I made a duels deck that was quite popular here; one of the first Bant Tempo lists before Bant Tempo was really a thing. My philosophy for the idea was to squeeze every scrap out value out of the deck by assessing each card, giving an admittedly arbitrary value and competing cards for the slot had to beat that value to make the deck. Interactions and synchronicity were a consideration (mainly because Essence Flux was a 10/10 for value so ETB cards gained a higher rating), but a secondary one.
Given that tempo is even more important in Gwent I want to use the same approach to build a new deck. Obviously there are decks like NR muster that generate massive tempo, but those are based on a mechanic, not single card value.
So, does anyone have any thoughts? What leader should I use, any cards that you think are an auto include?
Hm. This task is quite difficult I think; mostly because pretty much everything in Gwent thrives on synergy.
Take the leaders for example. The most powerful leader, not taking any interactions into consideration, is Foltest (always worth upwards of 15 power throughout a game); however even with very little synergy in the deck most other leaders easily surpass Foltest's value (King Bran discarding Morkvarg/Raiders, Brouver Hogg tutoring up Cramer or another good Dwarf, ...).
I find the meta quite fun actually - many of my games I feel like I could've won if I'd just played better, although of course there's also the issue of running into dedicated hate cards (feels like everyone and their mothers have Lacerate now, not to mention stuff like Blue Stripes Scout, sometimes in multiples).
Same here; though Skellige Discard runs very few hate cards and is not as easy to hate out itself
Monsters do the best job at it, but the matchup is still very close to even (if not flat-out even) I think.