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Total votes : 5
Total voters : 5
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:21 pm 
YMtC Pro Tour Champion
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Found Here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=18548
If Accepted, this work will be public
This vote ONLY covers the actual story (first two posts). A separate vote will be held for the Planeswalker's guide at a later date (After its completion)

"Enjoy your screams, Sarpadia - they will soon be muffled beneath snow and ice."

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:24 am 
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Quite enjoyable, with nice details like Aria tailored clothes. I'd ask to correct that typo where the angels are called Sidera instead of Sidrea right at the ending, since at first I thought the angels were actually called Sidera and the world remembered their name wrong, and Aria calling them Sidrea again was weird, thus marring the flow of the story. (Selena misspells Ariva too, but that is understandable in-universe as it's a name she never heard before) There are also missing full stops and speech tags, but I get the feeling you don't care too much about those.

Globally, Yea.

Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) wrote:

Johann the Bard (The Adventure Zone) wrote:

To anybody reading this, including my future selves: have a good everything!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:15 pm 
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I'll primarily defer to my comments on the original thread, but the executive summary is that I'm a fan, and it's a "yea" from me.

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

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