Savage bear = frost
ekimara = scorch, igni, or just ignore it while I overpower it
Savage Bear takes four turns to die to Frost though, plenty of time for it to generate value against a deck that spams minions.
Ekimmara and similar units is something of a worry as well. They're often not very high power, and they come out late enough in the round to not be "tickable" with weather. On the bright side Monsters decks also carry over minions like crazy.
divinevert wrote:
Anyone who needs to rely on someone else's analysis to understand a game like Gwent is pretty sad.
Come on, people test in teams for Magic pro tours for a reason. I'll ask another question here to draw on others' expertise: what are typically the highest-power plays a faction can make in a single turn on a relatively empty board? Main thing I want to evaluate is whether I have enough of a lead to pass safely. I'm interested in anything greater than 13 power. What I know:
Monsters - crones is 20 power.
Monsters / consume - Vran Warrior eating an egg is 14 power. This is actually 13 power (11 power Warrior, 3 power harpy, -1 egg)
Unseen Elder - if it eats three eggs it's 29 power. Two eggs is still 21 power.
Monsters / Woodland Spirit - 16 power if foglets aren't already on the battlefield, and he has something to hit.
Nilfgaard / Morvran Voorhis - he can summon three Imperial Golems on play (6 power), plus however many Daerlan Foot Soldiers is mulliganed (typically around 2, or 8 power). Total: ~20 power.
Any faction - Witchers, 17 power, but rare. Foltest Witchers are 20 power.
Is there anything else?