Opponent had token maker Nissa and Tezzeret… both PWs watch in horror as I ignore them...
It took longer to describe the game than the actual game LOL

Next Mowie´s tokens!
R40 white weenies
He mulls to 6 we kept a good hand with 2 lands and a nice curve
They T2 that double white prestige guy that pumps attacking creatures… t3 Thalia the white supremacist… I hate her so much…
we T2 captain
T3 weapon craft
T4 sram expertise but all our lands and tokens are coming tapped!!
He then drops Angel of equivocation and tries to Cast out our captain.. we SNS and sac her with stockpile in response -nice move I did hear a crack in my brain- but it was not enough we even got westvale ready to flip next turn but we where forced to chump block to survive…. it was all a nightmare… and it got out of reach in a heartbeat...
so sorry Mowie it seams that your decks are cursed to me

ok next Flaky... wait he burned his laptop for over slamming his salami... and did not subscribe a deck... this is odd
Nomad then!
Destroyed a esper zombie deck...

Rakdrazi Stamina next
vs R40 Jeskai piloted by a guy named Slice Glo... which made an old neuron sparkle with that cheese character comercial from an Eddie Murphy movie... SOUL GLO Sexual chocolate... my god!!! I actually laughed
anyway we won...
he did cast 2 reflector mages, I brain farted and cast 2 Kari... -Legendary!- but when the night was darker, Smasher smashed the board and then Glorybringer brought the Glory.

Ok lets wrap this up bzzt next
Loong game vs R40 Temur Energy
it comes to this
He´s got 2 Long tusk an Hydra and Samut!! we got a Green Gearhulk and that death touch guy -And he did stole our Nissa early game... only to realize that when you hit the 7 land it comes back to papa.... I also learned that the hard way- well we blocked killed Samut and then cast Dusk after we cast SNS on our gearhulk and attacked of course... but this guy would not pump his LongTusks until he got lethal... smart guy... so both of his tusks survived... he is at 8 I´m at 10 he swings with one Tusk pump it -Finally- and leave me at 4 next turn I attack with the gear hulk he blocks and he is at 2 then I cast the second Dusk and wiped the board!!
after that I cast Dawn and watch him take it like a man! Kudos Opponent!

ok so Round one is up and Movie is taking the last place... more to come...tomorrow during the day!


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:17 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:36 pm 
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7 games with Cucho's rakdrazi stamina

G1 vs Temur Energy: WIN
Started with two smuggy in hand. Drew a siphoner as a pilot. Rescued siphoner with SNS. Never a cub, play lathnu, easy win.

G2 vs bzzt with Mowies BW tokens: WIN
Started with smuggy, pushed his smuggy and started looting with my own. Played matter reshaper. Played glorybringer on curve to kill captain before it flips. Trade matter reshaper with chief, get hellion from reshaper death.

G3 vs Izzet mill: WIN
Played smuggy, then waited a few turns playing around counters. Tutelage comes down, I respond with flamecaller. He uses disperse + defiance to put flamecaller in the gy. Play Kari + reshaper, save kari with SNS.

G4 vs GR ramp: LOSS
He plays three mana dorks. I kill ulvenwald hydra with scrounger and SNS. He reanimates hydra. I misplay and lose scrounger. Next turn ulamog comes down. Bad news. The following turn omnath comes down and I concede. Not sure if I had a chance even without the misplay. No answers in the deck for ulamog.

G5 vs mono B zombies: WIN
Oppenent plays early Liliana healer and flips with fleshbag. I push zombie token and kill liliana with pia and scrounger. Used pia's abilities to pump token to kill his smuggy. Win without using SNS.

G6 vs BR aggro: WIN
Oppenent has a terrible draw, two copters and now pilots. Goldfish win.

G7 vs BR vamps: WIN
Oppenent plays neonate and plays masquerade. Neonate keeps getting bigger, but I have push waiting. No scary creatures show up intil it is too late, I push a neonate with three counters, win.

Using the scoring template:
Record: 6/7 => Only loss was a T7 ulamog after killing hydra twice. This deck is super strong. Bzzt had a decent draw, but I felt the matchup favored me heavily.
Build quality: 4/5 => I did not experience mana problems in 7 games, tons of value and answers. Recursion from scrapper and card draw from siphoner. Maybe it is soft to indestructible creatures, but most decks are.
Enjoyment: 4/5 => Pretty straightforward midrange deck. Winning is fun.
SNS Breakage: 2/3 => Used SNS for some big plays. Did not get a lot of ETB value out of SNS, but it was very useful.
Total: 16/20

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:09 pm 
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joesenshu wrote:
7 games with Cucho's rakdrazi stamina
G4 vs GR ramp: LOSS
He plays three mana dorks. I kill ulvenwald hydra with scrounger and SNS. He reanimates hydra. I misplay and lose scrounger. Next turn ulamog comes down. Bad news. The following turn omnath comes down and I concede. Not sure if I had a chance even without the misplay. No answers in the deck for ulamog.
Maybe it is soft to indestructible creatures, but most decks are.

yup we got **** against Ulamog
Nice run!
thanks for testing!


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:32 pm 

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Played the ladder series with Mowie's "Recycled Servos", finishing 4-3.

Record: 4.5/7 It managed to win at least one game that I tried my damndest to lose so on that count it did great.
Build: 3/5 Lots of fun pieces, like what they're doing. I'm calling the hands that I mulliganed through in the last few games just a bad run of luck since on paper it's not *that* bad so I'm not docking it the full "ARRRRRGGGG!!!" in my notes.
Enjoyment: 3/5 I think the deck has a lot more in there. I never managed to get the stockpile+disciple going, despite best efforts only one game really with huge servos, Herald has a lot more potential here than what I managed, and I had to check at the end that I had Bontu and AoI in there since they never came up unfortunately (I did). Strange series of games, with a few just non-competitive for whatever reason. It definitely had it's fist-pump moments though.
SNS: 1/3 Looking back I only played it once in the whole series and that instance was...special. I never found myself wanting it off the top either, but I can see where it could have fun applications here.
Total: 11.5/20

G1. Win vs. R35 4c Ramp
Quick one that goes Kytheon, copter, scrounger+push, hanweir militia captain, activate/flip Kytheon on the play. Opponent goes T2 mana dork (pushed on T3), T3 mana dork, T4 cast out on the copter, T5 Nissa vital force. The good guys keep turning sideways and win T6.

G2. Win vs. R38 BW Zombies
A little slower here, but some fun plays. Opponent starts with T2 binding mummy into T3 lord of the accursed with the lord getting a grasp of darkness at the attack step. T3 I drop an aethersphere harvester which gets answered by another lord of the accursed and a swing from his mummy. Then T4 it gets fun with Sram's expertise into a weaponcraft enthusiast and we're off to the races swinging with the harvester and ahead by a nose. Liliana, Death's Majesty next from the opponent minuses to bring back the first lord but that's OK because I've got Gideon and he can't stop harvester from eliminating big lily. Opponent drops another binding mummy tapping my ally token and activates a lord of the accursed attacking with the 4/4 menace binding mummy but I've still got a black that gets used for a fatal push to eliminate the threat, since I've got chief of the foundry on the way and don't want to waste my servos. That's exactly what happens although I'm just shy of lethal so I play it safe with just Gideon and the newly 4/6 harvester swinging in drawing no blocks and putting him at 8. The opponent has a gravedigger to bring out his original binding mummy again, but that's not enough to keep him from being dead on board to Many Huge Servos.

G3. Loss vs. Joesenshu Rakdrazi Stamina
This one should be fun since we'll get both angles. I keep with two land (but I have a both colors!) with hanweir militia captain, hidden stockpile, chief of the foundry, pious evangel, and expertise. I probably sequence wrong (stockpile is generally my preferred T2 in my deck but I suspect here it should be later). Anywho, I go stockpile, copter (off the top), hanweir militia captain, opponent goes copter, siphoner, matter reshaper. He gets in first with his siphoner piloting copter and discards a glorybringer. Crap. I pilot up with militia and copter gets pushed. Double crap. I take the chance to scry a plains and keep it on the top so we can make sure and expertise the following turn. No blocks for siphoner, copter and I'm down to 12 but expertise into chief gives me loads of power on board and militia threatening to flip and I'm feeling like there's a shot with evangel left and the Herald I've drawn. Glorybringer thinks otherwise though, exerting to take out the militia, and along with copter putting me to 5 while matter reshaper is home to block. Now I'm in a pickle (well, a worse pickle than before). I'd like to get Herald out here with minimal improvisation but that seems like it loses in two turns regardless. Evangel, scry, go seems worse. I decide basically that glory bringer untapping ruins whatever plan I've got. There are no half measures here, so I swing with the team and cast evangel putting us both to 7 and leaving a chump servo, hoping to cobble together one turn, get a lucky break on the reshaping and get to some disciple shenanigans to steal the game. It was all for naught since reshaper reshapes a hellion and reality smasher comes down to be the cherry on this servo sunday.

G4. Win vs. R36 RDW?
I'm not proud of this next one, but here it is anyway. I keep a nice 6 with kytheon, scrounger, stockpile, chief after I get 1 colored land total in the first two sevens (mumble mumble). I go Scrounger -> kytheon to the opponents neonate -> Kari Zev's expertise (on scrounger) ->Kari Zev. That brings us to my T3 where it gets...wierd. He's got Kari ready to block and open mana and a neonate that I suspect is itching to madness out a fiery temper. I've got scrounger, kytheon, three mana and an SNS I've drawn, so clearly I'd love to trade SNS for temper and prime stockpile in the process while keeping Kytheon. To get there I decide that I'm swinging with both but writing it up this reminds me of the underpants gnomes: "step 2: ?????". Swing, Kari block, SNS on Kytheon, madness fiery temper in response. I'm calling it a horrible plan gone...fine since I effectively discard SNS for a servo, which is definitely not the best use of the card, but it's at least as good as what the plan was actually going to accomplish. After that nonsense, play continues with us both at 14 and he casts infectious bloodlust on Kari and swings for 5 and I let the monkey through because I've drawn a 2nd stockpile and I want to keep the train running. But this puts me to 9. I swing, putting him to 10, playing the 2nd stockpile and sac for an extra servo and leave aethersphere harvester on the top. Opponent has no play and swings with Kari. Chief next turn is just shy of lethal so I block the monkey and go to 6. I drop the harvester on my turn and even up the life totals with servo/harvester up for blocks. Harvester gets stolen with Kari Zev's expertise, and Lathnu hellion comes down tapping him out. That's pretty saucy, and I kinda wonder why whichever of those was in hand the turn before didn't come down. But anywho, I'm supposing in a gesture of surrender to the harvester, the opponent chooses swing with hellion and kari so I chump hellion which puts me at 1 and I swing back for lethal. I don't think he could kill me that turn, but he could've gotten rid of both servos and gained some life by crewing the harvester with hellion which...would've been close because I think it ruins my lethal on the counter (definitely on board, and even with the chief still in hand). I didn't lose, so this one counts and maybe the deck should even get bonus credit for prevailing in spite of me?

G5. Win vs. R37 Esper control
Not sure what happened for the opponent, he gets to 4 lands on time but never finds what he's looking for. T2 Scrounger gets an anguished unmaking. Next aethersphere harvester and opponent passes back. Enthusiast comes in and makes servos to pilot harvester and opponent casts telling time. Opponent passes back. A servo and harvester get in next turn with double stockpile giving me three servos and scrying a swamp to the bottom. Declaration in stone on the servos is too bad, but we're still fine with Chief next turn and enthusiast would love to make more servos, so he does. No response from opponent and the team swings in for lethal.

G6. Loss vs. R38 Boros Vehicles
Mull to an OK 6 with copter, grasp, two land and evangel/enthusiast. Anyway, t2 opponent goes veteran motorist, I go copter. T3 Depala and swing for 4. I decide I'm definitely not the beat down here and think maybe evangel first and then enthusiast, and stay home to block. T4 a huge fleetwheel cruiser and he swings with the team, I trade copter for Depala and go to 7. I opt for a harvester I've drawn (although that just delays a turn - I should've grasped by now, but that would be my only play and doesn't seem good enough). Skysovereign comes down, sniping evangel. I crew for my fruitless chump and that's exactly what happens. Enthusiast comes out cuz I can, grasp on the motorist in hopes that he's empty on pilots, but he's got another Depala in hand and Skysovereign holds up with me out of gas.

G7. Loss vs. R36 W Weenie (ish?)
Mull to 6 again (the land is really in my head), but I've got grasp, chief, expertise, which seems fine. Opponent goes cat, feldar cub and nothing on three which doesn't seem so bad (although there's a rogue's passage that got dropped that's worrisome as those guys are plinking away), and I go chief on 3. Chief gets cast out. Next turn I've drawn a hanweir militia and land to get out expertise on schedule which seems great, particularly since there's a Herald that can be improvised out right behind it. Declaration in stone on the servos ruins the fun though, and I let another 2 past my bear and opponent passes back. Regal Caracal off the top is a nice consolation play, so down he goes and I swing past the cat for 2. Opponent has a Thalia and Kytheon in response (eep) but next turn militia flips and tokens and I hold up to block since Thalia handles everything but militia, and I'm banking on him a bit at this point. Always watching and Westvale abbey on the opponents next turn, but no swing, and I decide that all adds up to Thalia needing to go (also so I can drop Herald next turn) so she gets grasped eot. With Herald set to come down and wanting to thin his board a bit to stave off abbey I decide to swing in with the militia who will take 2 non-sacred creatures to kill, and he trades Kytheon/cub which I'm mostly pretty happy with at the time. I play out Herald and that empties out my hand (well I have 1 more land there, but empty) opponent discards Gideon of Trials and holds on to what I presume was the Gisela he played on the following turn that trumps Herald thanks to always watching. I get a copter off the top which will force him to use rogue's passage at least, and play it out. Opponent does one better and casts out Herald which basically wraps it up (it takes a couple/few turns from there, with me scrying through with a drawn stockpile, but no answer to be found).

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:09 am 
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My Scrappy Stamina goes 5-2, about where I figured it would end up. Super low to the ground and capable of stalling in long games if you don't get the right pieces to push through; I did a really terrible job actually drawing Stamina in these matches and definitely missed it in those two losses. Earlier testing showed it working great with the aggressive early game while offering important flexibility later on. I'm happy with the build overall, and love the value gleaned from alternate land usage.

Record: 5/7
Build: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Stamina: 3/3
Overall: 17/20

1. WIN vs Mono Red Jank. They have a bunch of haste/first strike/trample little guys going on, but seemingly no removal. My T1 Cryptbreaker pretty much controls the whole game, and I sit back to let it work, really only beginning to attack when the drawing starts to bring down my life. HD brings back both Amalgam to win.

2. ‎WIN vs Boros Aggro Humans. On the play, racing. Reaver to Copter to Scrounger + Cryptbreaker, then Push, Cryptbreaker tokens and a Key at the end just in case. Being able to stop at 3 land and loot/turn the rest into zombies is awesome. This one reminds me why I went with Reaver- using Thornbow Archer or something instead, it has to stop once it runs into their Crop Captain T2. Gotta be able to trade up, and the downside of its upkeep makes them want to just take damage instead of trading. That little guy supplied 8 damage here.

3. ‎WIN vs Orzhov Auras. Take a chance on a hand with tons of land, banking on Cryptbreaker and Copter to turn it into something useful. They do! Opp puts Suppression bonds on the Copter but the zombie tokens keep plugging away, and I Never the only creature they put out.

4. ‎WIN vs 5c Superfriends. Start with Heart, crew it with Asylum Visitor. Visitor gets eaten by Nahiri. Next comes Bone Picker, and the Heart kills Nahiri. A second Picker and swing them down to 9, but then a Rags takes out both. Haunted Dead comes out to crew again, gets killed on their turn by Sorin. Siphoner + the spirit token keep the Heart attacking, HD comes back, and when they Altered Ego themselves a giant Spirit token, I play Key and let the Heart and Siphoner finish them off.

5. ‎LOSE vs Dimir Willbreaker. Gets close with early aggro from me, but they get value out of Rags to wipe me. Then they have a huge Battle at the Bridge when I play Bontu, followed by topdecks of Walking Ballista then Willbreaker.

6. ‎LOSE vs Temur Energy. Get really close, within striking distance of my Heart, but they keep hitting exactly what they need to keep virtuoso tokens popping up and their ground game is bigger than mine. They ride their value to the win; would've loved a Key or Stamina here!

7. ‎WIN vs 4c Superfriends? Not really sure what it is. They show me a Blessed Alliance (Stamina says ha!) and Cast Out a Bontu to buy an extra turn, and that's all the time they get. Cryptbreaker, Visitor & Copter do most of the work, but by the end I've got Scroungers and Amalgam in reserve too.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:42 am 
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All right lets continue
NOMAD next!
R40 Esper -
T1 Crypt breaker
T2 Copter
T3 reaver
Opp plays draw spells...


Wintervoid Next
-I forgot to change decks duh!
Ok Nomad overruns an 4C PWs and sits on the waiting room of round 4

Wintervoid ... this time I hope I get it right
will continue after breakfast
Vs R36 I think is some kind of Rakdos eggs decks lets see how it goes
T1 Mointain
T2 Brawler
T3 Brawler
We drop lands and hold a counter
T4 he attacks with both brawlers and then cast Chandra which we counter
Then I made a mistake and pass the turn I got Harnessed lighting and Impulse to deal with both brawlers
he cast Ahn Crop leaving him with just one card
we cast harnessed on the brawler and then impulse on the other brawler
he pumps the second one with built to smash and our life goes down the toilet...
I did remember saying that I was going to drop rank for this guys to survive a bit longer -My bad- I can give you guys a second life to extend a bit the testing so Wintervoid and Mowie burn their extra life but continue on the run...

t3 concede with Siphoner on the play... easy..

next Rakdrazi vs R36 WG humans
T2 Siphoner
T3 Hellion
T4 Reshaper and B for stamina -I leave it on defense-
Block that 3cmc human that has 2 prestige with Reshaper cast SNS on it get a second Reshaper on the board and T5 Glorybringer...
so much win!

Bzzt Long agony
vs R38 Izzet
he destroyed us... 1-1

Movie to seal R2
Won vs R38 mull to 5
T2 Copter
T3 Enthusiast
T4 Grasp on defending creature + Captain


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:13 am 
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Round 3!
Rakdrazi first 3-0
Vs orzhov Zombies
nothing to fancy just destroyed them xD

Next Wintervoid with no insurance
won vs temur good stuff... we had it controlled with T4 Nahiri T6 Combustible Gearhulk and Torrential gearhulk waiting on hand + a counter on the GY... then comes displacer... and opponent brain fart

Crushed by Boros Exert 1-2 again opponent just out maneuver us.
T2 Glory-Bound Initiate
T3 always watching
-this is difficult for any deck-
T4 double Captains
T1 pass
T2 Stockpile
T3 Captain + orrey
-no more lands-
T4 Harvester which gets destroyed by Ride Down FTW


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:54 pm 
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Oh boy ive build all the decks, I’ll take them for a warm up spin against the AI before the ladder tonight...

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