Still playing Eredin, although I've swapped to the Harpy variant. It's my opinion that as long as the deck doesn't kill itself to mulligans + opponent isn't running bronze single-row weather clear, it's superior to the Iris variant. But the Iris variant is more resilient to hate. I've been meaning to learn a new deck for a while but never got into it. Been looking at Francesca, since after all mulligans are really bad with Harpy Eredin, but the leader appears quite bad right now.
Mill continues to boggle my mind. It used to be that Emyr was always mill, but now Emyr is mostly spies. Meanwhile I've actually run into Morvahn mill, of all things. But the matchup is still rare and I'm not sure how to best approach it other than to mulligan a good bronze unit in round 3. Is it OK to lose round 1? Should I go for 2-0 or drypass round 2 as usual? Surprised you say it's powerful as well. My feeling is that it's very underpowered unless the opponent does a lot of the thinning for you.
A well timed Sweers can break decks. Most decks thin like crazy no matter what, so they don't some quick adjust options for mill.
Sweers is so hit-or-miss though. Like, opponent goes first and plays Celeano Harpy. Do you Sweers that? He might have WH Hound. He might be holding another copy of Harpy. He might even have all three copies. And even if you get both cards, Sweers is only 7 strength. Most decks do thin like crazy but once they identify they're playing against mill they ought to cut back on the thinning as well.
I just reached rank 20 on the ladder. I didn't think I was going to get there, usually I'm happy with 4000 MMR, but casual mode queue times are easily >3 minutes while ranked mode takes less than 15 seconds. Where'd all the casual mode players go?
It's hard for them to cut back on thinning when cards that dig cards are the basis of their power plays. Vs. monsters, I have no problem going for Harpy or Drowner, since they are such power plays that even hitting one is a massive win. Obviously the ideal target is Nekker, but Eredin decks don't usually use that card.
And I think you might have a stilted view, because Eredin is probably Mill's hardest matchup, especially if they have Summoning Pit or Caretaker to get Assire to stick their big cards back into their deck.
But Hounds mill you. Pulling your own Harpy and/or Foglet mills you. Avoiding milling yourself just to hardcast weather, Foglet, or Harpy sucks. So mill still has ways to really devalue your plays.