I can't bring myself to play discard. While Dagon possesses a power level other decks just don't reach at least there is variation in play with plenty of tech choices. And despite popular opinion saying it's easy to play (which is true) it's harder than is imagined to master (still not particularly difficult). My moves aren't mapped out, whereas Longship, Longship, Bran, rest of discard, res Skirmisher play Pirates is all discard does 99% of the time. The deck is the most autopilot pile around with little in the way of tech or thought to put in the deck.
It's one of the reasons I might stay with my Dagon build for the final grind rather than switch is because it doesn't fear discard. I wonder what weaknesses I introduce to Eithne if I tech for discard...
Talk about "easy to play, hard to master"? That definitely fits Skellige as well. Yes, your general strategy is linear and easy enough to pick up; and I expect everyone knows to play Ships>Bran>Pirate(>Ermion) in R1.
The devil is in the details. There are also a bunch of decisions to be made; and while most of them revolve around very basic principles (like passing, card advantage, bleeding, keeping track of what is in your/your opponents's yard/deck/hand), they are possibly more crucial than in any other deck.
What do you do in different match-ups (yes, there are grave differences)? How do you avoid catastrophies if your starting hand is bad (in fact, the mulligans are not always straightforward)? When is it correct to pass round 1? How do you manage your resurrections for Cerys? The deck has very, very much micromanagement involved; more than meets the eye when playing against it.
I'm in agreement with this but I'm a bit biased. I think the single biggest skill when playing with or against this deck is always having an eye on that Cerys timer and sequencing accordingly. There are a lot of cute Gremist plays to maximize Cerys value and discarding Priestesses to chain rez at a key moment is also quite elegant.
Seven free points on a gold body multiple times without spending a card is the real power of the deck.
And Coral, don't forget Coral.
The mulligan for this deck can also be quite punishing if you're not used to playing it.
The deck is also light years better when it draws Ermion vs. when it doesn't so I've been playing Svanrige over Donar the entire time. There are games when not having a Donar is a liability but Svanrige is almost never bad and can be resurrected with Sigrdrifa. One of the biggest problems with the deck is getting those Raiders stranded in hand with no way to discard them. Mini-Ermion helps with that and also helps to find his big gold brother.