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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:47 pm 
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I love it!!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:02 pm 
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Looks good. It has a ton of cards I hate seeing when my opponent plays them :P

YouTube ... BgwzjA-FsQ

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:40 pm 
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Interesting revisions. I almost suggested Fleetwheel Cruiser over Manticore earlier, though i guess a lot of the creatures don't really fit for crewing purposes.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:31 pm 
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I've got 5 submissions thus far, not counting my own untested pile. And yeah, Nomad, you were right - SNS ended up running the table. Unless I end up submitting something, Wintervoid is the only LRH build so far. I haven't gotten anything from DCG-MTG yet, tho. I ended up not having much time to build/test this week so I may have to sit this round out - I'll give my build a whirl on the latter tonight before hitting the sack but if it blows (and it will), I got noth'n.

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:28 am 
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I ran into LRH last night playing Rabble’s Jeskai Control. That card gives control fits

Love the new avatar Flaky. What a good boy!! Five submissions the week before Xmas is excellent

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:35 pm 
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Here is the version I am submitting

Highway to Hell

2 x Thing in the Ice
2 x Eldrazi Displacer
2 x Spell Queller
3 x Reflector Mage
3 x Cloudblazer
1 x Archangel Avacyn
1 x Torrential Gearhulk
1 x Combustible Gearhulk

4 x Fiery Impulse
3 x Long Road Home
3 x Censor
3 x Harnessed Lightning
2 x Scatter to the Winds

2 x Commit

1 x Saheeli Rai
1 x Nahiri, the Harbinger

2 x Prairie Stream
2 x Plains
3 x Island
2 x Wandering Fumarole
3 x Mountain
2 x Needle Spires
2 x Clifftop Retreat
2 x Glacial Fortress
2 x Sulfur Falls
2 x Evolving Wilds
1 x Wastes
3 x Aether Hub

It does decently, but suffers vs counter heavy decks.

A few notes on the deck. I have discovered with long road home you need to be careful using it on your opponents turn. If your opponent does not cast anything on his turn after combat, the games goes directly to the end step. What this means is that if you do not use LRH on his combat phase and he casts no more spells, your creature will not come back into play until the end of your turn, not his.

I took out Mirrorwing. It was fun, but even when I ran the 3 flickers as well, it was too often just a 4/5 for 5. Not horrible, but I took that and tower out to address some issues with the deck. Those few times where I had Mirrowing/Torrential and Cloudchaser, Mage or Combustable on the board with some flickers in hand/graveyard was pretty fun though.

Displacer had to make it's way in. 2 displacers and a Waste replace the Fluxes. Vs some decks, a Displacer by itself can control the game. Having LRH and counters as protection for Displacer makes it a bit more viable.

TITI was my last addition. The decks biggest weakness is vs a counter heavy control deck. I was searching for a cheap threat that I could get under counterspells. Scrounger would be perfect, but I couldn't see adding another color. Baby Jace may work, but I don't have that many great Instants to recur. I even tried Firebird, but it was too specialized. So...I ended up at TITI. Still dies to Push, but still put a bit of cheap extra pressure on control early, or may be snuck through late in a counter war. It also does help shore up the deck vs agro, and it can work wonders on token decks. I hate that it works against the flicker theme, but it fills a hole.

Anyway, I had fun with the deck, but am expecting the more agro submissions to perform better.

YouTube ... BgwzjA-FsQ

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:08 pm 
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And here's mine:

Scrappy Stamina
Creatures (23)
2 x Cryptbreaker
2 x Dread Wanderer
3 x Reaver Drone
2 x Asylum Visitor
2 x Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger
1 x Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 x Bontu the Glorified
2 x Prized Amalgam
3 x Haunted Dead
3 x Bone Picker

Spells (18)
3 x Sinister Concoction
3 x Fatal Push
4 x Supernatural Stamina
1 x Heart of Kiran
2 x Smuggler's Copter
2 x Key to the City
2 x Never // Return
1 x Aethersphere Harvester

Land (19)
16 x Swamp
1 x Sunken Hollow
2 x Drowned Catacomb

Pretty close to my original build, super low to the ground (trust me, running Reavers over Gifted Aetherborn hurts, but you gotta have those aggressive 1 drops) and persistent as can be. Stamina triggers Amalgams and just works nicely with most everything in the deck, and hopefully the curve is low enough that it's not too hard to hold one up.

I packed in every piece of loot and draw tech i could, so go find you an Amalgam! Land grows increasingly useless after 3, and by 6 or 7 it's probably best to stop playing them entirely and hold them for discard fodder.

I don't love running Never over Grasp, but for whatever reason Superfriends seems to be going through an overwhelming Renaissance on iOS right now. So if you die to a bunch of Hazorets and Glorybringers blame those jerks.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:23 pm 
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Tried three builds so far and I'm not enamored with any. First was god awful, second had sketchy mana, third is ok but meh.

I'll try to settle on something tonight if submissions are still open, otherwise I'll fade into the ranks of our cantankerous judging panel.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:33 pm 
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Release the Kraken FLAKY!
I like both Winter void -I secretly love Control- and I have a soft spot for any deck that is willing to go 19 lands! way to go Nomad.
Looking forward to try both decks! :party:


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:52 pm 
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Hey, good things come to those who wait. Case in point, I got a last minute submission from another new contestant! And its LRH! Someone else is using my laptop atm and I’m not gonna put myself through the agony of trying to copy/paste all the lists using my phone. I should have them up before midnight tho.

Hurry up, DCG!

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:12 pm 
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Guys how long is the judging period? I can’t build these until January 2nd so I might have to sit this one out

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:19 pm 
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Guys how long is the judging period? I can’t build these until January 2nd so I might have to sit this one out

Just put me down for 1-2 and you will have one less to have to play :P

YouTube ... BgwzjA-FsQ

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:08 am 
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Alright. Here are our submissions for round 5!

"Rakdos Electric Cars"

"Highway to Hell"

"Recycled Servos"

Cucho Lambreta:
"RakDrazi Stamina"

"Scrappy Stamina"

"Long Road to ...?"

I had a few lists I had tried - an Abzan list similar to bzzt's but slower and clunkier, an Azo token/tempo list, a Dimir SNS Zombie list, an Orz Zombie list with both SNS and LRH (splash of U for Gisa and Amalgam), and an Orz lifegainer. Zombies were the strongest but we already have a few of those that all look better so... meh, I'm sitting this one out. DCG, since this was supposed to be your pick, I'll add your list if you get it in tomorrow.

Everyone else, GL!

Oh.. and how about Jan 6th for the judging deadline? We can always call it sooner if ppl finish early.

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:23 am 
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I will test some this weekend. I am thinking 5 games each deck, and I will steam each set.

Looks like fun.

YouTube ... BgwzjA-FsQ

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:42 am 
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Nice work guys!
I will try to build them tonight. But I don't think I can start the trials until next week.
Great contest Flaky!!
Have a good weekend and I wish you all that the moralistic fat bastard didint hurt much your wallets.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:37 am 
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Flaky can you email me the lists? I could start building then Jan 2nd. Thanks!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:45 am 
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Cucho's Rakdrazi Stamina goes 6-1, mostly overcoming a whole raft of Superfriends and showing remarkable resilience along the way. It's got a really nice curve and the hasty top end is great at winning games. The only downside is that curve can fight with the SNS; I ended up never playing Garrison despite multiple chances, cause my other 3 drops offered immediate benefits even if they met removal, and by the time I was ready to drop Garrison with protection I was on to the next point in the curve. I'd prefer to cut the Garrison for Bomat or Dread Wanderer, to open up the curve a little and focus on using Stamina more aggressively.
Not totally sure about the mana either, my thought is a tap land, a Rogue's Passage and the fourth Wilds over the Vestiges; I had more trouble missing colors (especially doubles) than finding colorless.
Strong build Cucho! I think this is the one to beat.

Record: 6/7
Build: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Stamina: 2/3
Total: 17/20

1. WIN vs Mardu Superfriends. They Push my Siphoner before I get a draw off it, but I have good responses for them too. Scrounger plus Disintegration takes out their Lily. Never takes out their Gideon. Seer sees two Nevers but takes Emeria Shepherd, then when they Never it I have Stamina to resuscitate it and take their second Never. Next I Return their Return, and still holding another Never in hand, I feel I've clearly won the Never wars. I go carefully then cause I saw another Push and they have man-lands. I don't want to give them back an advantage. They do eventually Push the Seer, but I'm ahead and I've been holding a surprise Glorybringer the whole game. When they tap out for another Emeria Shepherd the dragon is enough.

2. ‎WIN vs 4C Superfriends. My menacers do work getting around tokens and keeping their walkers in check. Opp plays Nissa Voice and then concedes for unknown reasons, AI takes over and plays Sorin and Ob, but just draws instead of killing my creatures. Kari's monkeys have been making headway meanwhile, and one last attack takes them from 10 to 0, with the final two points courtesy of Stamina.

3. ‎WIN vs 4C Superfriends. Fight through some really useless draws, missing land drops right and left while 4-6 cmc power cards fill up my hand. My 2 drops draw spot removal as they fight through tokens towards a Lily, luckily Scrounger is one of them. I get to 4 mana and pull Ob with a Seer, but their hands is all removal so that doesn't last. They have double Cultivators Caravan but only a Woodland Wanderer to crew. I bait Lily with a Siphoner to enable Revolt and Push Wanderer, then when she brings it back I helpfully spike a Disintegration, wait a turn to bring back Scrounger and knock out Wanderer and Lily in one shot. 21 cards down I finally find the 5th land for Smasher and Glorybringer, and play them in that order which is crucial. Smasher meets an awakened Planar Outburst which crews a Caravan that knocks me down to 4, so Glorybringer the next turn takes out the land. They use the last of their hand to kill Glorybringer, I finally get my sixth land for Flamecaller and kill them over the next couple turns when they can't come up with a response.

4. ‎WIN vs RDW. Siphoner in the opening hand is always great, but Opp rains on my parade with Goblin Arsonist, and then another when I push the first. So I go Hellion first, and they let that through. Then I make them waste time and resources on Chandra while I start sending Siphoner. Gum up the board with Pia and a Stamina when they try to exert a Glorybringer at her. They're too far behind from the Hellion though, and even with consecutive glorybringers they can't race. Smasher in to win.

5. ‎WIN vs Izzet Thopters. Thopter Engineer doesn't do a great job holding back Siphoner and both Matter Reshapers. They try a Harvester but I Disintegrate it. They kill a Reshaper but that just brings in a Hellion. Easy easy.

6. ‎LOSE vs 4C Goodstuff Superfriends. Oof, this one's rough. I'm getting hit with Dec Stones and sweepers while fighting off Woodland Wanderer, Outland Colossus and Woodland Bellower + Planeswalkers. I make a mistake killing the Bellower and not the Advocate it brings in (was hoping a Fatal Push would show up for that), cause then my Seer is stuck at home to the vigilance, and a Chandra's Ignition on a large Shambling Vent rudely extinguishes all hope.

7. ‎WIN vs RDW fat stack. War of the mana screw. I can't find black past the first Hub for the life of me, and they just spend the whole match with two mountains. They do remarkably well for that, with a Copter and Throne and Flameblade Adept and a well timed twin bolt to knock out both Chandra and Siphoner. But eventually I find a fifth land for Glorybringer followed by Smasher.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:12 pm 
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Have a good weekend and I wish you all that the moralistic fat bastard didint hurt much your wallets.

When I read this I immediately thought of a very famous “larger than life” figure with a penchant for red and white hats. I was like: “Fat? Yeah... Bastard? Most definitely! Moralistic? Su- wait, wha?”. Then it occured to me that you were talking about someone else. (I’m not joking!)

@Barney: No sweat. I’ll email them soonish.

The greatest blessings in life are the hardest ones to lose. Godspeed little girl. We miss you.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 7:10 am 
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Cucho's Rakdrazi Stamina goes 6-1, mostly overcoming a whole raft of Superfriends and showing remarkable resilience along the way. It's got a really nice curve and the hasty top end is great at winning games. The only downside is that curve can fight with the SNS; I ended up never playing Garrison despite multiple chances, cause my other 3 drops offered immediate benefits even if they met removal, and by the time I was ready to drop Garrison with protection I was on to the next point in the curve. I'd prefer to cut the Garrison for Bomat or Dread Wanderer, to open up the curve a little and focus on using Stamina more aggressively.
Not totally sure about the mana either, my thought is a tap land, a Rogue's Passage and the fourth Wilds over the Vestiges; I had more trouble missing colors (especially doubles) than finding colorless.
Strong build Cucho! I think this is the one to beat.

Nice run Nomad!
I agree with you coz I have been on the same spot with the Garrison... -holding it a lot and sometimes even feeding it to the copter- On a second look I think Ahn Crop could work better here.
I must confess that I were really lazy on the mana and did not do any math... It definitively could improve, I guess I will make the changes and fix the mana on my copy of the deck!
Thanks for the input buddy! :D

Flaky: LOL!


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 9:05 am 
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I don’t know what’s happening on Xbox One lately but games are tougher. Tons of people are playing Izzet Mill and Izzet Control are everywhere. Ugh

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