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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:45 pm 
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T3 against white is always tough cuz it’s the big debate if you should hold up Remi Balfour his t4 and the dreaded Angelic Destiny

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:13 pm 
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Its just one of those cards, that if unanswered will just run away with the game...

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:13 pm 
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Exactly. Like Sly Requisitioner

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:20 pm 
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Haven's Elbriardraziramp goes 6-1 too. I've got some competition! Though I maybe had some help from the AI for that record here, but also some really good tight games. Luxa, Procession and Priest were all key (oh yeah, the actual game winning bombs were pretty good too I guess), but I really wouldn't have minded a little more removal between a Warping Wail and Ulamog. Kind of a big gap there. Flyers are still big trouble, so pray for Wurms!

1. Win vs Mardu Vehicles. This is exactly where lifegain is so critical. Opp comes out with a pack of artificers (luckily no vehicles yet) and a couple removal spells. I'm playing blockers as fast as I can (holding a Luxa and Convergence I don't even have time to cast) and I'm still down to 3, so any Disintegration or Ribbons could just kill me. But then I pop a priest out of the GY and start to tick back up. Play Bounty which draws me a Drowner just in time to trade with a Cruiser, then it's Wurm Time.
2. ‎ Lose vs White Weenie. Double Tracker is absolutely no use against Angelic Destiny. I mean, that card does a pretty good job wrecking all these decks, but this one in particular doesn't have any early answers to it.
3. ‎Win vs Rakdos SnS. Their mana isn't working for them; the only cards I see them play are an aristocrat via the world's saddest Kari Zev's Expertise, stealing my Blisterpod and hoping I block it to give them the Scion. I finish the game at 19.
4. ‎Win vs Abzan Foggy Enchantment Token Fat Stack. Slow start with tap lands, but against this jank it doesn't matter much. They Cast Out Procession instead of Luxa, so next turn is Ulamog time. They have Fogs and lifegain so it just mills them instead, and they haven't fully commited to the way of the fat stack so they don't even get an extra turn out of their deck. Amateur.
5. ‎Win vs Orzhov Lifelink. Noooooooo! Opponent, what are you doing, dummy? You have me down to 4 life, you have a Gisela and a flipped flying Lone Rider, I'm tapped out and my only flyer is Ormendahl. I know he's big and scary but first strike, dude, first strike! It strikes first, it's in the freaking name! You win! Just attack! What?! No, with your flyers, not with your Gifted Aetherborn, dummy! Ormendahl's indestructible! You can't destroy him with deathtouch! C'mon man, read the card! Now I have all this life again, and you worked so hard to take it from me, and you just lost the one guy that was keeping my giant Briar from attacking! And now I'm gonna have to go play a Convergence with my Procession out, and then a Decimator and attack you for like 70! Aarrgh, I'm so frustrated for you!
6. ‎Win vs Gruul Energy. After beating me nearly senseless with a Harvester, building as wide as I am with Nissa Voice and adding a Glorybringer, Opp goes offline to finish the job, and the AI promptly **** the bed. I've got Mysteries and Procession out, but not a ton of land to really get an engine going. A well timed priest and a lot of very careful counting, with the help of that one Wail and one turn of lockdown from Tamiyo, keep me alive until I can go fatal with Decimator in a single turn. I'd say anyone with a brain beats me here, but then I recall the last match so hey, anything is possible!
7. ‎Win vs Mono Blue Control. AI is running this whole game which isn't quite fair, cause it does things like main phase draw spells and tapping out to play Guardians of Tazeem. I get Procession and Luxa, but it's still really close, especially when they Memory their way into double Guardians and my main insurance plan (Priest) goes Horribly Awry. Why couldn't you just use a broken concentration like a normal person?! I get off a Drowner instead and start just trying to slow them down till I can find an answer, while they keep my Drowner and Briar tapped down on their side. Eventually they tap out to main phase Pull From Tomorrow and drop that dumb blue tap land that only targets Drowner instead of both, I tap one Guardian and the other takes me to 4. My turn I sac everything I've got except Briar to flip Ormendahl, and the pair of them take Opp exactly to 0. My disappointment in AI's crappy play is somewhat mitigated by the surprisingly uncommon Briar win. Well done, planty.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:25 am 
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Silly me, I missed an opportunity for a pretty simple infinte combo... Just add Eldrazi Displacer. With a Procession in play, displacing an Eyeless Watcher or drowner nets 4 Scions, from there its pretty simple...

Infinite mana, mega-colossal-huge briar, infinte life with the priests... That's what I'd call breaking a card...

My suggestion would be cutting the Mysteries and the Guardian.

Sweet run btw nomad, albeit somewhat lucky by the look of things...

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:48 pm 
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Cucho's Sac Your Tokens! Only manages 2-5. There were some really tough matches and good fun play in there, but also some awful mana problems and issues with win cons. This one feels like a hybrid of DCG's and Haven's decks, in a way, combining the removal package and stockpiles of TD&M and the priests of ELBDZRamp in a way that I thought was going to make it stronger than either. The problem is it didn't have enough going on at the top end; Caracal and Unity are fine, but don't always have a huge game changing impact when they come down. A couple more traditional power cards might just be better than running all four of them.

1. Win vs 4c Superfriends. They go AI before the game even opens. Why doesn't anyone want to play me? I don't know what they have in hand, cause all they play is land, 2 cultivators caravan, a fragmentize on a copter, and a big Nissa I immediately unmake. My hand's pretty crap too, but I'm basically goldfishing with Priest, Yahenni and a Harvester.
2. ‎Win vs Temur Turbofog. Another crap hand for them, they stall at 2 land for a couple turns, with just two jaddi offshoots that can't hold back Ayli, and they lose one of those to Briar with a Sacred Cat sac as a combat trick. They get their third land and Tutelage, fog a couple times while I resolve a Procession and Gideon, then they tap out to play Luxa and I push the last offshoot and swing fatal.
3. ‎Lose vs Jund good stuff. Oof. Their Yahenni takes this game, once they play mindbender to pull the unmaking out of my hand. I have briar, double stockpile, priest and Ayli, so I try to start building toward 30 life to get Ayli's removal running while getting briar bigger than the mindbender, but that also grows their Yahenni, and once it's big enough they play Yahenni's Expertise along with a Rec Sage to wipe me out, and follow that with a Noxious Gearhulk for my briar the next turn. I guess the moral here is always kill Yahenni immediately. Given those last three cards though I'm not sure how I survive this one regardless.
4. ‎Lose vs Black Aggro. I was a little worried when I saw the mana base on this one, and it wrecked me here. Mulligan once with both abbeys and a forest to power gold cards and white 5 drops. Mulligan again with two Hubs for land. Hold at 6 with a Plains and a Wilds, hope for more, don't get it, die with two useless stockpiles on the board.
5. ‎Lose vs 4c good stuff. Tracker and Gitrog make a really good team. I've got a briar I'm growing too, and a Harvester that takes out Nissa Voice, along with both Unity and a second stockpile in hand, but they're drawing four cards per turn, and when they kill Briar and play Avacyn I have to deviate from my best line and get both Unities out before the second stockpile so my board can survive an avacyn flip. That leaves me short on blockers, so I let the tracker through and kill Gitrog, and it doesn't matter anyway cause they launch a huge Chandra's Ignition to kill me.
6. ‎Lose vs Azorius Humans. Yuck, land again. Mulligan once, keep plains-hub-abbey with a priest, briar, stockpile and caracal, so I just need some other land by T4 and we should be okay. I get a land! It's the other abbey! I lose to a full board on the other side, but in particular Angelic Destiny, with an uncastable Unmaking in my hand.
7. ‎Lose vs Boros Vehicles. Just overpowered here. On the draw and it's not a bad one, with good mana and curving Priest to Briar, with Procession and double Push in hand. But Opp plays Chandra and kills Briar with it, leaving a motorist and harvester back on defense. I top a cat, play it and attack Chandra with the priest. When they crew harvester, I push my cat to enable Revolt, push the Harvester and the Priest kills Chandra. And I have about 10 seconds to celebrate cause next they play Gideon, and a copter the turn after that. Shoooooot. Get the Procession down, bring back the cats, lose the priest and bring back double Priest tokens, find a Unity and stabilize at 2, where each turn I can create a doubled abbey token, go to one, gain 4 off the priests, chump Gideon with a token, take 3 from the copter to end up back at 2, attack Gideon with the other token to either knock it down or enable unity's revolt. And that kinda works, at least until unity gets 2 counters and they Dawn away my entire board.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:33 pm 
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Don’t worry Cucho, I’ll make that pile sing.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:24 pm 
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I’ll email you the lists tonight or tomorrow sometime, Barney.

Nomad, I’m enjoying your game logs. Which platform are you on, Steam or iOS?

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:01 pm 
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Thanks Flaky! I'm on iOS.

I got in a couple matches with yours vs AI earlier, I'll start it on the ladder tonight. It's up to you to get me back up to 40!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:02 pm 
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Don’t worry Cucho, I’ll make that pile sing.

As long as its not "another one bites the dust"...

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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Last edited by Haven_pt on Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:02 pm 
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No rush Flaky, I can’t print until Monday anyway. Can’t wait to play them

And to read soups comments

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:00 pm 
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Ruh roh Flaky, already down 0-1, and the land is at fault. I think the flaw in your reasoning is that while everything's < 4cmc, you don't have any threats below 3 except Scrounger. You're going to be spending some games just sitting behind a useless Druid while your opponent happily curves out and leaves you helplessly behind.

You can still turn it around though! Just have to go 6-0 from here, I believe in you!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:19 pm 
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I think the flaw is Flaky

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:45 pm 
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Psh. Don’t blame my deck for your terrible topdecking skills. Anyone who can’t milk a win from a Primal Druid and 2 Swamps should stick to Hearthstone.

edit: or play on XBox

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 5:25 am 
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Psh. Don’t blame my deck for your terrible topdecking skills. Anyone who can’t milk a win from a Primal Druid and 2 Swamps should stick to Hearthstone.

edit: or play on XBox

I know its off-topic, but I've been playing a bit of elder-scrolls legends (mainly because I can play it on my android phone) and the fact that you never get mana-screwed is refreshing. But far from me to suggest the few of us that still play Duels to stop playing Duels, but legends is a nice change of pace.

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:07 pm 
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S12 of DiabloIII just started so I'm splitting my time with that till I finish the season journey.

Barney I sent the lists. If you don't see them in your inbox you might want to check the spam folder.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:13 pm 
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Btw the best way to get caught by spam filter is EMMA WATSON TOPLESS


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:46 am 
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You almost did it Flaky! Blood4poppies goes 5-2, only ended up losing that first game to ridiculous land issues. The connoisseurs and Yahenni along with all the combat tricks make this really hard for opponents to interact with, and the enchantments make it not even matter when they do. Had a good long game in the middle of the set against mono black where they just couldn't shut me down.

1. Lose vs Izzet Burn. I start slow and stick at two lands, have to go T2 Druid, T3 Leap, T4 Sac and T5 I can finally start playing my 3cmc creatures. Meanwhile they already have one Fevered Visions, get the second a couple turns later and burn off my creature threats faster than I can grow them or cast more. An eventual Dynavolt Tower seals the deal.
2. ‎Win vs Azorius Spirits. More like it. Snake, Mysteries, a little Ballista to slow down their early bounce / River Marshall nonsense, then it's double briar + connoisseur time. I love how a simple little Blisterpod under these conditions turns into 22 +1/+1 counters while drawing me a card for 2.
3. ‎Win vs Golgari -1/-1 Counters. They take their time setting up a double nest of scarabs, so I get ready with Leap, Nissa, Briar, Snake. Knock off half their life in one attack, then they play Belcher and chump with the tokens, Soulstinger and try to take out one of mine when that dies, but even if I hadn't had Blossoming Defense there I could have just Leaped it. Then they're out of token chumps and they die. I was a little worried they were going to do more this match - -1/-1 counters are Snake Kryptonite.
4. ‎Win vs Mono Black Midrange. I'm going aggro mode. That means Blisterpod Scrounger. But Scrounger gets Pushed so aggro mode lasts all of 2 turns and I'm back into hope they kill my Druid so I can have a Swamp mode. Luckily they comply and attack into it with a Gifted Aetherborn. Then they have Erebos's Titan, so I have to make sure I bring my Scrounger back before hitting that with a fatal push, and we're suddenly in the middle of Yahenni vs Yahenni battle, so things get a little messy. It ends with mutually assured Yahenni destruction, and only my Destined Scrounger and a Scion rise from the rubble. They're soon joined by my Ballista, but only until a Gilt-Leaf Winnower kicks scroungy back into the yard. I grow my Ballista to take that out, then another lonely Yahenni a couple turns later. I'm picking away at them with the small Ballista and a Connoisseur, playing conservatively to keep a Leap open. They try to Noxious Gearhulk Ballista so I unload and Leap it, get a Tracker, then next turn that gets Destined to kill the Hulk. I get a Mysteries out, then Briar, and then when they Gravedigger their Gearhulk they make me sac Tracker. Wrong Move! Briar gets a Lead, attacks, sac clue x2 sac token x2 board clear achievement unlocked! Opp does a desperate double Read the Bones, finds Ob Nixi and makes me sac Briar. I run them over with my Connoisseur instead. That's a satisfying match.
5. ‎Lose vs White Weenie. Anointer to Glory-Bound Initiate to Lone Rider to Lone Rider, with a side of Dec Stone and Reprisal? Yeah, I can't beat that without some sort of trick, even with my double snake double briar, and I have no removal in this hand.
6. ‎Win vs Temur WTF? I have no idea what's going on with this deck. Opp plays nothing but spot removal the first 6 turns, which I'm fine with cause my first three plays are Druid, Mysteries & Leap, so you can just Harnessed Lightning the whole world, sir. Then they Memory, which is exactly when my kid wakes up so I have to disconnect, and when I return the AI plays out Chandra and Simic Nissa (I kill them both), followed by Mina and Denn & Glorybringer? I kept mana open, so a Destined keeps Glorybringer off my Tracker, then I push M&D and win the next turn. I'm so curious about what was in their hand before the Memory- I spent the first half thinking I was playing some sort of Temur control, or Turbofog looking for a Tutelage.
7. ‎Win vs some sort of Temur control, or Turbofog looking for a Tutelage. Okay, this was definitely a different player though. I keep a 4 lander with snake, blossoming defense and destined, hope to draw into other creatures, draw into more land instead. So they really help me out when they point a collective Defiance at the constrictor (saved with the defense) and have me draw a new hand for some reason. No leap or Mysteries this time, but Briar and Yahenni together make things difficult for their removal, their Brain in a Jar doesn't do anything catastrophic and they run out of Fogs with no Tutelage in sight.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:22 am 
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Arrogant Gardener

AI Hard 1 - Victory! Excited to play this one. Got the Bloodbriar out on T4, immediately got pumped up to 4/5 thanks to a scion and a clue, promptly Memory’d on the opponent’s turn. Ormendahl, Prince of Profanity was obscenely easy to get out and made short work of my opponent.

-A couple of bogus rounds here; I got a mana flood of ridiculous proportions followed by a round where I sacrificed a Recreational Sage to the Evil Leap, revealing a Bloodbriar and the goddamn game locked up.-

AI Hard 2 - Victory! Okay, so that glitched game above reloaded when I restarted Duels. The computer ignored my block wherein I sacrificed the Sage, but it didn’t matter. I won. No amount of cheating will change that, iPad. Now, if you’ll excuse me, that commercial with all the girls showing off their armpits is on and I need some time to myself

-Computer got a mana screw. Only 2 lands for most of the game. Not a fair test of the deck. Guess I must have a case of glitchburgers. That’s totally a real saying, right?

AI Hard 3 - Victory! Hey, guess what, AI! Maybe when I have a poop tonne of token humans, just maybe I don’t need to tap Westvale Abbey to throw down a Bloodbriar!

Eldrazi/Bloodbriar Ramp

AI Hard 1 - Victory! A bit of a slow start, but between the Anointed Procession, two Anointer Priests and all the token makers I had, by the time Ormendahl and the Decimator of the Province de Quebec came out, it was a comically one-sided victory. From being at 3 life, I finished at 88 to -109.

AI Hard 2 - Loser! It started going bad when the AI got out the Gloryholer, but got worse when I was forced to discard Ulamog. After that, I just tried to keep my head above water, but it was fruitless. Yes, I had no fruit in this battle.

AI Hard 3 - Victory! Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. Once again, Ormendahl, prince of Profanity comes to the rescue. No real threat and the Bloodbriar was basically an afterthought this round.

Tall, Dork, and Morbidly Obese and a Side-eye at DCG

AI Hard 1 - Victory! A bit of a token race against a Jeskai... thing. In the end, sheer numbers and a giant Bloodbriar and Tireless Tracker put me over the edge with 2 lifes to spare.

AI Hard 2 - Victory! I felt in control the whole time, like DCG was trying to make up for the last contest. This was satisfactory. You hear that, DCG? You have satisfied me!

AI Hard 3 - Victory! What a landslide! My Bloodbriars were 24/25, 26/27, and 28/29 alongside some mid-teens Trackers, a 17/17 Beast from Oviya... there was no contest.

Toke Your Sackins

AI Hard 1 - Victory! So many cats! Annoying Procession a Regal Caracal, some of those life-sucking cats... my allergies were starting to act up before Ormendahl took care of the whole litter, with a Bloodbriar sidekick.

AI Hard 2 - Victory! Hahahahaha! Wha-? Wha-hahahahahaaaaaaa! 316 to -374!!! Aaaah-hahahahahaaa! I durdled only a bit, but Call for Unity, two Stockpiles, six Anointer Priests, a poop-tonne of cats and so damn many servos, not to mention Bloodbriars, Tireless Trackers, and assorted others.

AI Hard 3 - Victory! T6 Ormendahl equals no contest, murrfurrger! I begin to see a pattern that Westvale Abbey seems to be one of the most important cards in all of these decks.

Blood 4 Papa

AI Hard 1 - Victory! At this rate, I’m starting to think everyone was complaining about the Bloodbriar being a bad card for no reason. Realistically, it’s no worse than a Tireless Tracker, except that it doesn’t generate its own saccable permanents. This contest is rigged!

AI Hard 2 -Victory! Blisterpods really get this deck rolling if you drop them and a Bloodbriar in the first few turns.

AI Hard 3 - Victory! Yahenni does his thang. Bloodflow Connoisseur does her thang. In a field of token men and Scroungers, sometimes all it takes is a couple of vampires and a whole lot of determination.

So, this is it for the AI rounds. Shortly, I shall begin to wreck myself on the ladder. From there, I will rank the decks with the following point system

Best to worst: 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 points.

In a sense, every deck is a winner, because you’ve all risen to the challenge, and dared to break a mediocre card. But in another sense, one of you is the biggest loser in this contest and it is the winner’s right to be ridicule you for your abject failure.

Sshhh! I'm two goblins in a trenchcoat!

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:16 am 
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Yes, there will definitely be a loser

Good point system

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