Was tongue-in-cheek, Barney.
I didn't tout my record, I said my record is proof that utilizing card advantage is a successful strategy, because it is. Not necessarily the only one, but certainly successful.
For the record, Im skeptical 4 gold could beat 6 bronze in a well made deck, but you know that is literally the most extreme example possible. It's like saying one gold could beat 12 bronze weather cards. It's a closet case and seems practically irrelevant to me.
This seems like your argument against Triss to me where you start with the conclusion and work backwards. Yes, you can win with less cards if an impressive number of factors come true. That just means that card advantage is extremely important, just not automatic.
Like, I've lost with card advantage by accidentally scorching my own unit. But that was incompetence on my part and not some great play by my opponent.
I suspect four golds will have a good chance against six bronze cards. Take your deck. Pick any six bronze cards and go against these four golds: Eredin, Caranthir, Caretaker and Imlerith.
Of course card advantage is extremely important, but there's a limit to how important it is. You say Tibor isn't worth it at 23 power. What if it were 30 power? 40? 50?
Triss Butterfly still hasn't impressed me. I had one recent game where my opponent played Water Hag into Lacerate to draw the first round. He was probably feeling pretty good, since he had Triss Butterfly in hand and we both had like 7+ cards in round two, plenty of time for Triss Butterfly to generate value. I was feeling pretty good too, for the opposite reason: no Water Hag -> Clear Skies to worry about. Round two saw me coat my opponent's board with frost, and the 6 damage a turn totally overpowered Triss Butterfly. In fact even one frosted row would overpower Triss Butterfly. I admit though, this might be a natural advantage of weather decks vs. the card. Against a non-weather deck Triss Butterfly might boost the lowest card until it's tied with the next-lowest card, and then add two power a turn. Still, White Frost is a silver card while Triss Butterfly is gold - heck, Wild Hunt Hound is a bronze card while Triss Butterfly is gold. I'm not convinced.