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Which is the best lifegain decklist?
Poll ended at Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:50 am
The Kitchen Drain 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Life Comes At You Fast 50%  50%  [ 4 ]
Mono-black lifegain/lifeloss 13%  13%  [ 1 ]
Grim Nemesis 25%  25%  [ 2 ]
Monumental Life 13%  13%  [ 1 ]
Defiant Jank 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 8
Total voters : 5
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:29 am 
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Black Barney's The Kitchen Drain
Record: 5-2
Notes: for something that started as an exploration of just how many different elements I could stuff into a deck, I'm really happy with this. The core of Exemplar/Belcher provides frequent early threats that require a response, and there's a wide variety of midrange options to follow up with and a ton of synergy to make things interesting. Can get into trouble against really large threats, so maybe some more targeted removal would help, and reclamation sages would be really nice to have.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:36 am 
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Haven_pt wrote:
Sure, I can agree with that. I was gonna call it "once you go black, you never go back".

(note: I am drunk atm)

Haven you should always be drunk for the naming part
Far better results :D

I really should have name the deck "My huge black Croc", Barney would have loved saying he just beat Somebody with his huge black Croc.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:54 am 
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Whoops, accidental post. See below

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Last edited by Wintervoid on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:21 am 
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0% with Monumental Life sounds right

too bad too, cuz it's fun as balls, and using Trophy Mage was really fun, i was bouncing him back with the dwarf just to better thin my deck

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:28 am 
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Haven, that is an awesome name!

So, did each deck last night 3 games each. Here are the records, although TBH, I was less concerned about the record and more how they played.

The Kitchen Drain 1-2

This deck was decent. Fell to Mana Flood game 1. Solid deck, but lacking some consistency. I did win by Maw one game. :)

Life Comes At You Fast 3-0

This was the all star. Each game felt easy. Not a fan of the Warf Infiltrator or Temmet, but I could see that they come into their own vs some archtypes. Very Consistent

Mono-black lifegain/lifeloss 2-1

This was almost 1-2 strictly because one game I had to mulligan to 4. But, my opponent had mana issues and I top decked like a pro. Very consistent.

Grim Nemesis 2-1

This was a very solid deck. Pretty much was I was expecting when the tournament started.

Monumental Life 1-2

I lost to a fat stack first game, and it went downhill from there. (After I finished, I took it out again and went 5-0. It is at the end of the stream. 2-1 is where I would expect the deck to land normally)

Defiant Jank 1-2

By this time, I was pretty tired of playing and making mistakes, so I may have done a bit better with Mulligans etc. Still, it did better than I expected, with the win being a solid win, and one of the losses I may have been able to turn around if I made better decisions. Bloodlord won it the last game convincingly :) Although I didn't pull off, I love the Everafter w/ Bloodloard/Stomper.

Overall, all the decks can do well on the ladder. I think the best deck was Life Comes at you Fast, but I think all the decks are solid, and depending on match ups/luck/mana the balance of power could tip to the others.

I have it all on twitch, but over 3 hrs of game time (And you can see me start to fade after the first few hours.)

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:30 am 
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0% with Monumental Life sounds right

too bad too, cuz it's fun as balls, and using Trophy Mage was really fun, i was bouncing him back with the dwarf just to better thin my deck

It is the type of deck that is a bit slow, but when it goes off it is pretty impressive. I was 1-2 for testing, but 6-2 overall for the night.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:49 am 
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It was real fun to watch the trials live, thanks Wintervoid!
that topped deck tapped land was hilarious XD
so close!


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:11 pm 
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I built the lists last night but didn't end up with much time to play afterwords. I had caught some of Wintervoid's streaming earlier in the evening and thought Life Comes At You Fast looked fun so I played a couple games with it with the time I had left.

Test game vs AI was a win. Ended up getting land screwed and stuck on 2 mana, but had enough cheap spells to play out and buy time until I finally hit some land drops. Temmet with 3 cartouches stacked on him and and a token creature to make unblockable every turn pulled off the win (had other stuff on board too in the end, but those two doods did all the offensive work to win).

Game 1 on the ladder vs RDW: win. Opp on the play, cast T2 Mage Ring Bully, me T2 Lone Rider. T3 Opp fired off a Twin Bolt to kill Rider and deal 1 to my face, Bully hitting for another 3d. I cast Thalia T3. T4 Opp cast Kari Zev and a 3/1 pump spell on Bully, swinging for 6 - me down to 10. Me T4 cast Sram and a Sacred Cat (holding up W Trial and 2 cartouches to start chaining pumps and get some lifegain with the cat). T5 Opp casts another pump spell, this time on Karl, and swings with the team - I block Bully w/ Thalia and get the 1st strike kill, taking 6 and going to 4 life. Me T5 cast Trial pumping team, cast W Cartouche on Sram, draw another W Cartouche, bouncing Trial and swinging with the team, gaining 3 life with cat and taking Opp to 7. Opp untaps and plays haste Hellion (iirc, some creature that entered play tapped anyway), and passes turn. Me T6 recast Trial, blue Cartouche on Thalia, swing FTW. 1-0.

I'm enjoying this build. Will aim to play more tonight, stream and share vid tomorrow.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:42 pm 
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Wintervoid wrote:

Defiant Jank 1-2

By this time, I was pretty tired of playing and making mistakes, so I may have done a bit better with Mulligans etc. Still, it did better than I expected, with the win being a solid win, and one of the losses I may have been able to turn around if I made better decisions. Bloodlord won it the last game convincingly :) Although I didn't pull off, I love the Everafter w/ Bloodloard/Stomper.

Fun watching you stream last night with Cucho - just bummed I had to jet out just before you got to mine, lol.

I'm starting to watch the replay of my list. Just a bit into G1 but I left off at a point I think you made a mistake. Opp had cast T3 Caravan and you follow it by passing on casting GoP and instead holding up mana for Blessed Alliance in case Opp can cast a creature to crew Caravan. Not sure what happens next yet - if you get to pull off the trap or not, but I would have cast GoP instead that turn. You'd only end up at 18 life if opp is able to crew Caravan, but then have more options available the next turn with extra mana available. Since Opp might not even be able to cast a 3 power creature it's a big set back not getting that ramp in. Deck has a bunch of big lifegain plays, so developing board and getting mana to play out options later is most likely better than worrying about a potential Caravan swing when you're at starting total. But it's a tricky deck to play, especially for the first time. It reminds me of Inevitability in the amount of line options available and tough decision points (not saying it's near as good a deck, just option heavy like that). Wait until you get a game (if not already) where you have a bunch of mana and a decent board state with Bloodlord out and have to start doing combat math factoring in lifegain / loss - hope you have a clear head and a mind for math when that happens :party:

While you were streaming I popped in for a second to check status and caught a few plays from G2 (I believe). Looked like you were up against Mardu Vehicles (which is what G1 appears to be too). Pretty rough deck to face so not surprised you got 2 loses :party:

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:02 pm 
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It was fun against the AI though

Ok I just finished ONE game versus the AI with Tims deck. Man, it's so hard to play. Those GoPs are hell with the AI autotap. I was overwhelmed with options once I got 6 mana. I had a huge board and could snipe guys with Ayli or play greenwarden, or Sorin, it was nuts. My Kaliyah's was huge too. Ok time for a ladder match...

Omg what a match!! Against mono white who got a vigilant guy out with nimbus wings after getting a dec in stone on both my Advocates in one shot and on a Lone Rider after that. But our hero was unfazed and got out another line rider with GOP to flip. He's hitting me for eight in the air each turn but I'm playing pulses to get my rec sage back and eventually I hit my blood lord. Now he sees what's going on and he starts swinging with everything. I get down to 8 and then I get double bloodlird out with flipped Lone Rider which is more than enough. Scary match. 1-0!

OMG, my list survived round 1 w/ you! My pilot tips paid off! My life is complete now! :cloud9:

Lol, yeah this deck vs AI is nuts. AI is usually light on removal so you can get board states with insane amount of options. In testing I had several occasions where I'd have run out the timer vs a live opponent going through all the lines available.

The GoP autotap thing is super annoying, and IDK why it's like that. That's why I put that as the #1 Tip. I never played with the card before so was not expecting it (didn't even realize it was possible to tap enchanted land for 1 mana) when I started testing. I got screwed over so many times in early testing, caluculating mana available and casting a spell on my turn expecting to have 2 mana left for a Blessed Alliance trap, or 3 for Anguished Unmaking / Pulse on opps turn only to have game **** me by tapping GoP land for a single mana :ahem:

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

Yes I’m fine with killing women and children.

Last edited by The Secret of TIMH on Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:04 pm 
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Yeah, I was pretty mentally tired at that point, and the mistake I mention was not ramping. I was too focused on trying to use w/ Bloodlord. On the Caravan, Blessed did remove it the next turn if I remember right, but I think I had an opportunity to ramp after that and I didn't. Honestly, in that game, I am not sure it would have turned it around, but a mistake takes away that chance.

I tried a Bloodlord deck a few expansions ago, but gave up shortly. Your version is much better. Love the stompers in there.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:10 pm 
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Wintervoid wrote:
I tried a Bloodlord deck a few expansions ago, but gave up shortly. Your version is much better. Love the stompers in there.

Serious, I love that pairing. I wanted to go max copies because it's so good, but believe having 2 Caracals is important to clutter board and help keep me alive while getting combos ready - so I went 2 and 2 on those.

Adding in Ever After and Ayli were the two main late testing adds that got me comfortable submitting the Bloodlord build. It's a fun card, just tricky to build around being so expensive to cast.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:14 pm 
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that topped deck tapped land was hilarious XD
so close!

Omg that was so funny. Asked for a land desperately needed and topped it, just the wrong one :V

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:19 pm 
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that topped deck tapped land was hilarious XD
so close!

Omg that was so funny. Asked for a land desperately needed and topped it, just the wrong one :V

I knew it would be a tap land. It is like a sitcom....some gags you see coming from a mile away.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:54 pm 
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Wintervoid wrote:
Yeah, I was pretty mentally tired at that point, and the mistake I mention was not ramping. I was too focused on trying to use w/ Bloodlord. On the Caravan, Blessed did remove it the next turn if I remember right, but I think I had an opportunity to ramp after that and I didn't. Honestly, in that game, I am not sure it would have turned it around, but a mistake takes away that chance.

Finished watching the match. IDK if you could have pulled it off if played differently, as Opp had 1 card in hand at the end we didn't see - but def think you had a better chance if played differently. If you had cast GoP T3 you could have played Arborback Stomper T4 or held up mana for Blessed Alliance w/ escalate lifegain option. Later you wanted to hold up Anguished Unmaking to kill skyship, so you passed turn with 5 mana open - then you could have cast GoP targeting an untapped land and still had 3 mana available to cast Unmaking on opps turn. Not sure it would been enough to turn it around, but would have been closer at least. Downside of my list being last in OP order is you were tired and spent by the time you got to it and it's probably the list that requires the most pilot thought. :) Plus Mardu Vehicles is tough to face with any list.

Oy, watched G2 and I don't think you did anything wrong that game. I wouldn't have played it any different. Might have had a chance if you had drawn Yahenni's to cast T4, or if opp didn't have the UD in hand to kill Caracal and you T5. Honestly though, the fact both losses were to one of the strongest decks you can build in Duels makes me not feel bad about the record on the night.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 4:12 pm 
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Day 1.5 - Life Comes At You Fast G2-3, Mono Black Lifegain/Lifeloss G1-3, Monumental Lifegain G1
(Sorry no stream commentary, fam asleep quiet time)

Life Comes At You Fast = 2-0 (3-0 total)

Mono Black Lifegain/Lifeloss = 3-0

Monumental Lifegain = 1-0

Early thoughts on decks played:

Life Comes At You Fast. Deck seems solid and can get very quick wins. Fun aggressive build. It dabbles in several synergies rather than focusing on one, which made me think it might be a little off when reading deck list - but it works pretty well in practice. Watching Wintervoid play 3 with it and playing 3 myself, I think this is my early favorite for best (consistent, win effective) build.

Mono Black Lifegain/Lifeloss. This feels like a solid Midrange build. Good balance of removal and creatures. Play style preference makes me like LCAYF a little more so far, but this is still a good build imo.

Monumental Lifegain. I think this decks biggest problem is being so light on removal, and not really quick/aggressive enough to make the most of Reflector tempo disruption. That said it has some really cool combos it can pull off and I'm looking forward to hitting some of those Mechanic shenanigans in future games. Like my Bloodlord build I think this one will be shooting for Fun second votes rather than Best first votes.

Duels Decklists, updated 10/03/19

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:11 pm 
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My Life Comes At You Fast
Record: 6-1
Notes: Man, I really love this deck. The idea is to go fast and wide enough to put the Opp on the back foot, tricksy enough to push through the last few damage against midrange, with enough lifegain to out-race aggro and enough recursion to give control fits. It just works, and the fact that it does so without removal or even combat tricks just makes me a happy deckbuilder. I think I only flipped one Lone Rider across all 7 matches here and still came away with 6 wins; really the key card seems to be Trial of Solidarity as often as not.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:24 pm 
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I just got beat by my own deck!! LOL


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:30 am 
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Last night with Life Come at you Fast. Opening hand is 3 Land, Sram, Lone Rider, Harvester and Blue Cartouche.

I get off to a good start and flip the and have Cartouche on Sram. Drew some land and the White Cartouche.

Than I get Dusked. No problem, I have a Blue and White Cartouche by this time, and think I can recover when I draw a creature.

T1 w/o Creature - Draw 2nd White Cartouche
T2 Draw Blue Cartouche
T3 Draw Land
T4 Draw Trial
T5 Draw 3rd White Cartouche
T6 Draw 4th White Cartouche
T7 There was no T7

Wish I would have streamed it because it was fairly humorous. :P

Overall, deck is very good. Even got Infiltrator to work w/ Copter. I was even throwing Thalia to it just for the free tokens.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:43 pm 
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Let's start round two , five decks remain

Havens mono black gets a great win against Golgari counters 2-0

Kitchen drain up next...really tough win against mono red. Whew 2-0

Cucho grim Nemesis next...nice win against mono white 2-0

Defiant Junk up next...Easy win against Dimir with Corpse Hauler 2-0

Life cums at u fast last up!...great win against Radkos. Amazingly fun deck. 2-0

All decks survive round 2! Onto round 3... still five decks left...

Let's start with Defiant Junk...against a rank 40! I flip both line riders on t3 and he concedes! Lol 3-0

Kitchen drain next..up against something really tough, control. Pulled it off 3-0

Life cums fast next! Oh boy! Last match for against mono red who get a butted opening. T1 neonate, T2 Karl Zev, t3 invigor rampage. 9 damage immediately. Barney gets T2 Glory Bound Initate, t3 sandstone giving it exerted vigilante, getting a ton of life back and then dropping lone rider which flips immediately into a concession, lol. 3-0!

Two decks left to test round three another time. Probably tomorrow night

Thanks for reading :)

Last edited by Black Barney on Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:41 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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