Using GoG -> Jeydra
For some reason haven't been having that much trouble vs. Nekkers (possibly because my deck has multiple, possibly too many, ways to deal with large minions - Scorch + Fiend + Succubus). Swarm strategies are certainly strong however, and I'm using 3x Celeano Harpy + 3x Earth Elemental + 2x Thunderbolt Potions myself. I deal with them by frosting the relevant rows and drawing out the rounds as long as possible.
I also started running the crones again. After removing the Ogroids, turns out the mulligan issues are much more bearable.
Our decks sound pretty similar except for the gold slots.
Wise men think alike
Our silver slots are probably somewhat different as well, right now I'm using Water Hag, Fiend and White Frost (+ the 3 crones). For gold I'm using Triss Merigold, Succubus, Zoltan Animal Tamer and Imlerith - basically the best ones I have. I somewhat miss the Wild Hunt Warriors and Wyverns that I used to have, since the interaction is great; further Eredin into Navigator into Wild Hunt Warrior (successful trigger) is one of the highest-tempo plays around. But there were just too many games in which I didn't need to commit more to the board, and just wanted to carry over stuff. Celeano Harpy is really good. I used to think only consume decks played it, but now I'm running the full set myself.
In the lower ranks decks are really bad ... I prefer not to queue ranked until I have a good deck, but there are free kegs per level gained or something, so I've been gritting my teeth and playing anyway.
Totally would not mind playing against Joly's deck since Succubus is SO GOOD against Nekkers, not to mention Vran Warriors! Speaking of which, a question: is Vran Warrior bugged? In many of my games it eats a 1-power Harpy Egg, but ends up as an 11-power minion instead of 6-power.