I don't have to go very far to hit an off color icon. I think the
fallen angel is an extremely potent and resonant idea, but it sort of underlines something that bothers me.
Icons are so baked into their colors that it kills a HUGE amount of flavorful opportunity.
This line of thought all started with dragons. How could it not?
You see, dragons as the flying, fire breathing lizards are immediately recognizable. They resonate deeply and really deserve their iconic status.
But for the most part, mtg dragons
suck at capturing what we think of when it comes to dragons. They fly and breathe fire, but they utterly lack personality for the vast majority. There are, of course, a few exceptions, but we'll come back to that. Love or hate, Tokien's dragon has had an enormous effect on pop culture and the thought of dragons. Greedy, cunning, vainglorious beasts.
So why does Magic kinda fail to capitalize that resonance?
There are a few, like
slumbering dragon,
dragon egg, and legendary beasties such as
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius, but most of them don't have a brain in their head or a coin to their name. The vast majority just fly around and vomit up fire like some awful cross between a flamethrower and a scaly pigeon.
I'd love to see a mono black dragon that epitomizes greed or a gluttonous mono green dragon. And I got that in Tarkir. As bad as I found the story, oh those dragons scratched an itch I had. And hilariously, the red dragons were bad characters. Heck, they didn't even breathe fire.
But even beyond Tolkien, multi-hued elemental dragons have a big punch to them. DnD really dug into that, but we're still stuck, set after set, with dragons that really aren't that interesting. They're resonant, Wizards has really gotten that down, but they really lack something to them.
So, I'd be interested in seeing more off color iconics. Give me more fallen angels, give me sphinxes in mono white to remind us they're considered guardians of more than just riddles, give me some red or black hydra because that makes more sense anyway.
What icons do you guys want to see break the mold?