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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:08 pm 
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There used to be a period on here, mon cher, wherein the terms BounceBurnBuff & Gaea's Revenge didn't need explanation when used in conjunction.

Yeah, thanks for thé welcome, I felt the game was still worth reinstalling, couldn't resist sharing at least one list in an archetype which still seems without consensus on the 'best' version.

If the one essence scatter confuses, my suggestions would include baby nissa, another rogue refiner,or a gift of paradise/Spring//mind in its stead. (Its probably an improvement to make such a swap becuase the deck is a bit low on 3s ,tireless tracker ideally being a split play on the fifth landdrop.)

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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:31 pm 
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i've decided that my favorite Tireless Tracker decks are the ones that have 1-drops, because i love playing T4 tracker, land drop, then a 1-drop. EFFICIENT

glad you're back! Yeah, I figured it was B3, but I couldn't match it with a shut-the-front-door. If you had put STFU BBB, i think i would have known what you meant. awesome deck title either way.

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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:46 pm 
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Yep, Tracker into a one is a great way for an agressive deck to refuel but it is still a must run in slower builds imho. Refiner or pilgrimage are way better threes here,so to some very afraid of aggro it might look like you could even cut em entirely from the concept !
Me,I give the respect control and grindy midrange are due and in that frame of mind tracker is a beast :it is a great 5 allowing you to play a must kill threat whilst holding up protection and carddraw on t4 if you pilgrimaged on t3. Pilgrimage and the cycling+carddraw all but guarantee you to drop it later up the curve with immediate effect. Tbh Id rank the tracker in my top ten of duels cards, still.

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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:51 pm 
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yeah, if you've ever been on the receiving end of an unchecked Tracker, you know that thing is BONKERS. It is a removal-magnet for a reason, and if you don't get rid of it fast, you're in a huge amount of trouble. insane value for 3 mana. not the best t3-drop but is still great if it hangs around. I love how much it gets out of Evolving Wilds too.

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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:29 pm 
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I'll tell you one thing about the list : Cathartic based green hates to face 6 Mind twist type of effects on all points of its curve :D


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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:54 am 
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[url=/viewtopic.php?p=576713#p576713]Goblin Rabblemaster[/url] wrote:
I'll tell you one thing about the list : Cathartic based green hates to face 6 Mind twist type of effects on all points of its curve :D


When I play a cathartic deck I love I fear blue decks more than anything. Unsubing a Cathartic is sooo dirty.

You're wondering what they are holding :1::u: for then..

The Last Fight Club Champion
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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:05 am 
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[url=/viewtopic.php?p=576661#p576661]Goblin Rabblemaster[/url] wrote:
So, since we have a final cardpool, I think it's fair to suggest some fundamental things about the environment, and their implications for Simic ramp:

1. Removal is very efficient, and the presence of totally OP agressive 2 drops in the format puts an immense pressure on people to play a large amount of this early game removal.

Hence, a gameplan centered around 2 mana ramp dorks is flawed. the Ramp strategy cannot do the classic 2 > 4 > 6 curve.

This is sooo true. I couldn't get a ramp deck to work consistently because it seems every other game the turn 2 dork I dropped would get bolted and the opponent would double spell a cheap creature to add a little salt. That or they would drop all those efficient aggro pieces that required you to stop ramping and answer them or die. Honestly I gave up on dork ramp and ramp in general for those reasons. I prefer to reach higher curve drops by stalling the game with an abundance of answers and hopefully making consistent land drops... aka a control deck.

I'll give your deck a spin rabble. In the next couple days I will be dropping a couple deck lists in a new thread that I have been working on. I just can't seem to get it just right but I feel it's close.

The Last Fight Club Champion
"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever."
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 Post subject: Re: [BREWING] Simic Ramp
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:25 pm 
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So, since we have a final cardpool, I think it's fair to suggest some fundamental things about the environment, and their implications for Simic ramp:

1. Removal is very efficient, and the presence of totally OP agressive 2 drops in the format puts an immense pressure on people to play a large amount of this early game removal.

Hence, a gameplan centered around 2 mana ramp dorks is flawed. the Ramp strategy cannot do the classic 2 > 4 > 6 curve.

2. As stated before, the agressive drops in duels are very good, you can't afford to be too fancy, especially in a color pair like U/G, which traditionally likes to go over the top massively. There just isn't enough consistency to get there in the face of the average agressive deck. Believe me I've tried... playing with fogs, multiple titans, zombie waterfalls, endless bounce cycles etc etc. It's just not good enough.

Hence, early interaction is a must.

3. Conrol is very strong as well, one has to play threats that are good vs control if you hope to 'own' the lategame.

Hence, threat selection is paramount, foregoing too splashy effects, but rather concentrating on things that are hard to 1 for 1 and/or have massive ETB impact.

Here is a simic list that was constructed by these tenets:


2 x Walking Ballista
2 x Sylvan Advocate
3 x Censor
1 x Essence Scatter
3 x Unsubstantiate

1 x Reclamation Sage
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Rogue Refiner
4 x Nissa's Pilgrimage

2 x Bounty of the Luxa
2 x Glimmer of Genius
2 x Commit // Memory

1 x Nissa, Vital Force
2 x Baral's Expertise
1 x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

1 x Woodland Bellower
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Part the Waterveil

2 x Gaea's Revenge

1 x Ulamog, the Ceaseless hunger

3 x Skyline Cascade
5 x Island
9 x Forest
2 x Lumbering Falls
2 x Hinterland Harbor
3 x Evolving Wilds

If your meta sees very little blue control, Replace the Gaea's Revenges with Sandwurm Convergence. Skyship could be big jace, but I like the etb 3 damage and the fast clock it represents in steam's environment.
Glimmer of Genius is chosen over Pull from tomorrow because pull needs to be a 6 drop for it to get better than glimmer, and glimmer can be cast of baral's, if your meta is hyper agressive, consider going down another step and playing Hieroglyphic illumination instead.
The 1 of essence scatter could be anything really... but i'd advocate a defensive card or baby nissa.
In a world where we'd have sideboards, Confiscation Coup should be perfect in them. But if you just want to have fun, the t3 pilgrimage into t4 coup your whatever should be very good in many matchups :)

This is a fun deck. You can stall out quickly if no ramp and not enough threats. I made just a few changes:

[deck]-2 Walking Ballista
-1 Unsubstantiate
-1 Essence Scatter
-2 Gaea's Revenge
-1 Part the Waterveil
-1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

+3 Jaddi Offshoot
+2 Scatter to the Winds
+1 Big Jace
+2 Sandwurm Convergence

Walking Ballista is great late game as a win con and removal, but you have to survive the early game against aggro. Jaddi fills that role nicely. Lifegain and can block the early 1/x and 2/x's.

Sandwurm Convergence is an awesome finisher. Most of the time you will have played Bounty of the Luxa first and it will eat the enchant hate.

I like playing the early counters, but having Scatter is helpful as a late game hard counter and can make a pretty big Lumbering Falls with Sylvan Advocate.

Big Jace over Skysovereign is just a choice. I like card advantage.

Quarterfinal Match

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